Category Archives: Federal

Local Governments Now Being Nationalized

In what appears to be adherence to the goals of the Rockefellers, Obama and his community organizer mentors hold the view that the cities suffer because of taxpayer flight to the suburbs.

This past week, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) issued a long and convoluted final rule, entitled “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing”. This rule sets out the new terms and conditions which all local governments will be required to meet if they receive federal funds to advance their local housing programs.

Every state county or municipality organization should think long and hard before taking a dime in HUD money. Otherwise, they face the feds schemes of forced integration and redistribution of the wealth.

Read more…

Using racism and ecology as excuses, Obama is orchestrating, through HUD and the EPA, the end of local government rule…

Massive Government Overreach: Obama‚s AFFH Rule Is Out

The ‘Fundamental Transformation’ of America’s Neighborhoods

Obama’s Endgame

The Folly Of “Fair” Housing

Networks Censor Obama’s Assault On Suburbs

UN Housing Goals a Threat to Freedom

Just in case you still wondered what the unelected boards known as Regional Planning Commissions were doing in NH…

As we have written about before, Obama hopes that by imposing the “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” Rule he can social engineer your neighborhood.

A final Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) rule due out this month is aimed at ending decades of deep-rooted segregation around the country. “HUD is working with communities across the country to fulfill the promise of equal opportunity for all,” a HUD spokeswoman said. “The proposed policy seeks to break down barriers to access to opportunity in communities supported by HUD funds.”

However, we maintain that HUD cannot simply make a ‘rule’ such as this without congressional approval.

HUD’s ‘rule’ is rooted in the UN’s push for Agenda 21 goals under the guise of ‘sustainability’.

But the idea that an ad hoc NGO such as “Placemaking” which comes out of the UN would have any say in how our cities are built is preposterous. Nevertheless, they hold conference after conference, compiling endless decrees about how countries must comply with their utopian ideas of where and how people should live.

The United Nations Habitat conference on housing and sustainability (Habitat III) is one such conference. The UN says this conference “will set the goals and pace for place making in developed and developing countries…”

These decrees can be seen in numerous documents such as the 2016-2030 Sustainable Development Goals which aims to ‘to provide by 2030 universal access to universal access to safe, inclusive and accessible green spaces and public spaces’.

“…the UN Habitat III preparation papers suggest, this ‘involves a systematic (re)distribution of the benefits of growth or development with the legal frameworks that ensure a level playing field’.”

Read what one of these ad hoc NGOs has to say:

Most thinking people believe that the UN has no right to tell people in the USA (or anywhere else for that matter) how, where, or with whom we can live. It’s called FREEDOM which seems to be a concept that is totally lost on these unelected agents of Agenda 21.

Created Water Crisis Used to Promote Agenda 21

If you don’t think this type of social engineering is going in in New Hampshire, you haven’t been reading this blog. Here are some blatant admissions by the planners.

It is no secret that California is undergoing a water crisis. Many believe this to be a ‘created’ crisis, accomplished by the use of the chemical manipulation of the weather.

Scientists agree that water is NOT a finite resource, and like oil, it is constantly being created in the ground by the earth.

Snippets of videos of various meetings show city planners selling these ideas:

– We want to create islands of settlements that are characterized by mixed use zoning
– We want to limit your right to own pieces of property with tracts of land
– We want to limit your ability to travel out of those designated settlement areas
– We want to limit your use of cars, and want you to be able to walk anywhere you need to go
– We feel you have too much space in your homes and must share with others
– We need to equalize neighborhoods that are too rich or too homogenous in race
– We cannot let people do what they want…

If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct link:

Obama and HUD: Coming to Your Town Soon

Obama wants to use HUD to ‘diversify’ your neighborhood.

UPDATE: YouTube videos from Gary Gileno (“grindall61”) are excellent and show the problems with the proposals by the regionalists. This video in particular talks about how HUD will equalize your neighborhood. Please subscribe to all grindall61’s videos. There are others about transit, water shortages and every other deception being put upon us in the name of Agenda 21.

If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct link:

This is not new news, we’ve reported on it before, but finally some MSM outlets are talking about it.

Too white? Too black? Too wealthy? Too poor? Never fear, HUD is here, and is going to use that GPS mapping, and demographic information you gave them on the American Community Survey in 2010 to reassign and rezone.

If this sounds like the Soviet Union, it’s because it is.

How Obama Will Centrally-Plan Your Neighborhood: Here Comes The “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” Rule

A final Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) rule due out this month is aimed at ending decades of deep-rooted segregation around the country. “HUD is working with communities across the country to fulfill the promise of equal opportunity for all,” a HUD spokeswoman said. “The proposed policy seeks to break down barriers to access to opportunity in communities supported by HUD funds.”

Obama making bid to diversify wealthy neighborhoods

Obama Moving to Force ‘Diversity’ on ‘Rich’ Neighborhoods with Increased ‘Affordable Housing’ Plan

Let’s just hope they don’t start assigning tenants to those unused bedrooms of yours…

Ask the Presidential Candidates

Here are some issues that never seem to come up when voters question their candidates.

In New Hampshire where we can get to meet each candidate several times before voting, here are some suggested questions.

1. Private property rights are under assault in communities and rural areas across the nation as local, state and federal governments move to enforce new planning development programs, particularly under the labels of Sustainable Developments or “Local Visioning.” If elected, what actions will you take to protect the unrestricted right of use, enjoyment and disposal of private property by its owners?

2. It’s a growing situation that local elected representative government is being overshadowed by the establishment of non-elected boards, councils, planning commissions and regional governments. These non-elected organizations are, in effect, taking government further away from the people as they deal in backrooms, unseen and unapproachable. Yet, while not elected by the people, they are creating policy that affects private property, tax rates and much more, especially through the taking of federal grant money, which results in federal control over the use and outcome of that money. If elected, what actions will you take to eliminate these massive grant programs and to stop federal efforts to enforce creation of non-elected boards, councils and regional government boards?

3. The term social justice is used more and more in today’s official society. The actual meaning of social justice is redistribution of wealth, much of which is imposed through the tool of political correctness. Social Justice is used to create class warfare and divisions in our society. It is now widely used in our public school curricula to replace actual academics with behavior modification methods designed to change the attitudes, values and beliefs of the children. The openly stated purpose of such programs as Outcome based education and Common Core is to create new global citizens who reject traditional American values of individual freedom, free enterprise and limited government. Such curriculum is enforced through a centralized Federal Department of Education, which has usurped local input. If elected, will you take action to shut down the federal Department of Education and return education policy to the states, making sure to end these orchestrated attacks on the attitudes, values and beliefs of the children?

Agenda 21 In Your Public Schools

We are posting these links without comment except to say that Agenda 21 critics have been accused of creating a ‘conspiracy theory’. The UN has a vice-grip on your federal government and it greatly influences the mandates which come from there. The issue is ‘out’ and is undeniably real.

UN Conference Pull Out





Inter-Agency Committee (IAC) of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD 2005-2014)

Sample sections bear titles such as “Mainstreaming Climate Change
Education for Building Sustainable Cities” and “Education for Earth Citizenship”.

[Cross-posted at Stop Common Core NH’s website]

Another Land Grab in the Making

While citizens are being herded into compact cities and steered away from rural lands, the government is taking more of those lands for itself.

Continuing its pattern of bypassing Congress and acting unilaterally through administrative fiat, the Obama White House in February designated three new areas as “National Monuments.”

While two of the designations — one in Illinois, the other in Hawaii — involve relatively small parcels of land, the designation of 21,000 acres of Brown’s Canyon in Colorado represents a significant federal lockup of land.

Read more…

Florida’s Boondoggle – Regional Planning Councils

For anyone who thinks the scourge of Regionalism/Urbanism has not touched every single state in the nation, we offer you this story of Florida.

Florida has ELEVEN Regional Planning ‘Councils’. In NH, the NINE groups (plus one) are called Regional Planning ‘Commissions’, but they are basically the same kind of unelected boards, and they do basically the same things. Their plan, called “Seven50” (NH’s is called Granite State Future) aims to change seven counties in 50 years to the urbanized utopia envisioned by the crafters of Agenda 21, using federal monies from HUD/EPA/DOT, and with their local operations and personnel funded by YOUR local, state, and federal taxes. NH’s commissions hide behind the cloak of being ‘advisory’, and optional…


In NH, the towns at least still have the option of NOT joining their RPCs, while in Florida, Under CURRENT LAW, ALL Florida counties must be a member of a Regional Planning Council – and are required to pay dues that come out of the residents’ TAXES.

In Florida, we suspect that someone reached out and touched Florida Senator Wilton Simpson and caused him to completely revise his bill to eliminate RPCs and instead, place language in the bill to refund them. NH also saw a bill in the 2014 session that was intended to eradicate RPCs, but it too, failed. We suspect the influence was felt from too many special interests who stand to benefit from the flow of federal money, and that those voices were stronger than those of the taxpayers.

With permission from Karen Schoen in Florida, we reprint her story which echoes very closely what goes on in New Hampshire. Her newsletter starts off with a plea to eliminate these groups.

Karen notes these facts which are true of all regional boards… and of NH’s state GOP platform as well…

Councils feed federal grants to the counties (and some cities). These federal grants are far from “free” and they push “sustainability” measures onto the citizens at the expense of property rights.
Over time – these councils lead to the loss of representative government. In January 2012 the RNC unanimously passed a resolution against U.N. Agenda 21, and it was included in the 2012 Republican Party Platform.


TAKE ACTION! Special Interest Groups stop the elimination of Regional Planning Councils
By Alexander Snitker on March 13, 2015 in Property Rights

We recently alerted you to the bills filed by Senator Wilton Simpson (SB 484) and Representative Debbie Mayfield (HB 873).

These bills – as filed – WOULD HAVE eliminated Regional Planning Councils.

The 11 Florida Regional Planning Councils receive Millions of dollars of Federal Government grants to promote “Smart Growth” and “Sustainable Living” growth management plans.

“Smart Growth” plans (such as Seven50 in south Florida) have the possibility of stripping away our property rights as the plans push for higher density urban centers. This would move towards giving up our cars for the use of bikes, transit or walk to work and shop.

Regional Planning Councils comprise a fourth layer of Government – BETWEEN the local city /county and the state government.

This NEW layer of Government diminishes the local control and authority of city and county governments for self-government – through “home rule” as provided for in the Florida Constitution.

The WHOLE POINT of LOCAL CONTROL and SELF-GOVERNANCE… is that local elected representatives can be held accountable by the voter-Taxpayer.

We KNEW this would be a tough fight.

Many special interests have been taking large amounts of federal grant money through these regional planning councils for years – and would not want to see it go away.

Typically legislation is debated through committees and the special interest groups will always try to pressure legislators to accept amendments to weaken the bill through the various committee stops.

WHAT DID SHOCK US… is that Senator Wilton Simpson AMENDED and WEAKENED… HIS OWN BILL!!!
…before the it was even heard in its first committee stop, for which he serves as the Chairman.

Senator Simpson filed what is known as “Strike-All” amendment to his own bill. A “Strike-All” amendment actually strikes all of the current language of a bill and inserts completely new language.

The new Regional Planning Council bill by Senator Simpson not only does NOT eliminate Regional Planning Councils, but Senator Simpson GUARANTEES $2.5 million for Regional Planning Councils for this NEXT YEAR’S Budget!!

Senator Simpson’s new bill DOES eliminate ONE of the 11 Regional Planning Councils (Withlacoochee Regional Planning Council) – and moves those Counties to other existing Councils.

Senator Simpson’s new bill also DELETES some of the current statutorily-required duties of Regional Planning Councils, such as holding Public Meetings on matters associated with Electrical Power Plants or presenting any reports on the impact of a proposed Electric Power Plant, and power companies installing Transmission lines.

Also, under this new bill, Regional Planning Councils CANNOT REPORT on the impact of a proposed natural gas transmission pipeline.

I would have to imagine electrical power companies like Duke Energy and FP&L are happy to get relief from the Regional Planning Councils, but you and I did not receive any relief from the destruction of our private property rights being perpetrated by Regional Planning Councils.

Representative Debbie Mayfield was disappointed that we couldn’t even have a debate in Committee on WHY we need to ELIMINATE Regional Planning Councils!!

Under CURRENT LAW, ALL Florida Counties must be a member of a Regional Planning Council – and are required to pay dues that come out of YOUR TAXES.

Representative Mayfield will be offering an amendment to allow Counties to OPT-OUT of Regional Planning Councils, for which she is already taking heat from the special interest lobbyists. At least Representative Mayfield is willing to fight for us and not the mega-wealthy special interest groups.

This new bill by Senator Simpson smacks of the typical CRONY CAPITALISM that we all are sick and tired of.

We couldn’t even get Senator Simpson to stand strong for us even in one committee, and his own committee at that!

Karen’s newsletter then goes on to appeal to the readers and asks them to write to the Representatives on the committee and provides their contact information…

TELL them that you are tired of an unelected council bypassing local government authority and pushing a one-size-fits-all growth management plan using our tax dollars.

Related Reading:

10 Reasons to Say No to Regional Plans

Regional Planning brings Regional Governance


Understanding Sustainable Development for the People and Their Public Officials