Category Archives: Local

Death and Taxes Agenda 21/2030’s New Weapon

Benjamin Franklin, wrote in a 1789 letter that “Our new Constitution is now established, and has an appearance that promises permanency; but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”

Indeed, this is what the federal government seems to be using as its weapon against property owners in order to follow through on its commitment to Agenda21/2030 — death and taxes.

In Oregon, a man was murdered in cold blood for “trespassing” on “public” lands.
In Wyoming, a man is being fined $16M for creating a pond on his own property.

The idea that a person does not own the water or mineral rights on his own property is ludicrous and against every principle that this country was built upon.

The current Obama administration is going after land owners in a most aggressive way, using executive orders to bypass Congress.

“We’ll Do Audacious Executive Action”

On January 13, 2016, Obama’s chief of staff, Denis McDonough, bluntly forecast the “audacious” actions to come. Speaking to reporters, McDonough announced: “We’ll do audacious executive action over the course of the rest of the year. I’m confident of that…. We do want to make sure that the executive actions we undertake are not left hanging out there, subject to Congress undoing them.”

President Obama has repeatedly stated his intention to legislate by executive order from the Oval Office, if Congress doesn’t rubber-stamp his every whim as law. And he has proceeded to make good on that threat, issuing unconstitutional orders on illegal alien amnesty, temporary worker visas, gun control, draconian environmental regulations, and much more. Designating national monuments is a very important component of his plan for “audacious” executive action. “In his seven years in office, Obama has established 22 national monuments and expanded others to set aside more than 265 million acres of land and water,” noted the UPI news service on February 13.

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As for the taxes part, the EPA has fined a man $16M for building a pond on his own property.
Andy Johnson is being fined $37,500 a day and faces criminal penalties for building a pond on his property despite his having received a letter from the Wyoming State Engineeer’s Office which proves he followed state rules.

The EPA claims they have the final say and they won’t back down.

Johnson felt hopeless when he received the EPA order, but he now has Republican lawmakers helping him, including Wyoming Senators John Barrasso, Mike Enzi, and Louisiana Sen. David Vitter.

Farmers and ranchers call the EPA’s new water rule the biggest land grab in the history of the world. It is a massive land grab, especially in a country that has been built on the right to own property. The administration is changing all that.

A new oppressive water rule gives the EPA jurisdiction over all public and private streams in the United States that are “intermittent, seasonal and rain-dependent.” It will regulate what are normal daily ranching and farming practices and take control of their land.

According to congressional budget testimony, waters of the United States would give the EPA authority over streams on private property even when the water beds have been dry, in some cases, for hundreds of years.

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Obama Ignores Supreme Court, Will Sign Climate Agreement

Ignoring the ruling that should have stopped him, Obama will sign the Paris climate pact, which puts the United States further under the thumb of world government. Along with world government comes more taxation, more restrictions, more redistribution of the wealth overseas, and less adherence to the constitution.

“The Obama administration will officially sign last year’s international climate change pact despite its central policy being put on ice by the Supreme Court.

Todd Stern, the State Department’s top climate diplomat and negotiator for last year’s agreement in Paris, said Tuesday that the Supreme Court’s order to delay the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Power Plan — called a “stay” in legal terminology— doesn’t change the administration’s plans.

“It is entirely premature, really premature to assume the Clean Power Plan will be struck down but, even if it were, come what may, we are sticking to our plan to sign, to join,” Stern told reporters in Brussels after he met with the European Union’s top climate official, according to Reuters.

“We’re going to go ahead and sign the agreement this year,” he said.

The Supreme Court voted 5-4 last week to put the climate change rule for power plants on hold while 26 states and various energy interests fight it in federal court.”

Need any more proof that our government is the outlaw?

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The fact that Obama can get away with this without risking harm to one hair on his head, is proof that the criminals are indeed in charge.

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The Takeover of Local Government

From John Anthony at Sustainable Freedom Lab: The destruction of our economy… the destruction of our health care system… guns confiscated… borders wide open… destruction of property rights… privacy rights… the UN’s new Agenda 2030… HUD’s oppressive Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) Rule… and so much more, is happening and very fast.

Do you know what these are and how to stop them? Most Americans have no idea what they are actually fighting.  Worse – they don’t know that most of these battles will be won or lost on the LOCAL level – not in Congress!

AFFH is a decades old term that HUD just translated into a package of mandates governing how communities must use new grant money.   Acceptance of funds through familiar programs such as CDBGs, suddenly triggers the revised AFFH “obligation.” This chilling tactic allows HUD to take control of local zoning, reverse voters’ decisions and even annex your hometown into a region.

Recently, HUD forced the citizens of Rockford, IL, to abandon their vote to build 49 affordable housing units and instead accept 69 units.  Neither the mayor, the council nor the community wanted the larger number of homes.  It didn’t matter. HUD struck like a sledgehammer.   They threatened to notify the Department of Justice of possible civil rights violations and failure to affirmatively further fair housing.  The community had no choice but to buckle.

Worse, once a community accepts HUD funds, AFFH rules govern any money’s they receive, public or private, that HUD concludes may affect fair housing or urban development. 

People are fighting back.  The communities of Castle Rock, CO, Goffstown and Rindge NH, and Westchester County, NY have already rejected HUD grants issued under the new AFFH rule.

According to Tom DeWeese of American Policy Center, international policy is currently directing local communities to enforce cutbacks on water use by as much as 75%.

The Sierra Club’s plan forces 500 families to live on one acre of land and they deem it “Smart Growth.” The new corporate law called “Benefit Corporations” enlists corporations to enforce sustainable development policies in their products and promotions. Nearly every state has now either passed or is considering this legislation.

Rochester NH is about to be ‘urbanized’ under a CDBG.

NH Activists Lauded in National Review Article

The biggest reason to attend town meetings which are coming up in your town soon!

National Review author Stanley Kurtz has mentioned some of our best NH activists in his latest article about Obamazone and the “Affirmatively Fair Housing Act” and the reason why towns should reject HUD grant funds.

To all our volunteers, those mentioned and those not mentioned, your work may be anonymous but it is not going unrecognized.

We haven’t always been able to get the numbers of people to town meetings as we would like. As you might know, in NH, town meetings (running anywhere from January – June each year) is where residents vote up or down on zoning changes. It is less clear how much say they have in these HUD grants, which are facilitated by ‘Regional Planning Commissions’, boards of unelected bureaucrats who operate just outside of public control and with specially selected NGOs. In our case it’s the Carsey Institute of UNH which actually employs a PR firm (NH Listens) and actors to steer public opinion at under advertised, under attended Delphi sessions.

We are grateful that Kurtz has given this issue of regionalism some mainstream attention. We who fight regionalism can no longer to be considered ‘conspiracy theorists’.

Full NRO Article Here

Regionalists Praise Gulags, Concentration Camps for “Urbanism”

A blog entitled “Intercultural Urbanism – An Interdisciplinary Perspective on Urban Culture, Space, Architecture, and Design” curated by Dean Saitta, Department of Anthropology, University of Denver, has really jumped the shark.

In this article he suggests that we recognize “the need to drive the conversation away from luxury developments and toward sustainable construction, and to shift the discipline’s radar from form-based aesthetic evaluation to a broader social-based evaluation.”

He praises and suggests cities be fashioned after the ingenuity of “refugee camps” and gulags, because they offer a “new way of thinking” about not only the pressing refugee crisis but also urbanism more broadly. He praises their collectivism and containment, citing “sustainability”.

Oh my.

As we have said all along, the irony of comparing the new forced urbanism to gulags and refugee camps is not lost on those of us who fight regionalism, as we have said this is the goal all along. You have to wonder if Saitta hasn’t realized that he’s inadvertently given away the store?

Hitler would be proud.

NHCRN Bears Watching


A Community Rights legal group ( planned to demand their “collective rights” at town meetings across Maine, NH and Mass., as stated in their invitation to meet in 2012. Once again they are going to invade town meetings in 2016. Since the group SOMETIMES may hit on a issue with which we agree, but not always, they bear watching. Please remember that in 2012, they refused to allow a sitting state representative access to their meeting.

CELDF Excludes Sitting State Rep From Planning Session

Here are the details on their event for 2016.

Dear NHCRN Members, Supporters, and Friends,


Representative Susan Emerson of Cheshire County, District 11 has submitted the NHCRN proposed language for a constitutional amendment to recognize the Right of Local Community Self-Government at the state level!


You will find the NHCRN proposed Right of Local Community Self-Government amendment language and the 2016 Community Rights Resolution in support of the proposed amendment on the website at:

The NHCRN Quarterly Update is attached in PDF format which may, or may not allow active links when opened. For best viewing, please visit the NHCRN website at, or click on this link to go directly to the Quarterly Update file –


NHCRN Quarterly Meeting

Right of Local Community Self-Government Amendment Sponsored!
NH Community Rights Resolution for 2016 Town Meeting!

Sunday, November 1st from 2:00 – 5:00 PM
(Daylight Savings! – Remember to turn your clocks back one hour)

Barnstead Town Hall, 108 S. Barnstead Rd., Center Barnstead, NH 03225

This is an opportunity to come together and share what is happening in our communities and across our state. This is an “open” meeting, so please feel free to invite friends and neighbors from your surrounding communities!

Light Refreshments will be Provided

If you have questions about the upcoming NHCRN Quarterly Meeting, or would like to make a suggestion for an Agenda Item, please email

All the best,


Michelle Sanborn
NHCRN Coordinator


Straight Talk from Tom DeWeese

from Tom DeWeese

Do you want to FIGHT… or do you want to WHINE?

This week the UN will hold yet another international gathering to announce what can only be called a “re-boot” of Agenda 21 – as they are determined to finish the job to “Transform the World.”

I guarantee you will not like that transformation!

BUT, this event gives our movement a huge opportunity to put Agenda 21 in the headlines of every newspaper and newscast in the nation.

There they are – perhaps 50,000 strong – The Pope, 189 Heads of State, NGO’s, diplomats, bureaucrats – all the people who have been claiming that Agenda 21 is a hoax – all sharing the stage to introduce a new 17 point, 15 year plan to “TRANSFORM THE WORLD.” Those are THEIR words!

They are confirming everything we’ve said about Agenda 21. They are proving we have been telling the truth! They are helping remove the tin foil hats from our heads! What more could we ask for???


Every day I receive notes, calls, and emails, from people saying we have lost the Republic- that the fight is over.

And then they spend a lot of words telling ME about how SOMEONE must DO SOMETHING. (usually translated to “I” must do something).

Well, you see – I HAVE DONE SOMETHING. I have spent the past 23 years fighting Agenda 21. First I sounded the alarm – as few listened.

Then over the past 5 years I’ve been working to answer the call of SOMEONE MUST DO SOMETHING!!

I’ve created teaching webinars, tools, strategies, written manuals, and created the most extensive Stop Agenda 21 Action Kit ever presented.

I’ve traveled the nation, speaking, teaching and motivating people in nearly every state. My intention is for them to be inspired to take up the battle, to do some research of their own community situation, and engage in the fight. Some do. Many don’t.


So let’s try this again! Over the past several months I have created some new tools and ideas to carry our fight to the enemy.

And these are FREE!

Again, – these are for YOU to do something!

Four Questions

In April, I issued a Sledgehammer Action Alert calling on all Anti-Agenda 21 activists to begin to bombard Presidential candidates with a series of questions.

I said if the candidates are asked these questions over and over at every speech, our fight against Sustainable Development policy will begin to take center stage in the campaign. In fact, these questions can be asked of any candidates or elected officials.

Here they are:

Property Rights Question
1. If elected, what actions will you take to protect the unrestricted right of use, enjoyment and disposal of private property by its owners?

Regional Government Question
2. If elected, what actions will you take to eliminate these massive grant programs and to stop federal efforts to enforce creation of non-elected boards, councils and regional governments?

Federal Grant Program Question
3. If elected, will you take action to help stop the erosion of local control by ending federal grant programs that dictate local planning programs?

Social Justice Question
4. If elected, will you take action to shut down the federal Department of Education and return education policy to the states, making sure to end these orchestrated attacks on the attitudes, values and beliefs of the children?

For more tools, please visit American Policy Center

New Water Rule Effective in July 2015

This is from Alabama farmers who are keeping on top of the issue. It will affect farmers in every state.

Alabama farmers and landowners will soon be scouting fields to determine which features may be classified as “waters of the U.S.” (WOTUS) under the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) new rule.

The rule, which takes effect Friday, Aug. 28, expands the EPA’s jurisdiction on private lands. As a result, previously common farming and forestry practices could require a permit or be subject to large penalties.

“It’s important that farmers learn about the changes included in this rule, because it will impact everyday farming activities,” said Mitt Walker, National Legislative Programs director for the Alabama Farmers Federation. “The only way for farmers to be certain that a feature is classified as a water is to request a jurisdictional determination (JD) from the Army Corps of Engineers.”

Certain WOTUS features are easily identifiable, such as rivers and streams. However, under the new rule, ditches and seasonally wet areas in fields may be subject to regulation.

Farming practices that could require a permit under the Clean Water Act (CWA) include applying pesticides or fertilizers; grading, plowing or terracing a field; and constructing fences, ditches or ponds. The permit is required whether the area is dry or wet.

“Dredge and fill” exemptions from permitting requirements exist; however, the EPA has a history of narrowly interpreting the exemptions.

There is still time for the courts to allow for an injunction that would delay rule implementation. Twelve lawsuits, filed against the rule since June, were consolidated to be heard together before the 6th Circuit Court in Cincinnati, Ohio.

In May, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill to prevent implementation, and a similar measure passed the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee in June. However, Congress is in recess through Sept. 7, and President Barack Obama has defended the regulation.

Meanwhile, the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) suggests farmers protect themselves by asking for a jurisdictional determination; avoiding “discharge” activities in areas that may be considered a WOTUS; applying for the “dredge and fill” exemption; or applying for the Section 402 or 404 permit.

Click here for an AFBF document that explains more about the rule’s impacts on farmers.

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