Category Archives: International

What is Next from the Nutty Regionalists?

[This post has been updated on 4.9.2017 with regard to “Resiliency Officers”]

Regionalism promotes urbanism. And urbanists have an idea of how they think YOU should live your life and where.

To that end, thanks to the Rockefeller Foundation of course, they have a new buzzword that has spawned a new layer of bureaucracy — “resiliency officers”.

Don’t laugh. This is for real.

“To that end, the Rockefeller Foundation has launched the 100 Resilient Cities initiative, which currently has just 67 member cities (more will join as time goes on).”

Do you know if your city is on the list of 67?

Read more about the new Officers…

Sheriffs Need to Stop Illegal Regionalism

Regionalism is an attempt to overthrow our form of government, using our tax dollars and without our consent. The man in this video knows this and is appealing to the County to stop it.

We The People are fed up with the lawlessness of our elected officials, and we’re going to take back our country one county at a time. We must get in front of our local elected officials and put them on notice of what their obligation is under the Oath of Office they have sworn to. Let’s face it, going to Washington, DC has proven to be a waste of time, and not everyone in the USA can afford to take time off work or travel to DC in the numbers we need to effect change. This process will be peaceful, lawful, but most importantly, in strict conformity with the U.S. Constitution.

If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct link:

Jeb Bush Signs Off on Regionalism

Florida is one of the most besieged states when it comes to regionalism.

Jeb Bush, Globalist

Jeb Bush, Globalist

Jeb Bush is committed to regionalism, a key step toward the achievement of One World Government.

“The Florida initiative, an alliance of the Urban Land Institute and its four Florida District Councils including ULI Southeast Florida/Caribbean, recently completed a two-year project identifying new opportunities for the state to support and encourage regional cooperation. The project produced a series of local forums, a statewide workshop and culminated with a symposium in Miami keynoted by Governor Jeb Bush. It also produced a comprehensive report recommending succinct strategies for regional cooperation. As a result and at Governor’s Bush’s urging, several cabinet level state agencies are now working with groups to develop regional visioning processes.”

This Will Be NH Courtesy of RPCs if NOT STOPPED

Is Orwell’s 1984 coming to Rhode Island?

It sure sounds like it. Although this article makes it sounds like these plans are the work of Obama, in reality, this agenda has been in place for a very long time. Obama just happens to be one of the most willing to see them through.

Obama said he would use HUD and the EPA to redistribute the wealth and equalize neighborhoods for demographics and income levels.

“In a Nov. 18 letter to the Rhode Island Division of Planning, a bipartisan group of five legislators urged the state not to pass RhodeMap RI, calling the plan “unacceptable and a hijacking of government resources.”

The project is designed to drive residents into more densely packed urban centers where people will live in something they describe in terms usually reserved for Disney’s Epcot — futuristic, clean, prosperous.

Critics say it’s social engineering of the worst sort, something that will destroy local land-use planning while only giving lip-service to green energy and a classless community.”

We repeat: If something isn’t done about this at the local level, if the feds are not banished from interfering in our local zoning and planning laws, NH will see the same fate.

Read more…

Stop the EPA!

Attention all property owners.

The government will have more authority over your land if their proposed expansion of the Clean Water Act is approved. The proposal includes expanding the definition of WOTUS (water of the United States) from all navigable waters to any water that has a bed, a bank and a high water mark. This definition would allow the EPA to claim authority over virtually all US soil. If this bothers you, we have until Friday evening to place a complaint at this web site:

Click on the “Take Action Now” button, and follow the instructions. You will give your name and address and then be given a place to give your specific situation. To the right of the box is a tab labeled “talking points”. When you open this tab, you will find the type of information that will be helpful in stopping this regulation.

Please forward this information to all your neighbors.

Best Article To Understand Regionalism

We just came across this fantastic article that really outlines the purpose and intent of “regionalism” as it is being imposed upon the people of the USA, indeed the world, albeit under programs of different titles.

It is the worst kind of top-down federal intrusion you will ever see, but sadly some still think it’s a ‘conspiracy theory’.

The article is long but here is an overview: “Met Council’s ‘Thrive’ plan has a bullying effect” by Katherine Kersten written for the St Louis Tribune on September 19, 2014.

Their regional group is called the “Metropolitan Council” which Kersten says is “our seven-county area’s unelected regional government, whose 17 members all were appointed by Gov. Mark Dayton. The council intends to use “Thrive MSP 2040,” its new 30-year development plan, to transform our housing patterns and practices. It’s determined to use the plan’s intrusive, top-down controls to make us better people, despite ourselves.

Does “Thrive MSP 2040” sound like NH’s Granite State Future program? That is because basically it is exactly like it. The programs all come from top down, fueled by federal EPA and HUD grants, and all have the same goals for each region.

Over time, Thrive will rearrange our communities around “transit-oriented development” — apartments or condos over small shops near train stations, generally subsidized by taxpayers. The plan reflects what Kotkin calls a fantasy vision of “city as adult Disneyland or ‘entertainment machine,’ chockablock with chic restaurants, shops and festivals” — the “ideal locale for hipsters and older, sophisticated urban dwellers.”

The agenda is the same — squeeze us into places where we have little mobility outside of the assigned area. After all, we will be much easier to control in this Orwellian-style arrangement, than if allowed to spread out and build in the rural areas.

In 2013, the council analyzed every census tract in the seven-county region by income, race and ethnicity. Its purpose was to identify “Racially Concentrated Areas of Poverty” and “high opportunity clusters” — essentially areas with high-performing schools and low crime rates.

It now intends to use this information to disperse people across the region in a government-sanctioned demographic mix. But it lacks the statutory authority to do so. So in its new 106-page Thrive “Housing Policy Plan,” it has concocted a scheme to compel municipalities to take the necessary steps themselves. (Public comment on the draft plan ends Friday, with adoption in November.)

This is how they plan to use the EPA/HUD/DOT to forcibly put in place the UN’s Agenda 21 plan to redistribute the wealth by integrating neighborhoods — surely you have heard about “workforce housing” coming to a town near you?

What we have here is the corralling, integrating, and restricting of the populace, all in one fell swoop. This is Agenda 21. This is the attempt to control every aspect of your lives. This is Granite State Future, and this is what you will be speaking up against when and if you attend the open public meetings scheduled for each region in NH, which are to review the regions’ Master Plans.

Related: Zoning Regulations: A Tale of Extortion

People’s Climate March

“To Change Everything, We Need Everyone”

Yes, you read that right. That is their motto.
And they mean it.

Agenda 21, based on the climate HOAX, wants to control everything and everyone on the planet.

Behold the People’s Climate March website.

And the irony? One of their biggest partners is NH’s “350” organization.

Who funds the network?

None other than the biggest and richest oil family in the world, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.

Yes you read that right. The Rockefellers.

If we do not fight back, foundations and their funding will be the death of us, from education to the environment, to how we can live… they work to control everything on behalf of the global elite.