The government wants to regulate every puddle on your property.
Category Archives: Federal
Cyclists Targeted for New Taxes
On March 2, an email sent out by a Washington state legislator surfaced that indicated that he is in support of a new tax on bicycle sales which acts as a carbon tax for cyclists who pollute the environment through the increased expulsion of carbon dioxide. This new tax, which is part of current tax legislation being proposed in the state to help increase revenues for the budget, is primarily being argued to force cyclists to pay for road construction, but is now being justified as a tax on the citizens of Washington state for simply breathing.
Federal Land Grabbing Accelerates
It is shockingly obvious that the federal government has stepped up its attempts at land grabs, unbeknownst to most in the public. Hopefully the stories about the ranchers being purged from their land in the west have brought this issue to the forefront.
What is the Wildlands Project?
A great video that explains what would result if this “Wildlands Project” goes forward…
If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct link:
The Swindling of Public Lands
Listen to Ken Ivory talk about how land and water rights are being taken from us and more importantly, why.
If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct link:
Longer Version:
The Systematic Elimination of Private Property
Agenda 21 proponents would like to see private property eliminated altogether. That is one of the goals set out by the UN’s Agenda 21 program which it seems our federal government is only too willing to following.
If you care to protect your property rights you are now deemed a “right wing radical” or worse, a “domestic terrorist”, according to US Senator Harry Reid.
Are there plans to bring Agenda 21 to your town?
“Sustainability” is the hot new buzzword on the left.
It’s the kind of word that sounds nice when you first stumble into it, but like everything else in the world of the eco-left, it really means control.
It’s what United Nation’s Agenda 21 is all about.
What might surprise you is that controversy over Agenda 21 tends to arise not from the dramatics imposition of its principles from above (like global warming), but from attempts to quietly insert UN dogma into local cities and towns.
Take a look at CFACT senior policy analyst Bonner Cohen’s article on
Bonner reports that, “planning commissions, which have spread like wildfire over the past couple of decades and whose members are unelected, produce an endless array of schemes designed to micro-manage every aspect of commercial, residential, and recreational life. No town, no matter how small, is safe from the meddling of planners in and outside of government.”
Are there plans to bring Agenda 21 to your town?
Is it already there?
You and your neighbors need to know.
Oppose the Transit Oriented Development Infrastructure Financing Act
The Transit Oriented Development Infrastructure Financing Act, introduced on May 1, 2014 by Sen. Brian Schatz (HI), Sen. Ed Markey (MA), Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (NY) and Sen. Jeff Merkley (WA) and would make available loans or loan guarantees to support transit-oriented development projects. (No bill number could be found yet)
This is more urbanism and crony capitalism and federal loans and grants to enable same.
Read more about Transit Oriented Development here and here.
Astorino Attacked for Refusing HUD Money
Rob Astorino decided that he’d had enough.
Westchester County took federal grant money and made sure their policies reflected fair housing policies according to HUD. But when HUD wanted more, over and above what the contract stated, they sued.
Now that Rob is running for Governor of NY, the Democrats are attacking him using the old worn out accusation of ‘racism’.
Rob simply is now having the gumption to stand up to the Feds and REFUSE to take money that would dictate how they would change their zoning.
Kudos to you Rob!
The Grok Expounds on “Treehugger”
Ever wonder about Sustainable Communities? What are they, and who dictates?
Grok did an expose here: Sustainable Communities Initiative