Category Archives: International

A Chicken Coop for All

“President Obama seeks to use the power of the national government to create communities of a certain kind, each having what the federal government deems an appropriate mix of economic, racial, and ethnic diversity.

Clearly, the Obama administration’s interest is not in combating discrimination in housing; its interest is imposing a preordained view of the proper racial and ethnic mix for neighborhoods.”

To that end he has created the AFFH rule; “affirmatively furthering fair housing”.

Powerline blog has a two part article:

Obama moves to impose his vision of how we should live, Part One

Obama moves to impose his vision of how we should live, Part Two

Read more about where we stand on AFFH…

Obama will wait until after election to impose his vision of how we should live

The Witch Hunt Continues

Don’t you dare tell the truth about climate change, especially if you are a well known respected scientist.

A globally-renowned climate scientist has been forced to step down from a think-tank after he was subjected to ‘Mc-Carthy’-style pressure from scientists around the world.

Professor Lennart Bengtsson, 79, a leading academic from the University of Reading, left the high-profile Global Warming Policy Foundation as a result of the threats, which he described as ‘virtually unbearable’.

The group was set up by former Tory Chancellor Lord Lawson and are sceptical about radical policy changes aimed at combating global warming.

The Swedish climatologist, who has published more than 200 papers, said he received hundreds of emails from colleagues criticising his decision to switch to the organisation.

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The Wildlands Project – Agenda 21

This past month, the government reinforced locks and installed new fences on the private property of a rancher in New Mexico to protect a mouse and to block the cattle from a watering hole (story below); they are looking to steal land along the Red River; and they are squeezing out ranchers throughout the West, taking the land off the tax roles and turning it over to mice, chicken, lizards, and frogs.

The land grabs began more than two decades ago.

Thanks to the extremists involved in The Wildlands Project of 1992 and their cozy relationship with greedy government bureaucrats, ranchers throughout the West are being squeezed off their land. They work in conjunction with liberal Federal judges who aid and abet the theft.

For those of you who still deny the manifestation of Agenda 21 we present the Wildlands Project, an effort to return most of the land to the wild and remove humans from it. This didn’t start under the Obama administration but it has certainly been accelerated under it.

In this comprehensive article we see the plan laid out in the simplest terms.

The Wildlands Project, now called the Wildlands Network, works in coordination with the government and other extremist groups. They have “set aside the goal of preserving 50% of the North American continent as ‘wild land’ for the preservation of biological diversity,” according to their own stated goals on their website. It conforms to the UN plan outlined in the map above.

The Wildlands plan is to create larger public lands by acquiring private lands adjoining public lands.

“Re-wilding” the land that they have set aside for nature requires moving humans into human settlements.

David Foreman, former board member of Sierra Club, is the current Director of the Rewilding Institute. He believes, as do many of his colleagues, that we must control human population growth. “We must stabilize and then reduce population to stop driving extinction of species, destruction of ecosystems, and production of greenhouse gases,” he said.

Foreman is the Founder of Earth First which he described as a warrior society in the 1980′s. It is believed he has engaged in assault and vandalism and has promoted violence.

How Foreman sees humans in relation to the rest of the world is clear: “An individual human life has no more intrinsic value than does an individual Grizzly Bear life. Human suffering resulting from drought and famine in Ethiopia is tragic, yes, but the destruction there of other creatures and habitat is even more tragic.”

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Must See Videos Debunking Climate Change as Hoax

For those who still don’t understand the underlying goal of the climate change ‘hoax’, here are three excellent documentaries.

Global Warming or Global Governance?

Dr. Don Easterbrook Exposes Climate Change Hoax

Lord Christopher Monckton ends the Global Warming Debate and proves its a Hoax

What is Agenda 21 and Why So Dangerous?

Americans Awakening to the Threat

“Early in 2011, the Board of Commissioners in Carroll County Maryland voted unanimously to abolish the county’s “Office of Sustainability” and withdraw from the ICLEI program. Commissioner Richard Rothstein explained that the cost of the program wasn’t the greatest motivation for the commissioners’ decision. They took their action because of their awareness that ICLEI is “an organization with extreme beliefs on global warming that promotes United Nations big-government socio-economic policies…. In reality, Agenda 21-based sustainability programs seek government control of land, labor and capital….” City, county and community leaders across the nation should take heed.

The city of Edmond, Oklahoma, has also pulled out of ICLEI. In Maine, the state’s Department of Transportation cancelled plans for the “Gateway Project,” a plan to create unnecessary linkages among 20 communities. Some opponents of the Maine project expressed their belief that the idea stemmed from the overall Agenda 21 planning.

While some Americans now realize that Agenda 21 and its numerous stepchildren pose a danger to their communities and their nation, many more must be made aware. Far more than considerations about the cost and control associated with involvement, the more important overall threat posed by Agenda 21 is loss of independence at the community, county, state, and national levels. The designs of the globalists who are working to seize control of the world — piecemeal, step-by-step, bite by bite, or however else the process can be described — must be blocked. Our nation has always benefited from its diverse communities and independent-thinking citizens bound together loosely under the U.S. and state constitutions.”

Do not miss this excellent writeup from JBS on how the push for ‘sustainability’ was conceived at the United Nations and how it is trickling down as ‘soft law’ to the country, states, and towns we live in.

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Local Governments Reject UN’s Agenda 21

Are there plans to bring Agenda 21 to your town?

“Sustainability” is the hot new buzzword on the left.

It’s the kind of word that sounds nice when you first stumble into it, but like everything else in the world of the eco-left, it really means control.

It’s what United Nation’s Agenda 21 is all about.

What might surprise you is that controversy over Agenda 21 tends to arise not from the dramatics imposition of its principles from above (like global warming), but from attempts to quietly insert UN dogma into local cities and towns.

Take a look at CFACT senior policy analyst Bonner Cohen’s article on

Bonner reports that, “planning commissions, which have spread like wildfire over the past couple of decades and whose members are unelected, produce an endless array of schemes designed to micro-manage every aspect of commercial, residential, and recreational life. No town, no matter how small, is safe from the meddling of planners in and outside of government.”

Are there plans to bring Agenda 21 to your town?

Is it already there?

You and your neighbors need to know.