Category Archives: Local

Will Trump Shut Down State and International Regional Councils?

As you know, GSF(s) often posts videos created by California resident Gary Gileno (‘grindall61’) because his presentations about regional councils and commissions in that state are just as relevant to what is going on in New Hampshire and every other state in the USA.

Northern Regional Commission

We often write about NH’s 9 STATE Regional Planning Commissions, but if those are unknown to most, even more obscure from the public view is the 10th Regional Commission that crosses over into Canada. This Commission is called the “Northern Border Regional Commission“. It bills itself as “A new Federal-State partnership for economic and community development within the most distressed counties of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and New York.”

It is in fact yet another enforcer of the federal-international agenda to urbanize America and consolidate political divisions, leaving local control out of the mix. This includes every aspect of our lives, including education as can be seen in the last item (2017) on this PDF file.

According to the Washington Post, as pointed out in the video, the president is considering defunding these agencies.

The Post claims that “In his budget outline for 2018 unveiled Thursday, none of the rural development agencies — the Appalachian Regional Commission, the Delta Regional Authority, the Northern Border Regional Commission — would receive any money. In effect, it would eliminate these programs, which are completely subsidized by the federal government.”

Remember, federal money means federal interference, and federal interference means loss of local control.

Whether it will actually happen remains to be seen. Meanwhile, please watch the video from ‘grindall61’ and note the similarities in our NH RPCs to the groups from CA.

Direct link:

UN is Out of the Closet on Wish to Control Your Cities

Looks like the United Nations is doubling down on its efforts to urbanize the world. (So much for Paris eh?)

Urbanization Panel of UN

“The panel proposes the establishment of UN-Urban as a mechanism to convene all UN agencies and partners working on urban sustainability issues, similar to the role played by UN-Water and UN-Energy. The panel also calls for action to “save, stabilize and rapidly strengthen” UN-HABITAT to equip it for the challenge of implementing the 2030 Agenda and the NUA, noting that the UN system has not adequately acknowledged the pace, scale and implications of urbanization.”

According to Technocracy News, “The New Urban Agenda and ‘UN Urban’ will be the most direct driver of implementing Technocracy (aka Sustainable Development) on over 50% of the world’s population.”

The longer Americans remain blind and deaf to these efforts, the sooner they will lose local control of their towns and cities. While we symbolically removed the US from the Paris Agreement, the complete agenda of a centralized, world government under the control of the UN, marches on with vengeance.

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The Federal Agenda is NOT Just About Property

Agenda 21 / 2030 is not just about property rights, housing, transportation, water, and energy, etc.

Agenda 21 / 2030 seeks to control education and use it to mold the minds of children into acceptance of the UN’s globalist ideas. So even though this website is not education-oriented in particular, please pay attention because everything that is happening in American education today seeks to serve the very same UN goals, often referred to as the MDGs or the SDGs.

Is your child’s school..

– encouraging education summits where United Nations promoting speakers present ideas to transform education and turn students into “global citizens”?

– providing teachers the School Retool training they need to “hack” problems and “shadow” students so that in 5 to 10 years all North Dakota schools will be “re-imagined”?

– pushing schools to use Project Based Learning that has no empirical proof it works and may take 10 to 15 years to see results?

– implementing personalized learning which is all computerized?

– using the Next Generation Science Standards under which evolution and environmentalism dominate science instruction?

– still using Common Core standards, only re-branded?

– requiring students to be “Choice Ready” by 2030 which involves students choosing a career path that aligns to the global workforce and the College and Career Readiness Standards?

If so, as a parent or taxpayer, you need to attend your local school board meetings and SPEAK UP!

What it Means to be a “Smart” City

Ever wonder what they mean when they say ‘smart city’? It is likely that there are many things in your town’s master plan that aspire to this, and you need to know.

“A growing number of metropolitan areas are being shaped by “Smart” City policies. Bloomberg Philanthropy’s “What Works Cities” aims to bring these programs to mid-size cities as well. Even in communities without explicit “smart” initiatives, “innovation” or “empowerment” zones are being proposed, often around school districts, enabling outside interests to sidestep existing legal and contractual protections under the guise of “autonomy” and “flexibility.” I hope the information I’ve pulled together will reveal how “smart city” and “learning ecosystem” interests often intersect and encourage others to think critically about similar programs in their communities. It is important to consider digital classrooms as nodes of smart cities. Classrooms touch the lives of many, and thus are logical places to begin normalizing the idea that as citizens it is our duty to generate and hand over massive quantities of personal data that will supposedly shape policy for the “public good” and manage our economy.

Read More..

Will “Smart” Cities Lead to Surveilled Education and Social Control? [Slide Presentation and Text]

What’s Behind Water Management and Taxation Schemes?

Next time your town or city wants to impose a ‘roof’ or ‘driveway’ water runoff tax, you will know where the idea originated.

Tell your local officials to stop doing the bidding of the APA and the UN!

“UN agencies have reviewed the impacts of forestry and hi-tech irrigation technologies on water and are urging governments and other responsible actors to resolve conflicts, and take control of water resources and allocations.

The World Water Council has issued its 2016 report, which calls for mainstreaming water in a variety of global agendas, including infrastructure financing, climate action and sustainable development.”

Read more… UN Reports Urge Tackling Water Source Problems, WWC Publishes Annual Report

United Nations: “Educated People Threaten Sustainability”

The United Nations Technocrats says that educated people consume a disproportionate amount of resources, and are therefore unsustainable by definition. Long live stupidity and ignorance. ⁃ TN Editor


Senior leaders of the United Nations gathered recently to continue plotting the future of globalized pseudo-education, which they said must be imposed on every child on the planet to advance the UN’s radical plan for humanity known as “Agenda 2030.” Speakers at the so-called “High-Level Event on Education,” including Muslims and communists, all agreed that UN-led “education” was the key to realizing their globalist goals.

Fight this with your LIFE!

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Original post…

D.I.C.E.D. – The UN’s Environmental Constitution For The World

Certain factions here and abroad have been pushing for an Article V Convention which would open up the US Constitution to ‘changes’. What those changes would entail is anyone’s guess, but here is something you might expect many of those groups to be pushing for.

I am sure there are many Americans who have no idea nor care what “The Draft International Covenant on Environment and Development” (DICED) is. They should. The Draft Covenant is the “Environmental Constitution of Global Governance.”

The first version of the Covenant was presented to the United Nations in 1995 on the occasion of its fiftieth anniversary. It was hoped that it would become a negotiating document for a global treaty on environmental conservation and sustainable development.

The fourth version of the Covenant, issued on September 22, 2010, was written to control all development tied to the environment, “the highest form of law for all human activity.”

The Covenant’s 79 articles, described in great detail in 242 pages, take Sustainable Development principles described in Agenda 21 and transform them into global law, which supersedes all constitutions including the U.S. Constitution.

All signatory nations, including the U.S., would become centrally planned, socialist countries in which all decisions would be made within the framework of Sustainable Development.

Please read the full article from Dr. Ileana Johnson

Ex-Trilateral Commissioner Bill Clinton Backs ICLEI On Climate Change Rebellion In Cities

Bill Clinton originally helped the UN-connected ICLEI get established in the U.S., and is leading the pack in pushing cities to personally adopt the Paris Climate Agreement in spite of Trump’s rejection. This divide and conquer strategy will further rip the Constitution. ⁃ TN Editor

Mayors are uniquely positioned to help the United States rise above divisive tribalism since the last global financial crisis that uprooted social and economic arrangements, former President Bill Clinton told the U.S. Conference of Mayors 85th annual meeting on Saturday.

Trouble is, Clinton is suggesting Mayors violate the Logan Act which forbids them to support agreements with foreign countries directly.

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