Rob Astorino of Westchester discusses HUD’s plan to ‘correct’ racially imbalanced neighborhoods or neighborhoods that are too economically homogeneous via mandated zoning changes.
Category Archives: Federal
From Road Grants to Education
Back when Regional Planning Commissions were created by our NH legislature it was done to make sure each town had a say in how federal highway money was spent.
Now regionalism seems to be taking away local control in every area of our lives.
NH Families for Education outlines that fact in a post on their website: From Independent Districts to Centralized Planning via Regional Control Centers
In the post it is noted that “Transferring control over our schools to non-government agencies violates the US Constitution, Art. 4, Sec. 4: “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government.” Also known as “Taxation without Representation.” These educational changes also violate the 10th Amendment to the US Constitution: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” The federal government bribes states to “voluntarily” adopt these programs. Follow the money.”
Education is being dictated by the federal government with input from NGOs, professional ‘associations’ and corporate globalists pushing their agendas via groups such as the Gates and Annenberg foundations.
When will the residents of NH have had enough of this?
From Rosa Koire
Rosa Koire describes what Plan Bay Area would do to her state. It is the same everywhere.
“This fight is not local — it is national. The United States is undergoing a radical transformation as hundreds of regional plans are approved by complicit or ignorant city councils and county supervisors. These plans are called Sustainable Ohio, PlaNY, Granite State Future, One Valley One Vision, Power of 32, Vision 2050, Blueprint, Focus, One Region, Seven50 — look around for it in your town. Plan Bay Area/ One Bay Area is the name for the Plan in the San Francisco nine county 101 city area. This plan is similar to all of the regional plans in the nation — it calls for high density residential/mixed use (Smart Growth) transit oriented development in the center of every city and town, development that will be subsidized by your tax dollars. Regional plans are called ‘living documents’ and are designed to change every 4 years — updating is what they call it. These plans become more restrictive every time.
Plan Bay Area is different. It is your future if you don’t stop it.
Plan Bay Area is the most radical, damaging regional plan in the United States. We believe it is the template, the model, for the rest of the Plans. Plan Bay Area identifies Priority Development Areas and Priority Conservation Areas and establishes quotas. Plan Bay Area requires 80% of all future residential development and 66% of all future commercial development to be constructed in just 4% of the land area in nine counties and 101 cities. Hundreds of thousands of acres will be undevelopable. Land that is inside of urban growth boundaries. Urban land. This will devastate land values and land use for generations.
Plan Bay Area places a de facto building moratorium on all rural property in all nine counties. Plan Bay Area says that 100% of development must be in urban areas. Plan Bay Areas calls for 0% — zero — of non-farm development in rural areas.
Plan Bay Area is creating the ‘islands of human habitation’ called for in UN Agenda 21. Restricting development to high density multi-story apartments and condos in the center of your city while imposing new zoning codes that don’t allow for anything else, your government is redesigning the future. You are paying for it. If you object you’ll be ignored, shamed, ridiculed, called a racist, a NIMBY, selfish, and a patriot. When did ‘PATRIOT’ become a bad thing? When regionalization/globalization began erasing your jurisdictional boundaries. Your city, county, state, and ultimately, federal boundaries.
Plan Bay Area empowers regional unelected boards as the governing body for the ‘region.’ Through federal mandates the money for infrastructure, eminent domain, land development, and transportation transformation comes into your ‘region.’ The money is managed and distributed by a regional board — the metropolitan planning organization (MPO) and council of government (COG).
You’ll see grant money from the Partnership for Sustainable Communities (HUD, EPA, DOT), and from private foundations partnering with government. Local governments starved for funds and directed by state legislation reach for these grants without realizing the consequences.”
Agenda 21 in Pinardville
Girard at Large hits the nail on the head in these two clips of this morning’s show.
This is going on all over the country.
The names of the plans are different but the goal is the same — control of property and herding people into urban areas while limiting rural development using “sprawl” as an excuse.
Mixed use zoning is so that people will have to live and shop and work in the same place and not use cars.
Eventually HUD will be determining local zoning laws to create more racially and economically mixed neighborhoods as they already have been doing with mixed use zoning.
Forced integration if you will…
Yes the regional planners are just another layer of unelected government bureaucrats putting the people further from the governmental process and the “stakeholders” are the crony capitalists who stand to benefit from the resulting projects
It’s not just a conspiracy theory anymore.
See what HUD has planned for your local town.
Here is an entry from the Federal Register that lays out the plan for Agenda 21: (click for larger view)
Smart Growth America Schemes for Bigger Federal Role in Real Estate
Listen to the members of Smart Growth America as they scheme to promote a larger role for the federal government in local real estate development and sales and housing policies.
Social justice and racial and economic profiling are the key words here.
Rob Astorino, the Westchester County Executive, recently said, “What they are trying to do is to say discrimination and zoning is the same thing. They are not. Discrimination won’t be tolerated. I won’t tolerate it. Zoning though, protects what can and can’t be built in a neighborhood.”
Read more and watch the video after the ad:
Zoning is NOT racial or economic discrimination!
New bill aims to make ‘smart’ meters mandatory for entire nation
Your help needed to oppose HR 2685, the Smart Meter Trojan Horse Act
New bill aims to make ‘smart’ meters mandatory for entire nation
(NaturalNews) There is a sinister agenda underway to forcibly convert every standard electric meter in the U.S. to the “smart” variety under the guise of promoting renewable energy interests. And one of the latest pieces of Trojan horse legislation pushing for this ominous transformation is the Smart Grid Advancement Act of 2013, introduced by Representative Jerry McNerney (D-Cal.) and co-authored by Rep. Matt Cartwright (D-Penn.), which would force utilities all across the country to convert their customers to smart meters.
Thanks to a NaturalNews reader tip, we learned that Landis Gyr recently had a company voicemail message that admitted smart meter technology is part of the NSA’s “PRISM” spying and surveillance program. Since gaining national attention about this admission, Landis Gyr has apparently altered its company voicemail message to omit this indicting information.
H.R. 2685 has been referred to the House Energy and Commerce Committee for consideration, which means this is the first point of contact in effectively killing this bill. has set up a helpful action page that you can use to contact not only the committee but also the bill’s sponsors and the rest of your Congressmen:
The Names Will Change But the Goals Remain the Same
This post is a preview to an upcoming article on how some changes are being made in the way Agenda 21 will be implemented in the United States. Here is a quick outline of what is to come.
– The UN has been attempting to erase all references to Agenda 21 on their website. Due to the vast number of pages involved, this may take forever. Agenda 21 is now a household word and it’s not looked upon very favorably. The public is catching on.
– The UN has also decided that the term ‘sustainability’ has gotten an equally bad rap. So they have dissolved their United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development and focused their attempts to spread ‘global governance’ by creating two new commissions which would work under the premise of ‘economic resilience’ with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Who can argue against economic resilience?
– At the same time, the head of the UN’s ECOSOC Tweeted the real reason this must be done: more ‘global governance’ is needed in order to better redistribute the wealth. We have no idea what this type of social justice has to do with sustainability, but that is how these bureaucrats think.
– Right on cue, the US State Dept of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has issued a notice stating that since Sustainable Communities Initiative grants were not funded in this year’s budget, they would still be included, but under the Office of Economic Resilience (OER)
– The APA, a non-governmental association of planners including unelected regional commissioners to whom they dictate, announced the changes on their website.
Anti-poverty, economic, all of this is no coincidence.