Category Archives: Local

Pittsfield Listens

A “Community Conversation on the use of Pittsfield’s Town Forests” will be held on Wednesday, May 31, at 6:00 PM at the PMHS and will be Facilitated by Pittsfield Listens

Pittsfield has a very active “NH Listens” branch and it is imperative that all Pittsfield residents are made aware of what they are doing to your town and schools.

If you want to preserve your right to use the town’s forests, you might be interested in this “conversation”.

Trump Admin Signs on to Agenda 2030

In one of many disappointing moves by the Trump administrations, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson signed the US onto the UN’s Agenda 2030 “climate change” effort at an “arctic council” summit in Fairbanks, Alaska.

Read the “FAIRBANKS DECLARATION 2017 – On the Occasion of the Tenth Ministerial Meeting of the Arctic Council” (Sounds so very Orwellian doesn’t it?)

Direct Download: Fairbanks Declaration 2017


Climate Change Forum in Moultonborough June 1


(Those watching what regionalists are doing might want to attend this – reports welcome)

Climate Change Forum – Taking a look at the Effects of Climate Change on New Hampshire Mountains, Seasons and Loons on June 1st, 2017 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM at the Moultonborough Lion’s Club, 139 Old Route 109 in Moultonborough, NH

– Eric Kelsey, Research Assistant Professor at PSU, Dept. of Atmospheric Research and Chemistry, and Director of Research at the Mount Washington Observatory.

– Mary Albert, Professor at Dartmouth University Thayer School of Engineering, and Executive Director, US Ice Drilling Program Office.

– Harry Vogel, Senior Biologist/Executive Director of the Loon Preservation Committee, and Chair of the Northeast Loon Study Working Group.

Moderated by Mike Lancor, former Moultonborough Superintendent of Schools
Sponsored by the Environmental Focus Group of the Democratic Committees of Moultonborough, Sandwich, and Tuftonboro. For more information, call Ginny Gassman, (603) 707-0591

Wolfeboro to Hold Water Summit


If you live in this watershed area, it behooves you to attend to see what conservationists and planners will be up to.

There will be a “Wolfeboro Water Summit” on May 13, 2017 from 09:00 AM to 12:00 PM at the
Great Hall at The Wolfeboro Town Hall.

From their description:

Are you concerned about our water? Join us for the Wolfeboro Water Summit to be held May 13, 9:00 AM to Noon in the Great Hall at Wolfeboro Town Hall. Registration and coffee at 8:30 AM – mid morning, catered food.


Sam Evans-Brown – Host of NPR will moderate a panel of conservationists and town planners

Dr. Thomas Ballestero – Director of UNH Stormwater Cleanup will speak on water challenges

Dr. Nejem Raheem – Professor of Environmental Economics will speak on the economics of water

Sponsored by the Wentworth Watershed Association

Contact info: and also on Facebook
Wolfeboro Area Chamber of Commerce Event Link

The UN Agenda – Patrick Wood

Remember UNESCO controls the content of our public school curricula through the Federal Department of Education.

The UN also influences what happens in town governments via their stranglehold on our federal government through illegal federal agencies such as HUD, EPA, DOT, etc.

Patrick Wood speaks about the global agenda:

Direct link:

About the speaker/author:

Pat’s Website-
Pat’s Book Technocracy Rising:

Regionalism, Urbanism and Common Core Standards

If you are a parent or taxpayer reading this blog because you are concerned about federal interference in your town’s planning and zoning practices, you should also be very interested in what is going on in our schools. In addition to the Federal Reserve, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the United Nations (all NGOs or private entities with no right to make law) writing politically motivated lesson plans for our kids in America’s schools, we now have the urban planners who are regionalists.

In this very informative article from 2016, you can read about how regionalism and urbanism, justified by the federal government’s “sustainability” goals, are among the political and social goals being infused into the curriculum of the students of New Hampshire, and the rest of the country.


Property Rights Under Attack in Science Standards

“Property rights are even under attack in the NGSS. When human beings are the problem, property rights must also be restricted and possibly eliminated.

“Urban planning” HS-ESS3-3 is included in the standards to reduce human impact. Urban planning is a way of controlling property rights through growth boundaries, high-density housing, fewer cars, and more public transportation. This puts the government in control of development and land use. If New Hampshire is going to use political dogma as science standards, there should be an emphasis on the importance of private property rights too.

With the emphasis on carbon dioxide emissions and how it relates to the economy, the NGSS makes carbon dioxide and urban planning a tool, to prevent global warming. These are social and political goals, but NOT science. By having students focus on social issues, the NGSS are used to indoctrinate students into a political ideology. The solutions are having the federal and state governments exercise control over the economy and our lives.

Public schools will graduate students with a new world view but they will not be prepared for a career or college in the science field. As this science educator of 24 years says, “The Next Generation approach is designed to develop “global citizen” awareness and ignores the needs of high achieving and most average students at the secondary level who already have clear career goals in mind.” The Common Core Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards are low-level standards that will teach your children some academic content, but will not give them the quality they need, if they have higher aspirations.

Several states had superior science standards prior to Common Core. New Hampshire students are being shortchanged when our Commissioner and Department of Education does not even talk about higher quality science standards for our children.”

Read more… …from parent activist, education researcher and speaker Ann Marie Banfield, who serves as the VOLUNTEER education liaison for a Cornerstone NH and SCCNH.

Let’s Defund HUD’s AFFH Rule!

Preserve Property Rights by Defunding HUD’s AFFH Rule

The pressure by property advocates from across the nation to rein in HUD’s disastrous Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule is being felt on Capitol Hill. As a result, two bills have been introduced to defund and eliminate the program.

Representative Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) has introduced H.R. 482 (24 cosponsors), called the Local Zoning Decisions Protection Act of 2017. Meanwhile, Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) has introduced a companion bill (S. 103; one cosponsor) in the Senate under the same name. Both bills are designed to defund and defang AFFH.

AFFH is dangerous to American property owners and to local government in our communities. In 2015, the federal Housing and Urban Development (HUD) department began enforcing the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule. This was Barack Obama’s most radical assault on American private property rights and locally elected governments.

The AFFH rule obliterates personal property rights and destroys property values in whole neighborhoods. Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing requires every community that applies for HUD grants to perform massive demographic analyses locally and regionally to determine if there are enough low-income and minority people living in every neighborhood (as determined by HUD). HUD agents search the records of every person in each neighborhood for income levels, race, color, religion, national origin, and much more.

If there aren’t enough of each category to satisfy HUD’s vague rules, HUD will claim that the community is “out of balance” and therefore in violation of AFFH! Next, HUD will file lawsuits against the community to impose its will. HUD is already doing this in many communities across the nation. The result is pure social engineering of neighborhoods.

As HUD demands that the “imbalance” be corrected by forcing federally subsidized housing into more affluent neighborhoods, property values plummet. Equity in those homes will be lost.

In addition, as HUD moves to enforce these badly defined rules, its agents begin to dictate to local officials how their communities will develop. Locally elected officials simply become pawns to carry out HUD rules. Home rule in America will die under AFFH.

One other dangerous effect that AFFH has on local government is the creation of regional, non-elected governments. These regions are created as HUD uses the data it has gathered on each neighborhood and then creates “geospatial” (data) maps. Once the maps are incorporated into local plans, the agency then manages enough of the community’s zoning and population distribution to merge the community into an autonomous region, to be run by an unelected oversight council.

The Gosar and Lee bills are designed to deal with all of these concerns. The proposed bills deny all funding for HUD’s geospatial mapping:

[N]o Federal funds may be used to design, build, maintain, utilize, or provide access to a federal database of geospatial information on community racial disparities or disparities in access to affordable housing.

Since HUD and the Obama administration created confusing and expansive definitions of how the Fair Housing Act must be enforced, local communities have little hope of complying with or opposing HUD. Congress is about to stop that.

According to the provisions of the new bills, HUD’s exercise of tyrannical powers over local communities would be reined in by forcing federal, state, and local officials to jointly decide the best way to advance:

The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall jointly consult with State officials, local government officials, and officials of public housing agencies to develop recommendations, consistent with applicable rulings of the Supreme Court of the United States, to further the purposes and policies of the Fair Housing Act.

The sponsors of these bills are greatly optimistic that they will pass and that President Trump will sign them into law. However, there is growing pressure from civil rights groups, developers, and their lobbyists who fully understand the dangers these bills represent to their big government agenda. It is vital that those of us opposed to AFFH and HUD overreach keep up our own pressure on Congress by calling and emailing our representatives and senators to demand they support H.R. 482 and S. 103.

Reining in HUD and defunding its AFFH rule is a vital first step. Once achieved, the next move is to organize a grassroots movement to demand that HUD be completely abolished in order to end its tyrannical threat to our neighborhoods.

Phone your U.S. representative (202-225-3121) and senators (202-224-3121) in support of defunding and eliminating the AFFH rule with H.R. 482 and S. 103.

Please also email your representative and senators with the same message.

Scenic Byways – Another Boondoggle for NH?


Southern NH Regional Planners are the hosts at the Meredith Community center on Wednesday, April 12, from 2-4:00 PM for an AGENDA 21-driven forum on scenic byways.

It pays to attend these forums to see what the regionalists have planned, and whose land and money will be at stake.

Find out more about NH’s Scenic Byways program and what else it entails.