Category Archives: Federal

People’s Climate March

“To Change Everything, We Need Everyone”

Yes, you read that right. That is their motto.
And they mean it.

Agenda 21, based on the climate HOAX, wants to control everything and everyone on the planet.

Behold the People’s Climate March website.

And the irony? One of their biggest partners is NH’s “350” organization.

Who funds the network?

None other than the biggest and richest oil family in the world, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.

Yes you read that right. The Rockefellers.

If we do not fight back, foundations and their funding will be the death of us, from education to the environment, to how we can live… they work to control everything on behalf of the global elite.

Whatever Happened to Global Warming?

Whatever Happened to Global Warming?
Now come climate scientists’ implausible explanations for why the ‘hiatus’ has passed the 15-year mark.

Sept. 4, 2014

On Sept. 23 the United Nations will host a party for world leaders in New York to pledge urgent action against climate change. Yet leaders from China, India and Germany have already announced that they won’t attend the summit and others are likely to follow, leaving President Obama looking a bit lonely. Could it be that they no longer regard it as an urgent threat that some time later in this century the air may get a bit warmer?

Read More…

Founder of Weather Channel: There is NO Significant Global Warming

Ironically, the college course that drove Al Gore to this mission on global warming garnered him a D grade.

But then he got a Nobel Peace Prize for his powerpoint.

Another take away from this video is that most of these studies showing supposed proof of global warming are funded by the government, the same government co-opted by globalists looking for an excuse for ‘world government’.

Global Governance and Religion

If there was ever any doubt in your mind about whether the environmental agenda (Agenda 21) is being used to bring about global or “world” government, this is just one of the smoking guns.

The United Nations has even attempted to recruit religious groups to their cause.

This damning document says it all.

Information Packet for Religion and World Order Program Project Global 2000

Any candidate who still espouses man-made global warming is falling in with the enemy.

Building One America – Regionalism’s Ruse

One Bay Area: A Template for Regional Governance Advocated by “Build One America”

If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct link:

From the notes:

Stanley Kurtz wrote a book, Spreading the Wealth: How Obama is Robbing the Suburbs to Pay for the Cities exposes the efforts of the administrative state, in conjunction with social equity interests, to regionalize decision making and funding for what in the past have been local government decisions. It includes requiring suburbs to take their “fair share” of all income levels. No where is this more obvious than in the San Francisco Bay Area with the One Bay Area Plan/Plan Bay Area. Regional unelected bureaucrats tell every city in the Bay Area how many housing units they MUST be prepared to accommodate. For many of the small village type towns, this will force their urbanization and destroy their uniqueness. Kurtz identifies an organization called Building One America. Here is a video, in their own words, of their plans.

Terms used by Build One America in the video include:

Zoning out the poor
Affordable housing
Affordable transportation
Livable communities
Regional Opportunity Agenda
Combating poverty=controlling urban sprawl
Vestiges of segregation=suburbs
Suburbs must do their “fair share”
Metropolitan wide accept responsibility

All these terms and ideas are spread liberally throughout the One Bay Area Plan. MTC-ABAG are the epitome of regionalisation, taking control out of the hands of local city councils and mayors. The Obama Administration is firmly behind this effort through the support of Valarie Jarrett and Ronald Sims. California is one of the initial test cases. This is soon to be unleashed across the country if Obama gets a second term.

This is a shortened version of a video that was posted on the Building One America website ( The complete video can be viewed here

Megacities — WHY?

New urbanism has an ulterior motive that is dark.

The Nightmarish Megacities of the Near Future speaks to the goals of Agenda 21 and how it will be implemented under the guise of “smartness”.


The Truth About Megacities Is Out In the Open

Where ever you find a bold new initiative related to the plans of the global elite, you will find documentation arising from various think tank organizations in support of these goals. With regard to the coming forced subjugation of the American population to the “stack and pack” megacities, two important papers, the 3-D: Infrastructure for California’s Future and the National Academy of Public Administration’s “Memos to National Leaders: Partnerships as Fiscal Policy”, jump to the front of the line in espousing the megacities concept.

These papers focus on how tax restructuring can be used to finance and build the new megacities. I wrote about these tax plans emanating from Obama’s community activist mentor, Mike Krulig and his group known as Building One America, in a previous article. These papers detail the plan to depopulate and destroy the suburbs and the rural areas of America while diverting the tax base derived from the suburbs and rural towns, cities and counties and using that money to construct the infrastructure of the megacities.

Please read the full article The Nightmarish Megacities of the Near Future for embedded links.

Agenda 21: Global Conspiracy or Climate Savior?

Updated Article: 7/19 5:27 PM

“These events and many others like them are connected by one resonant term: Agenda 21. Agenda 21 is a United Nations advisory document, adopted in 1992 by 178 signatory nations including the U.S., which provides guidelines for sustainable development. But opponents of the plan see it as something more sinister: In her book Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21, Koire describes Agenda 21 as “the action plan to inventory and control all human beings and resources on the planet.” Koire’s book has become a common manifesto for the dozens of groups and untold thousands of individuals across America opposing the document, its goals, and what they see as its vast influence.”

Amazingly, while denying international involvement, they cite ICLEI, the UN’s sustainability arm which has worked its way into many local governments.

“According to Michael Schmitz, executive director of the U.S. chapter of the ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, there has been a broad rise in these sorts of incidents, with “a very small but very vocal group of protesters who will essentially try to disrupt the process [of local planning meetings].””

If the plan is to disrupt the process of Soviet-style top down direction of our lives by central planners via unelected boards, be prepared for more.

Our hero, Rosa Koire, is mentioned.

Here is her response.

Fortune Magazine (Fortune 500/Time, Inc.) published an article yesterday highlighting me and our fight against UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development. The article is a nuanced manipulation that lies by omission and half-truths, and slimes by intent. David Morris, the author, brings in ICLEI public relations and the Southern Poverty Law Center to ‘balance’ the article, and then concludes that Agenda 21 is necessary to save the planet — it ‘requires some sacrifices, not all of them made entirely willingly’.

The following quote is from our interview; David Morris asked me if I had anything to add.

I guess what I want to ask you, David, is how committed you are to representing a particular point of view that’s going to marginalize what I’ve told you? I’m hoping that you’re going to write an article that is genuine and fair… We have something serious going on in our country and around the world and it needs to be dealt with in a serious manner. If the major corporations which own the media are controlling that information we will not be able to get that information out to the people so that they can make these decisions for themselves. So I’m hoping — you have an opportunity here — and I’m really hoping that you’re going to use it.

Watch the interview here on YouTube. Judge for yourself how the media operates to manipulate public opinion and block the truth.

Here is Rosa’s rebuttal to what she calls a “smear” article by Forbes. [Video]

Rosa’s Website

Sadly Rosa passed away on May 31, 2021

SNHPC Meeting Agenda on GSF Program

The Southern NH Planning Commission will meet on June 19th 2014 from 3:00 to 4:30 PM at the Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission offices, 438 Dubuque Street, Manchester, NH 03102 to talk about Prioritizing of Action on the Granite State Future program.

If any of you choose to attend please send a report back to us at

HUD Out of Control Creating Dossiers on Homeowners

A new National Mortgage Database Program will be launched as part of a joint venture by the FHFA and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. It will collect intimate personal information on every mortgage holder in the United States. It is a growth in government that could and will one day be used against the individual.

The database will collect information on “first-lien single-family mortgages in existence any time from January 1998 forward.” The news release states that “it is to be used to support the agencies’ policy making and research efforts and help regulators better understand emerging mortgage and housing market trends in this evolving and changing finance market.”

Our personal information is all over the government computers and they are unreliable keepers of that information.

The April notice in the Federal Register informs that the database expansion will include numerous data points: a mortgage owner’s name, address, Social Security number, all credit card and other loan information and account balances, entire credit history -including delinquent payments, late payments, minimum payments, high account balances and credit scores.

The two agencies will then assemble “household demographic data,” including racial and ethnic data, gender, marital status, religion, education, employment history, military status, household composition, the number of wage earners and a family’s total wealth and assets.

This is the same government that is “mapping” every neighborhood in the country to reallocate resources from those who have to those who have-not in a grand wealth redistribution scheme.

Mr. Obama has ordered the mapping of all neighborhoods across America, in every town and in every city, so he can redistribute the assets of wealthier neighborhoods to poorer neighborhoods, particularly into minority neighborhoods.

He is using a HUD housing rule which will set up a long-term plan for redistributing resources.

HUD plans to provide data for every neighborhood in the country listing the access minorities have to local assets such as schools, jobs, transportation,and other neighborhood resources that help bring people into the middle class.

The plan will then develop long-term solutions to help ‘people gain access to different neighborhoods,’…’channeling investments into under-served areas.’ The mapping tool may be used to guide development and zoning decisions as two examples.

It won’t make people productive but it will set up a system for stealing from those who are.

Government Expands Its Power Into Hundreds of Millions of American Homes