Category Archives: Federal

Lifestyle Taxes?

Rue the day we gave government the right to tax us.

In order to control how you live, some governments plan to tax your lifestyle.

In S. Africa and other countries, we read: Government to introduce new vehicle taxes to push people towards public transport

In NH, SB 241 is a bill proposed by those trying to fund commuter rail, usually a boondoggle for the taxpayers.

In NH, Lawmakers propose road usage fee on fuel-efficient vehicles

The situtation in NH is worse than you might think. It extends to housing as well.

People are stunned to learn that private, unelected, completely unaccountable groups and NGOs from outside the state and country are invited by local councils and selectboards to help decide the future of their towns.

As a result, we are seeing laws at the state level directing what towns must do.

SB 15 would have the state funding certain types of “workforce housing”. But like the “workforce housing” law, its constitutionality is in question.

Others are attempting to give these unelected, unaccountable regional planning commissions who currently have zero authority, the right to issue long-term bonds. This too must be stopped.

Some say it would never happen here, but in Oregon, a law is being proposed to end single-family zoning in cities of 10,000. Think that’s off the wall? Already a done deal in Minneapolis and in other areas citing “social injustice”. Baltimore is now required to move Section 8 housing to affluent areas.

SB 15 doesn’t mean we’ve gone that far — YET. But we have seen the incrementalism elsewhere.

Impervious surfaces such as your roof, walkaways, and driveway are being taxed in New Jersey. (Tried in Dover NH but failed)

If they don’t like your lifestyle, they will think of some way to tax you out of it, or otherwise make it unpleasant for you to continue it.

Don’t take our word for it, look it all up…

‘Unsustainable’ Single-Family Housing Declared ‘Racist’

“Minneapolis, Minnesota: the city council is moving to remove zoning that protects single-family neighborhoods, instead planning to add apartment buildings in the mix. The mayor actually said such zoning was “devised as a legal way to keep black Americans and other minorities from moving into certain neighborhoods”. Racist, social injustice are the charges.

Chicago, Illinois: So-called “affordable housing” advocates have filed a federal complaint against the longtime tradition of allowing City Aldermen veto power over most development proposals in their wards, charging that it promotes discrimination by keeping low-income minorities from moving into affluent white neighborhoods. Essentially the complaint seeks to remove the Aldermen’s ability to represent their own constituents.

Baltimore, Maryland: The NAACP filed a suit against the city charging that Section 8 public housing causes ghettos because they are all put into the same areas of town. They won the suit and now the city must spend millions of dollars to move such housing into more affluent neighborhoods. In addition, landlords are no longer permitted to ask potential tenants if they can afford the rent on their properties.

Oregon: Speaker of the Oregon House of Representatives Tina Kotek (D-Portland) is drafting legislation that would end single-family zoning in cities of 10,000 or more. She claims there is a housing shortage crisis and that economic and racial segregation are caused by zoning restrictions.”

Read more… ‘Unsustainable’ Single-Family Housing Declared ‘Racist’

The Only Way to Describe This is Surveillance

In this disturbing article Can the Sustainable Development Goals Be Measured by Satellite?, it is suggested that countries be MONITORED by satellite for their compliance and progress with the UN’s “sustainable development goals”.

The article poses the question and offers a possible solution:

“A handful of countries are on track to meet SDG targets, but many more are lagging behind. Achieving the SDGs is challenge enough—but what about measuring them? Economists have estimated that conducting household surveys to monitor socioeconomic targets could cost as much as $254 billion over the lifetime of the SDGs. Reliability and consistency of data across countries is also an issue.

Is there a better way? In a paper published earlier this month in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a team from Aarhus University in Denmark explored the viability of using satellite data to monitor and measure some SDGs.”

Further they lament the idea that this type of surveillance would not be able to measure things like “gender equality” and that surveys were the normal instrument of measurement used for that type of item.

Now you know why the residents of the US slam the door on these survey takers. They likely come straight out of the World Health Organization and World Bank who have NO business in our country as they do NOT represent our government. One person we know called the police on them when they would not stop harassing her to fill out their invasive surveys. Good for her.

Mayors Now Compromised by “Smart Cities” Agenda

Bad enough the UN agenda has been permanently ensconced in our US Congress thanks to the Smart
Cities Caucus lobbying group that was formed by Republican Darrell Issa and Democrats, now we have the Mayors colluding to do the same within their group.

“A formal institute for smart cities has been launched by the US Conference of Mayors (USCM), during its Winter Meeting in Washington DC.”

The potential for total control of your lives is breathtaking.

“Your home is your city and not just the four walls you occupy.”

Read more… US Conference of Mayors launches smart city institute

Another Mode of Population Control

You hear it all the time — “The earth is overpopulated! We need to save the planet! We are running out of resources!”

Such is the cry of the Agenda2030 crowd. But people who spread the population control myth are unwittingly supporting the demise of their own class… the ruling elite would like to keep the world’s resources for themselves, after all.

Here is another way to do it… in addition to herding us into networks of “mega-cities”, they will now attempt to do what previous had only been done through unfettered abortion: price children right out of the picture.

“At the end of last year, the Philadelphia City Planning Commission weighed a proposed zoning change that would effectively ban new day-care centers—along with tire stores and car repair shops—in a large chunk of northwest Philadelphia. The bill swiftly encountered fierce resistance, and it now appears dead. But the effort to block additional child-care facilities with a zoning overlay hints at a broader relationship between city planning and the cost of raising children. A growing body of research indicates that restrictive zoning—which often blocks the services and housing that families need—may help to explain why family sizes are shrinking in the United States.”

Read More…

How ‘Vasectomy Zoning’ Makes Childless Cities

We may have posted the following video before, but it’s worth another look.

Direct link:

Outlaw Single Family Homes?

Well, we predicted it would come to something like this, but were called “conspiracy theorists”. And they aren’t even ashamed to admit that it’s social engineering to be done to “end economic and racial segregation”, among other things.

That’s what the “stack ‘n pack” “new urbanism” fad is all about, controlling who lives where and in what kind of homes.

What are we talking about? In Oregon, a bill that is being sponsored by Speaker of the House Tina Kotek would basically outlaw single-family zoning in cities with 10,000 or more people. Yes, you read that right, OUTLAW SINGLE FAMILY HOMES.

“News of Kotek’s legislation was first reported in Willamette Week, which stated she is introducing it as an effort to address housing shortages and end economic and racial segregation that the R-1 zoning restrictions cause. If the bill passes, Oregon would become the first state in the nation to eliminate single-family zoning. The city of Minneapolis, Minnesota has recently eliminated the R-1 zone.

Read more for yourself… Kotek bill would outlaw single-family zone

Related: The Growing Assault on Private Property

Another Failed Transit-Oriented Development Scheme

If we posted all that we saw of this type of situation, we’d have no room for anything else on this blog.

Behold, another failed ‘transit-oriented development’ scheme.

Notice the photo caption: “An Amtrak Acela train passes near Crescent Crossing, a new *affordable housing* development in Bridgeport, Conn. July 18, 2017.”

Lesson to be learned? Don’t put the government in charge of your travel choices.

Sharing is Caring, But Forced? It’s Socialism

Now there is even a “quick start guide” to give you tips on how you can ‘share’ to help the UN achieve its goal of lauding over every blade of grass on the planet.

“Welcome to the quick start guide to Shareable’s book, “Sharing Cities: Activating the Urban Commons,” created for leaders working toward the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). “Sharing Cities” showcases over 100 case studies and model policies from around the world that demonstrate and support the ability of ordinary people to tackle their own challenges. We created this guide because we’ve noticed through nearly 10 years of reporting that local, commons-based approaches to economic development often address multiple SDGs simultaneously.”

Does anyone still think it’s a theory that they want us to own less and live in contained areas?

Read more…

How It Works – NGOs and Local Government

Many people are still blind to the fact that their own town is following the tenets and recommendations of the UN’s Agenda 21 or Agenda 2030 as it’s now called. They don’t understand how this agenda could have gotten from ‘there to here’.

Here is how it works…

The UN takes under its wing, many benign sounding private organizations such as the Girl Scouts, American Planning Association, Rotary Club, libraries, and AARP… It somehow gets them to accept and promote the “sustainable development goals” (SDGs) and merging local governments into regional, political subdivisions led by unelected individuals.

Your town, if involved in a “regional planning commission”, then “partners” with these benign sounding groups, as was recently done in Bedford with AARP. Voila, the agenda is installed.

Here is proof that AARP, which is supposed to be a group for seniors, is now engaged in transforming local politics so that towns and counties can be merged with regional governments and global mega-cities.

[click for larger view]


How “New Urbanism” Fits Into the Global Agenda

A lot of towns in NH are being subjected to those who subscribe to the idea of “new urbanism” — taking rural and residential areas and building them up with high density and mixed use construction so as to make them part of a network of global cities. Most do not see their towns as fitting in this model.

We see #11 as a description of “New Urbanism”:

“(Goal 11) Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Translation: Ban all gun ownership by private citizens, concentrating guns into the hands of obedient government enforcers who rule over an unarmed, enslaved class of impoverished workers. Criminalize living in most rural areas by instituting Hunger Games-style “protected areas” which the government will claim are owned by “the People” even though no people are allowed to live there. Force all humans into densely packed, tightly controlled cities where they are under 24/7 surveillance and subject to easy manipulation by government.”

We would like to add that part of the stated goal of “New Urbanism” is to interfere with organicially organized places, and to change political divisions, by making sure your area contains is a mix of ages, races, and people of all socio-economic levels regardless of whether they can afford it or not. In other words, social engineering for the redistribution of wealth.

Read the rest of what this author has to say about Agenda 2030 in general.