Please read this important article from the VP of American Policy Center Kathleen Marquardt. Here is an excerpt that should wake you up. If it does not, you are hopelessly brainwashed and apparently suffering from ‘normalcy bias’.
On Public Education –
“Every family, including young couples, will have a hygienically adequate and comfortable home, a place suited to civilized living.” Program of the Communist Party of the U.SS.R. (Moscow 1961, p. 94) Ibid. p.55
“The arguments of those who defend public child rearing are stronger, in our opinion, than those of the opposition. Their ideas, however, sound rather hypothetical as yet, because they lack positive evidence and cannot offer a clear and precise model to contrast with the traditional system. Developing such a model requires an objective study of the forms of social interaction, especially at the early stages of personality formation. Ibid p.57
“The best opportunity for contact among children of preschool age occurs in the nursery, which is the best setting for developing the child’s imitative powers and individual activities. He expresses his inclinations most freely here, and his egocentricity is least harmfully repressed. The positive value of group activity, of course, is fully realized only when it is organized and directed by educators who have benefited from advanced social training. Ibid p. 57-58
“The first foundations of communist personality are established in nurseries through the relationship of children with their peers in preschool groups. The personality further develops in primary groups during the earliest grades. These are excellently suited to foster the unfolding of all aspects of a child’s potential. Ibid. p. 64
“With the development of full-time public education, the traditional functions of family housing will be taken over by three new types of residence:
1. The residential units attached to the preschool and elementary school.
2. Residential quarters attached to the secondary school community.
3. Apartment-type units for individual adults or for couples who are parents.
4. 64-65
“Then it would seem reasonable to use a residential standard of not more than 225 square feet per person (on the average). This assumes a small number of persons living permanently in each apartment and the development of public eating places within residential buildings. The preparation of food in the family unit will no longer be necessary, but merely optional. The stove and kitchen cease to be the focal points of a residential plan. Minimal kitchen facilities can be included in a living room or foyer, and the space thus freed can be used for other needs, such as more spacious bathrooms.
“The apartment should also provide a separate room for children during the hours and days that they visit their parents. Approximately fifty square feet to seventy- five square feet should be allocated for each child’s play, sleep, and other activities. Ibid. p.66″
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Kathleen Marquardt has been in the freedom movement since before it was called that. She was founder and chairman of Putting People First, a non-profit organization combatting the animal rights movement. Her book, AnimalScam: the Beastly Abuse of Human Rights, was published by Regnery in 1993. Kathleen has been Vice President of American Policy Center since 2000 and is the Agenda 21/Sustainable Development expert for Rocky Top Freedom Campaign. She was a contributing writer and researcher for Freedom Advocates.
Please tell your US Congressmen to support HR 482 “to nullify certain regulations and notices of the Department of Housing
and Urban Development, and for other purposes”.