Updated Article: 7/19 5:27 PM
“These events and many others like them are connected by one resonant term: Agenda 21. Agenda 21 is a United Nations advisory document, adopted in 1992 by 178 signatory nations including the U.S., which provides guidelines for sustainable development. But opponents of the plan see it as something more sinister: In her book Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21, Koire describes Agenda 21 as “the action plan to inventory and control all human beings and resources on the planet.” Koire’s book has become a common manifesto for the dozens of groups and untold thousands of individuals across America opposing the document, its goals, and what they see as its vast influence.”
Amazingly, while denying international involvement, they cite ICLEI, the UN’s sustainability arm which has worked its way into many local governments.
“According to Michael Schmitz, executive director of the U.S. chapter of the ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, there has been a broad rise in these sorts of incidents, with “a very small but very vocal group of protesters who will essentially try to disrupt the process [of local planning meetings].””
If the plan is to disrupt the process of Soviet-style top down direction of our lives by central planners via unelected boards, be prepared for more.
Our hero, Rosa Koire, is mentioned.
Here is her response.
Fortune Magazine (Fortune 500/Time, Inc.) published an article yesterday highlighting me and our fight against UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development. The article is a nuanced manipulation that lies by omission and half-truths, and slimes by intent. David Morris, the author, brings in ICLEI public relations and the Southern Poverty Law Center to ‘balance’ the article, and then concludes that Agenda 21 is necessary to save the planet — it ‘requires some sacrifices, not all of them made entirely willingly’.
The following quote is from our interview; David Morris asked me if I had anything to add.
I guess what I want to ask you, David, is how committed you are to representing a particular point of view that’s going to marginalize what I’ve told you? I’m hoping that you’re going to write an article that is genuine and fair… We have something serious going on in our country and around the world and it needs to be dealt with in a serious manner. If the major corporations which own the media are controlling that information we will not be able to get that information out to the people so that they can make these decisions for themselves. So I’m hoping — you have an opportunity here — and I’m really hoping that you’re going to use it.
Watch the interview here on YouTube. Judge for yourself how the media operates to manipulate public opinion and block the truth.
Here is Rosa’s rebuttal to what she calls a “smear” article by Forbes. [Video]
Rosa’s Website
Sadly Rosa passed away on May 31, 2021