Category Archives: Federal

Let’s NOT Be Complacent

Tom DeWeese from American Policy Center reminds us:

There are thousands of non governmental organizations, planning groups and corrupt local officials who are securely planted in our city halls and state houses across the nation. They are determined to continue with Sustainable Development and Smart Growth reorganization of our communities.

These groups have money. They have political influence – many actually serve on county commissions, city councils and regional governments.

Even if Trump succeeds in reining in renegade federal agencies like HUD and EPA – the radical Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) like the Sierra Club, and the planning groups like the American Planning Association are still entrenched in local communities determined to enforce their plans to change our way of life.

Remember — Agenda 21 was created as a “comprehensive blueprint for the reorganization of human society!”

Their agenda calls for completely reorganizing our cities through programs designed to get us out of our cars, off of rural land and destroy private property rights and even eliminate single family homes – all under the excuse of environmental protection.

The United Nations is certainly not backing down as they face off against Donald Trump. And they are a major source of money and power for these NGO ground troops.

And the NGOs are also fueled by nearly unlimited funding from such private foundations as the Rockefellers, the Ford Foundation and the Environmental Grant Makers Association, to name just three out of thousands of such powerful sources of independent money. So even if the HUD and EPA federal grants are cut out in Washington, the attack will go on.

The UN intends to see Agenda 21 completed world wide by 2030.

Agenda 21, Smart Growth, Sustainable Development, Comprehensive Development Plans – all are based on restrictions on private property. And these programs cannot stand without that power to control all property.

Here is Tom’s plan of action:

First, I am creating a Property Rights Network — a coalition of organizations, activists, and elected officials who stand for and defend property rights. The Network will be an organizing force to unite our efforts and give our cause the punch it needs to be effective.

Second, APC is increasing its efforts to reach out to local officials to help train them in ways to fight back and restore local control in communities. We must teach them to stop taking grant money. I will be traveling to several states in the coming months to meet with local officials.

Third, I am updating and preparing new manuals and other tools to proved officials and local activists the tools they need to fight back.

Fourth, beginning in February, APC will again produce a series of Internet webinars featuring some of the nation’s top experts in the fight to stop Agenda 21 and protect property rights. These webinars have been hailed as effective tools to teach local activists the details they need to fight back.

Please CLICK HERE to support Tom’s efforts if you can.

Silvio Conte Looks to Massive Expansion

The Silvio Conte NATIONAL Wildlife Refuge system looks to make major expansion in Massachusetts and New Hampshire.

This could mean more land taken out of use, and some land taken from private ownership via eminent domain.

Another concern is that once lands have been deemed ‘national’, they may become ‘international’ world heritage sites, under control of the United Nations.

The philosphy of the World Heritage Site is summed up by the UN:

“What makes the concept of World Heritage exceptional is its universal application. World Heritage sites belong to all the peoples of the world, irrespective of the territory on which they are located.”

HADLEY — Under a new 15-year plan, the Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge aims to quintuple its protected land, adding another 197,337 acres in four states to help sustain wildlife habitat in a changing world.

The acreage would be procured by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and involve strategic, targeted acquisitions from willing landowners. The federal agency already owns about 37,000 acres in the Connecticut River watershed.

Silvio O. Conte National Wildlife Refuge eyes ‘landscape level preservation’ over next 15 years

Conspiracy Fact: The Urban Plan is Global

Getting One Step Closer to a Global Plan for Sustainable Urbanization

“We share a vision of cities for all, referring to the equal use and enjoyment of cities and human settlements, seeking to promote inclusivity and ensure that all inhabitants, of present and future generations, without discrimination of any kind, are able to inhabit and produce just, safe, healthy, accessible, affordable, resilient, and sustainable cities and human settlements, to foster prosperity and quality of life for all. We note the efforts of some national and local governments to enshrine this vision, referred to as right to the city, in their legislations, political declarations and charters.”

The words “human settlements” reeks of UN-speak. Since when did the UN become the overarching governing body of our country?

This is what your NH regional planners have in mind for you.

Read more…

Conspiracy Fact: They want to herd us all into cities


Another conspiracy ‘fact’ is that the regionalists/globalists want to herd us into cities. If they are successful, and they predict they will be, the above statement could become true. The globalists are intent on absorbing areas with local control into the “globalist” system of world government.

It’s not a “conspiracy” anymore.

See more… [PDF]

Conspiracy Fact: They want us out of our cars

We Could Be The Last Car-Owning Generation, Says Transportation Secretary Foxx

That is the title of an article that describes what was discussed about the future of automobiles at the 2016 Frontiers Conference.

“The White House’s first-ever Frontiers Conference is underway in Pittsburgh, gathering ideas across science, technology, and robotics. Which now also includes transportation. The Urban Transportation Future panel discussed issues related to driverless cars and an autonomous future.”

What was once branded as an “extremist conspiracy theory” is now a conspiracy fact.

“[My wish] is that people can imagine not owning cars,” said Chase, stressing the idea of driverless vehicles not just replacing personal cars but offering an alternative to ownership altogether. Chase continued, asking the audience to imagine, “a completely shared transportation system where they don’t spend 18 percent of their household income on their car. Once we have people imagining it, then we’ll push to make it happen.”

Read more if you can stomach it…

Smart Growth America Recruiting

You’ve read about how some towns are members of Smart Growth America, an NGO that is pushing regionalism, urbanism, trains, and compact housing among other things.

Be aware that your town may be seeking training from these folks in the way of free annual workshops.

Read about it here:

Smarter Community Development Meeting

*FREE* Event: 9/19 Smarter Community Development in NH

What: i2i Symposium Series “Smarter Community Development for New Hampshire”
Where: Take Root Coworking – 359 Central Street, Franklin, New Hampshire 03235
When: September 19th, 9:00am-12:30pm
Cost: FREE*
Registration:*You must register to attend. Registration ends 9/12. Register HERE!

The New Hampshire Community Development Finance Authority (CDFA) invites you to experience internationally acclaimed sustainability and regenerative community planning expert Bill Reed to discuss new ways New Hampshire can address community development in the 21st century.

Bill will lead an engaging conversation that will focus on holistic community development strategies that will help New Hampshire communities build effective, long-term visions that take into account local evolving economic and social patterns.

Attendees will enjoy a breakfast supplied by local businesses and have the opportunity to learn more about the great work being done to revitalize downtown Franklin.

Deadline to register is September 12. Space is limited.

(Perhaps you can still register…)

No Choice – How HUD Controls Your Property Rights

Editor’s note: We are not here to sell things but we feel this DVD could be a very good informational tool to be used at local meetings and gatherings to help people better understand why regionalism, HUD, and other federal agencies are so dangerous to local control.

See how to purchase the DVD from Sustainable Freedom Lab at the end of the article.

Our federal government is dismantling personal property rights in the largest attack on local rule in our nation’s history.

By accusing communities of discrimination and civil rights violations, HUD has ignored Congress and used the Fair Housing Act to grant themselves the authority to control local planning and land use.

HUD’s rule, Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) forces communities that accept HUD grants to comply with aggressive federal planning schemes or face bankrupting government-contrived lawsuits.

Our newest DVD, “No Choice – How HUD Controls your Property Rights” blows the lid off HUD’s actions in clear terms all community members can understand.

People do not see the gradual property confiscation because local officials want the grant money and people trust HUD’s goals of helping the poor and ending discrimination.

But, communities can no longer afford to surrender their property rights and choices in exchange for federal agencies “granting” back the money that was always theirs.

People need to understand that government is not helping their communities. These grants are strip away community rights for the sole purpose of adding to federal power over our towns, counties and states. That is why I created this DVD.

SFL’s new DVD, “No Choice” exposes all of HUD’s tactics. The video is broken into 10 chapters to make it easy to access and share information.

Chapter 1: Property Rights Matter – If government can control your property, it can control your behavior. This chapter shows the frightening power the federal government can exercise in anyone’s life when it controls your property.

Chapter 2: Fair Housing Act and AFFH – Explains why and how this administration contorted federal law to grant themselves power over local land use and even overturn voter’s decisions.

Chapter 3: HUD’s New Legal Force – The video details the landmark legal case that gave birth to HUD’s AFFH power grab and the man who makes millions of dollars suing local communities. When people see this chapter, they get steaming mad.

Chapter 4: Creating Your Own Liability – HUD enforces their AFFH rule by encouraging grassroots civil rights organizations to sue their own communities for supposed barriers to fair housing. See how HUD’s actions tear communities apart and pit neighbor against neighbor.

Chapter 5: Regional Annexation – Regions appoint unelected councils that take choices away from voters and divest authority from local public officials. Regions are also easier for the federal government to manage. Learn how HUD’s new rule forces smaller communities to join regions whether they want to or not.

Chapter 6: The Binding “Obligation” –Every community that applies for HUD’s most popular grants must sign a single statement that can lead to a devastating False Claims Act lawsuit. To avoid lawsuits, counties and towns are crumbling to meet HUD’s demands. This chapter shows how legal experts interpret the wording.

Chapter 7: HUD Gets Tough – HUD is issuing compliance reviews, threatening to withhold grant money, engaging in False Claims Act lawsuits, disparate impact suits and taking record numbers of actions against communities. This chapter outlines some of the cases. You will want to share this with your public officials.

Chapter 8: More than Affordable Housing – Everyone in America should watch this single chapter. HUD is no longer merely about affordable housing. The agency has already said their new rule is just a platform for advancing a suitcase full of costly programs in communities. Learn about “upward mobility”, “socioeconomic diversity”, “Regional Equity Assistance Centers”, “behavioral messaging” and more programs that threaten to remake your community. HUD has even partnered with the departments of Education and Transportation to redesign entire communities. If your town refuses to comply, local officials can expect the grant funds to be withdrawn or to face charges of civil rights violations, or failure to affirmatively further fair housing and more.

Chapter 9: How to Stop AFFH – The 2nd circuit Federal court explains how to avoid the increased liability from HUD grants.

Chapter 10: Resources – We can stop HUD and the federal government from centrally planning our communities. This chapter outlines more tools and programs to help you learn about and end government overreach.

Purchase the DVD here and show it to your groups!

The New Urban Agenda Heads To Habitat III

Yet another ‘non-binding international agreement’. The New Urban Agenda will be adopted this October and will shape city development for the next 20 years. ⁃ TN Editor

The agenda is a non-binding international agreement designed to shape urban development over the next two decades. It will be formally adopted at the UN Habitat IIIsummit in Quito, Ecuador, from October 17-20, 2016.

Read about Agenda 2030 to understand what is behind ‘regionalism’ and the push by the federal government to hand out grants so towns an cities can start complying.

Read more: The New Urban Agenda Heads To Habitat III