Category Archives: Local

So Much for Paris Agreement

Conservatives were justifiably happy when President Trump withdrew the US from the Paris Agreement, in denial of the global warming “threat”.

This of course was merely symbolic as it did nothing to stop the one-world “sustainable” agenda which is firmly embedded into our globalist US State Department. The federal government is thoroughly committed to the UN Agenda, and it can be seen in every agency as well as in our school systems. Through federal meddling and “grants”, this agenda trickles down to our towns and cities.

From the above link:

“In September 2015, world leaders adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs, also commonly referred to as the Global Goals). This bold and ambitious set of goals, the successor framework to the Millennium Development Goals, is universal in nature and focused on driving social, economic, and environmental development outcomes for the next 15 years. In his speech at the Summit, President Obama committed the U.S. to pursuing the goals domestically and internationally. The Department of State is committed to doing our part to make this historic agreement a reality by 2030.”

As we have written before, this is something that must continue to be fought at the local level wherever the feds have meddled in our towns and cities, by virtue of NH’s quasi-governmental “regional planning commissions“.

But now, the President seems to have done a complete 180º turn and has succumbed to pressure from climate change lobbyists.

We were truly hoping this was a hoax, but sadly it is not.

“This past Tuesday, President Trump signed a bill into law that formally recognizes climate change as a national security threat to the United States. While the president has long railed against climate change and advocated for fossil fuels, the Trump Administration and a Republican-controlled Congress have taken a small but significant step towards formally recognizing climate change. Now that this stance has become codified law, the United States will be further pressured to act.”

The group claims that “The newly signed law is a hard-earned result of the bipartisan organizing done by the Climate Solutions Caucus.”

Bad enough, this was part of another bill that increased the government’s ability to spy on citizens: “The climate change provision reached the president’s desk as an amendment to the must-pass, annual National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Republican leadership attempted to remove the provision from the bill, but were defeated when 46 Republican representatives defected and voted to uphold the provision.”

Read more…

We would love to hear your reaction about this issue. If you have something to say about this, please email us at info at

Addendum: This is what actually happened at the US Mission to the UN regarding climate change and SDGs:

Ambassador Kelley Currie
U.S. Representative for Economic and Social Affairs
U.S. Mission to the United Nations
July 18, 2018

“Let me be clear: the United States’ commitment to sustainable international development is enshrined in President Trump’s National Security Strategy. Our commitment to financing development is demonstrated in everything we do, as the largest donor to and a significant private sector investor in developing countries. We remain the largest provider of Official Development Assistance, and we are focusing more of our ODA on catalyzing both domestic revenues and private investment in partner countries most in need as they progress on their journey toward self-reliance and sustainability. The United States supports the spirit of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as a framework for development and will continue to be a global leader in sustainable development through our policies, partnerships, innovations, and calls to action.”

Original link: Explanation of Vote on a High-Level Political Forum Ministerial Declaration

It appears that this article is under a NEW LINK.

Here is another original link for those above that did not work.

Also, check the succession of links at the bottom of the page that trace the path to America’s public schools, where this type of indoctrination takes place:

The White House
State Department
United Nations
Model UN Programs

NGOs Take On Life of Their Own

Nowhere will you find a better display and example of an NGO that has taken on a life of its own as those who have extreme influence over your government. Yes, these are the people who have the MOST influence on what goes on locally.

Meanwhile your liberties are being stolen every day, citizens of this country are too busy engaging in silly partisan bickering over issues that do not matter.

“Curious as to how transportation, public health, civil engineering, art, local governance, cultural identity, and Complete Streets connect? This week we’re thrilled to share our expert line up of keynote and plenary speakers for Intersections: Creating Culturally Complete Streets. They will join over 60 other speakers in Nashville, April 3 – 4, to explore these themes.”

“Smart Growth America and the National Complete Streets Coalition, in partnership with the Urban Land Institute, are excited to feature speakers who have helped shape the national discourse around arts and culture, creative placemaking, and Complete Streets.”

Who are some of the speakers? Behold the nonsense:

Peter Svarzbein: Generate creative solutions for entrenched transportation problems, like Peter’s fake creative guerilla campaign in El Paso, TX and Ciudad Juárez, Mexico that led to real-life change. (NationSwell)

Veronica Davis: Reframe the conversation around biking with sustainability, resilience, and equity at the center. (HuffPost)

Jamie Bennett: Examine where and how to identify artists in our communities and how to foster community development that drives creativity and our local economies. (Ted Talk)

Joseph Kunkel: Foster local ownership and economic opportunity, like Joseph’s work to leverage creative placemaking in rural New Mexican pueblos. (National Endowment for the Arts)

Laura Zabel: Use pop-up art to reimagine community health outreach, like Laura at Springboard for the Arts. (CityLab)

Notice the use of the word ‘plenary’? Where have you seen that before? Yes it’s totally United Nations… and they have total control over your regional planners.

Complete Streets Conference

Related: NGOs on cyber-security

Rothschild & Co. Will Restructure North America

If you still do not think there is a global effort to restructure cities, states, and countries from their current political divisions, to be placed under one, globally-controlled entity, please listen to Deborah Tavares describe what she has discovered.

Here is what she is talking about: Rothschild & Co Names Homer Parkhill and Stephen Antinelli as Co-Heads of Restructuring in North America

If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct link:

Uber and Lyft in Urbanist’s Sights Again

Once again, State Smart Transportation Initiative (SSTI) has focused on competition they perceive from ride-hailing services such as Uber and Lyft.

They have already complained that these services take revenue away from public transportation, so is it any wonder they are now also claiming these drivers are responsible for multiple violations?

They will attempt to track data in relation to the use of these services in an attempt to discourage them.

Read more…

RED ALERT: Bill Would Rein in RPCs (HB 1616)

Bill Would Rein in RPCs (HB 1616)
Jan 23, 2018 | Legislative Updates, Property Rights, Regionalism

HB 1616 is AN ACT requiring legislative approval for regional planning commissions to accept money from governmental sources other than the state of New Hampshire or its political subdivisions.

“Before a commission may accept or receive any funds, grants, or services from governmental sources outside of the state of New Hampshire or its political subdivisions, prior approval of the general court is required,” it states specifically.

Read more at CNHT

California’s Bullet Train a Boondoggle

Governor Sununu recently expressed support for a commuter rail and one Republican on the Executive Council made the deciding vote in accepting $4,000 of federal money to conduct a ‘study’ for a commuter rail system in NH.

Tell the Governor that trains are not viable. We’ve posted here before about trains in other states that have gone bust. Here is the biggest one in California.

California’s bullet train (and biggest boondoggle) is over budget by billions

Washingtonians Want to Create a New “Free State”

Some Washingtonians are holding a fundraiser for their “Liberty” state effort…

A local group of citizens who want to create a 51st state by carving away a significant portion of Eastern Washington (State) are holding a fundraiser in Colville on Saturday, January 20 in an effort to get 100 “Liberty” state flags flying by the month of January.

The event is being hosted by the Stevens County Property Rights Group (SCPRG) and will begin at 3:00 PM at the Ag Trade Center at the Stevens County Fairgrounds in Colville. A live auction and dessert auction are planned in an effort to raise the $4,000 needed to make 100 flags for the proposed 51st state, which would be called “Liberty.”

You have to hand it to these people for being awake and aware. Note that in the Pacific Northwest, Agenda 2030 has progressed even faster than it has here in the east, so it is no wonder these folks are rebelling against the status quo and see the only escape is to start their own state.

The article notes that to “legally create a new state a majority vote of the Washington State legislature is required, as is approval by Congress, per the U.S. Constitution.”

This sounds like something similar to the Free State Project, who in 2004, decided they would make New Hampshire their home, a state which they hope will be kept as free from government as possible. The FSP is the vehicle that gets people to NH, but after they arrive, they are on their own as far as how politically active they become. The Washingtonians behind this 51st state effort say that they were prompted to do this because of opposition to the “Growth Management Act, Common Core standards in public schools, over-regulation by the Department of Ecology and other issues.”

We truly hope that the Free State Project participants, when they come to NH, will read our working group blog here at Granite State Future(s) and understand that the same freedoms are being taken from them in THIS state, and where to go and what to do to stop it!

Read More…

Realated Article: What To Watch For at Upcoming Town Meetings – CNHT

For 2018 the Agenda Marches On

If you think just withdrawing from the Paris Agreement has us out of Agenda21/2030 you’re sadly mistaken.

The UN says that “Incremental change will not manifest this new world by 2030. Such a shift requires deep, systemic change.”

Further, they explain, that “The 17 goals are integrated and interdependent, spanning economic, social, and environmental imperatives.”

These goals are not the lofty aspirations of a wannabe world government, but have been, in treasonous fashion, built into our own US government at the State Department level. (See US State Dept page here)

And the UN says that at this event (which was held in September of 2017) “Together with innovators from around the globe, we will showcase and discuss bold models of systemic change that have been proven and applied on a local, regional, and global scale“.

Indeed they have. And that is just what this website is devoted to exposing and fighting. They will continue to engage corporations and NGOs to work with, and within our US government to achieve these all-encompassing goals.

See how they measure and keep track of those goals, especially in education, in the US. Do any of these mandates and the language used, sound familiar? Note especially the EDUCATION goals.

Watch the slick presentation video from their September 2017 event.

Your Master Plan is Part of the UN’s Master Plan

The town of Bedford NH has just ‘approved’ a 29,000-square-foot building that will house 133 rental units…

As reported in the Union Leader, “…the town’s master plan supports bringing residential and mixed-use development…”

Trouble is, the town’s master plan was NOT created or approved by the residents, but concocted by the (unelected) Regional Planning Commission, which takes its orders from the American Planning Association (merely an NGO), which in turn follows the United Nations (unelected NGO) “urbanism” agenda — a plan for every country.

Did you vote for this? I know I didn’t. What happens in your town is being determined by a little-known program called ‘Granite State Future’, all based on ‘sustainability’ due to the climate HOAX.

Residents of every town should object to what these cryptic quasi-governmental agencies are doing to determine their town’s fate.

Business Leaders Explore A Path Toward A Carbon Tax

But, what about Paris?

“As the Republican-led Congress moves closer to revamping the U.S. tax code, it has sought sources of revenue to pay for proposed cuts. In mid-November, a group of business, philanthropic and environmental leaders met at a lunch in Manhattan convened by a former Goldman Sachs partner to discuss the possibility of making a carbon tax a reality.”

Read more at Forbes…