Category Archives: International

Freedom Advocates: Regionalism – The Blueprint for Your Serfdom

This is a great article from Freedom Advocates which explains what we are facing in NH with the new push for ‘regionalism’.

If you still don’t understand the purpose of regionalism, please read on.

Did you know that some of your local elected representatives are enabling a shadow government to evolve? These people promote the reinvention of government through their support of, and appointments to, “regional” boards that act like soviet councils. These councils are funded to implement Agenda 21. Federal tax dollars fuel their appeal, but your city and county representatives do not have to go along.

Gone are the days when government was limited, where individuals were politically acknowledged to possess unalienable rights, and where money was honest. The American political structure has been transformed. This has occurred quietly for more than 50 years without public awareness of the mechanisms underlying the change.

At the core of this transformation is the political process of “regionalizing” the country. Political regionalism is the antithesis of representative government. Regionalism restructures or reinvents the operation of American government by destroying traditional political boundaries, such as county lines, and ushers in a transformed system of governance that ultimately abolishes private property and the rights of the individual. Regionalism has infiltrated cities and counties everywhere, affecting transportation, water, farming and land use systems… literally every aspect of your life.

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No Shortage of Groups Promoting Social Engineering

There seems to be no shortage of groups promoting social engineering and one world-ism through regionalism.

And the reason? One need only to follow the money…

Destroying the Country Since 1913

Destroying the Republic of the United States of America Since 1913

We know of no neighborhood that discriminates by race, creed, or color.

The only barrier to living in certain areas, as we all know, might be cost. But didn’t we all start out small, save our money, and work hard with the hope of building up to being able to afford the home of our dreams? Those of us who have reached that goal worked hard for what we have. Now the government wants to even the score.

There seems to be no shortage of groups, running under the guise of “sustainability” that want to social engineer your neighborhood, particularly your suburbs. We have seen this time and time again with “workforce housing” being forced on populations by unelected regional boards, where there is no workforce to serve.

One such group is called Building One America. It has the attention of some of our so-called “Republican” elected officials.

The group’s motto seems to be the embodiment of its mission statement: “Organizing for Inclusion, Sustainability, and Economic Growth”.

We are very familiar with the ruse of “sustainability and economic growth” by the new urbanists and regionalists but inclusion is an interesting new twist in the agenda. We have already demonstrated how this administration plans to use HUD and other illegal agencies to forcibly integrate your neighborhood if the federal government deems it too homogeneous in race or income.

See this previously posted report from the University of Wisconsin: Promise and Perils of New Regionalist Approaches [PDF – 47 Pages]

In 2013 “Building One America” held a summit. It is worth getting inside the heads of these folks, so you will know exactly what their intentions are when they come to disrupt the normal flow of things IN YOUR TOWN, disguised as “community-based” programs.

There was no shortage of “Mainstreet” Republicans at this summit. “Republican” Main Street Partnership’s affiliated PAC intends to use George Soros connections and Democrat-backed money to defeat conservatives.

From the “Building One America” website we learned:

National Summit on Inclusive Suburbs and Sustainable Regions attended by 200 leaders and over dozen members of congress

A congressional reception was attended by 14 members of Congress, including Richard Hanna (R-NY), Transportation and infrastructure; Dave Joyce (R-Ohio), Appropriations; Peter King (R-NY), Financial Services; and Jim Renacci (R-OH), Ways and Means; Dan Lipinski (D-IL), Transportation and Infrastructure; Charlie Rangel (D-NY), Ways and Means.

Former Ohio Congressman Steve LaTourette, who now heads the Republican Main Street Partnerships, served as a keynote speaker in the summit, affirming that the challenges facing local government are bi-partisan issues, and pledged to work with BOA to build support for investment in infrastructure.

Practitioners and policy-experts attended breakout sessions on schools, housing, sewer, water infrastructure, and transportation. There, efforts to lift-up and highlight opportunities for better federal and state policies and funding approaches were reinforced by powerful examples of best practices and policy victories secured at the state and regional level.”

How are we going to stop special interests and NGOs such as Building One America from captivating our representatives, and steering the conversation, a conversation that leaves out the taxpayer while using the taxpayers’ dollars at the local level?

We began to wonder, who funds these folks? Certainly they cannot afford to do what they do relying solely on the donations they solicit from the public on their website?

We followed the trail from their donation page, which lists “Metropolitan Area Research Corporation” as their “fiscal sponsor’ and NOT surprisingly arrived at — the Rockefeller Foundation!

Who Knew?

How do we stop these wealthy globalists from reaching into our very back yards? Who has the money to stop the Rockefellers?

More of your voices are needed.

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Related: Liberal Republicans Mainstreet Partnership

UN Changes Tactics on Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable development goals, targets and… clusters?

The United Nations is busy cooking up its next assault on your freedom with a new group to replaced the former group on Millennium Development Goals. Beware of what they have in store for you…

The UN’s Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals (OWG) will meet next week to discuss potential goals and targets to replace the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which expire in 2015. The OWG and its co-Chairs deserve praise for making significant progress in an incredibly complex process involving an overwhelming number of issues and actors.

The OWG co-Chairs have admirably attempted to reduce a long list of development priorities into 8 “clusters” for discussion (issued last week), following reactions to the 19 “focus areas” they released last month. Many asserted that 19 is too many, compared to the 8 goals of the MDGs. Though the co-Chairs are careful to caution that the focus areas are not goals – and that the clusters are simply for discussion – these caveats are generally ignored. The co-Chairs themselves have indicated they would like to have a better sense of the sustainable development goals and targets by the end of next week. Under considerable pressure to provide structure, producing the 8 clusters is a natural attempt to meet these demands. But any clustering of issues at this point will inevitably raise questions.


At the same time, cluster five includes sustainable consumption and production, urban settlements, and climate, creating tensions with cluster four (industrialization, infrastructure and energy). This will lead to questions about what the overall framework is trying to accomplish.

One can see from the following PDF file, that most of the issues listed have nothing whatsoever to do with the environment or global warming or sustainability, but are more of social engineering and redistribution of the wealth.

Tell your candidates who support CARBON TAXES that this is what they are enabling!

Read about some of the things they hope to control:
OWG Clusters for Sustainable Development Goals

Read more of the article here…

Do Single-Family Homes Threaten the Planet?

Do Single-Family Homes Threaten the Planet?

A plan to squeeze most residents of the San Francisco Bay Area into multifamily housing offers a test case of whether land-use bureaucracies nationwide, encouraged by the Obama administration, should be allowed to transform American lifestyles under the pretext of combating climate change.

Currently, 56 percent of households in the nine-county Bay Area live in single-family homes. That number would drop to 48 percent by 2030, under a high-density development blueprint called Plan Bay Area, recently enacted by the Association of Bay Area Governments and the region’s Metropolitan Transportation Commission.

Plan Bay Area has already drawn several legal challenges, and the debate could spread nationwide if, as may happen, it becomes a model for regulators in other parts of the country.

Read More from CATO…

Carroll Quigley Warned us of Inventory Taking

The goal of Agenda 21 is to inventory and control everything on the planet, most importantly, humans. Many of you have seen this process with gun control, control of health care. Many of you have been subjected to attempts to get you to participate in the American Community Surveys, and now the Center for Disease Control’s health surveys that are currently being conducted in New Hampshire.

In William Jefferson Clinton’s acceptance speech (when he was nominated as presidential candidate), he praised his mentor, Professor Carroll Quigley. On page 950 of Carroll Quigley’s 1964 book “Tragedy and Hope” you will read:

“The individual’s freedom and choice will be controlled within very narrow alternatives, by the fact that he will be numbered from birth … and followed as a number through his educational training, his required military or other service, his tax contributions, his health and medical requirements, and his final retirement and death benefits.”

Who was Carroll Quigley? He was the historian for many of the secret societies that influence and control our government. And his book exposed many of the elites’ agendas.

UN’s ‘Post-2015 Development Agenda’ Aims to Imprison the World

The far-reaching fate for a captive new human society is not being planned in Washington, D.C., but in New York City.

That fate is no longer somewhere off in the distant future but is being made ready to eclipse all of human society—by the end of 2015.

The sovereignty of all nations will be swallowed whole in the United Nations ‘Post-2015 Development Agenda’, and that’s only the nightmarish beginning of the coming new life on Planet Earth.

While it sounds like Science Fiction, it is harsh reality.

In this fast-coming alien New World, only presidents and kings and their families and staff will remain free of UN-sanctioned encampments called the “micro apartments” of Agenda 21. National borders will be a thing of the past and no nightmare scenario depicted in any non-fiction book or movie comes close to life without individual rights.

Report [PDF]

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Agenda 21: An Accepted Fact Driving Sustainability and Regionalism

No longer can it be said that Agenda 21 is a ‘conspiracy’.

From the confab in 1992, to the entry in the Federal Register, to the video where Nancy Pelosi is recommending on the House floor that it be implemented, we know it’s the driving force behind regionalism and that unelected regional planners are promoting its ideas.

The question is, what are YOU going to do to help preserve NH’s rural look and feel, prevent it from being ‘urbanized’ and protect your property rights?

From our friends in NY:

09-28-2012 7:25 pm – John W. Wallace

I am sure that most Americans, including many residents of New York’s Capital Region (where I live) and other rural areas of America, have never heard of a United Nations’ program called ‘Agenda 21.’ Even if they have heard the name, they are most likely unaware that Agenda 21 poses one of the greatest threats to their individual liberty, freedoms, property rights and even their country’s sovereignty.

The Agenda 21 movement started on the international level more than 20 years ago as various international non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) combined their global plans for a new world order with their counterparts in the worldwide “green movement” to thoroughly outline an agenda that would completely change and curtail human activity on the planet. Most prominent in these plans was one written and delivered by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to the UN-sponsored Earth Summit back in 1992. It was called Agenda 21. Proponents of the ideas outlined in the original Agenda 21 plan said it was just a suggestion with no teeth for enforcement in the United States.

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Mayor Bloomberg is a Dangerous Man

Bad enough he’s meddled in NH business when it comes to second amendment rights, he’s now working for the globalists in order to impose their planned urban-based regional society upon America.

Find out if your city is involved.

Bloomberg is the president of the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (CCLG) which is comprised of 63 mayors from 40 major cities across the world collaboratively who have decided to alter the landscape of their cities to reflect answers to global warming by implementing Agenda 21 incrementally.

The C40 has expanded to 58 cities that use UN Agenda 21 regulations to monitor global populations, decrease CO2 emissions and affect the global gross domestic product (GDP). Being major cities, they have a tremendous influence over setting the standard for a “low carbon economy”.

What a shame we have some conservatives in NH that won’t do anything to stop this. They had their chance with HB 1573.

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White House Announces 7 Regional Climate Hubs

Proposed giant EPA land-grab is rigged, conflicted and corrupted