Category Archives: Local

Affirmative Action Housing Effective July 2015

How and Why is HUD Being Allowed To Make Laws? By Mandating!

by Diane Kepus

The social engineering in this new rule, Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH), was first proposed in 2013. It was finalized this past June with a boost from the Supreme Court’s 5-to-4 Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs v. Inclusive Communities Project, Inc. decision. HUD waited until AFTER this decision came down to make their move.

Knowing the Supreme Court has seen fit to make laws rather than “interpret” them I guess the writing was on the wall. It will come as no surprise to SCOTUS watchers that Justices Kennedy, Ginsburg, Breyer, Kagan, and Sotomayor ruled in the majority, while Justices Scalia, Alito, Thomas, and Roberts dissented.

I do wonder if HUD might not be a client of the American Institute of Research (AIR) since they specialize in Social Engineering and Behavioral Modification – for money that is and that is what AFFH is all about!

And by golly they are! Right there on the client list sitting alongside Fannie Mae, Open Society Institute (TY George Soros) and most of our other government agencies sits The US Department of Housing and Urban Development. Hot Diggity Dog!

So it seems AIR is getting rich working with almost every liberal organization and/or government agency to “socially engineer” our country into a Detroit type of country aided by our children who are also to be “psychometrically validated” by the social engineering of AIR!

HUD’s new Affirmative Action Fair Housing (AFFH) rule “gives the federal government a lever to re-engineer nearly every American neighborhood — imposing preferred racial and ethnic composition, densifying housing, transportation, and business development in the suburbs and cities alike, and weakening or casting aside the authority of local governments over core responsibilities, from zoning to transportation to education,” as National Review’s Stanley Kurtz stated.

FAIR TO WHOM? The Illegals, Non-working — If you can’t pass a law you MANDATE IT?

Under a sweeping new federal housing mandate, the Obama administration threatens to withhold funding for cities and counties that fail to remove local zoning laws and other potentially “discriminatory barriers” that restrict low-income housing in wealthy neighborhoods. More than 1,200 municipalities will be impacted by the highly contested rule, which the Housing and Urban Development Department has put into effect.

The massive 377-page regulation requires local authorities to take “meaningful actions” to diversify neighborhoods. Municipalities that don’t comply risk losing millions in federal grant money. Some could face federal housing-bias probes.

In essence, the AFFH gives HUD the authority to force regional annexation on nearly every community in America.  Unless overturned, AFFH can nullify states’ anti-regionalism and anti-annexation laws and erase the concept of local rule and it may be the most comprehensive federal attack on America’s individual sovereignty in our history for you see under Agenda 21 we are not even supposed to OWN any land. 

How many times do we have to tell the states to STOP sending any money to the Federal government? The money they send us is spelled “CHAINS” and if the states would keep their money they would have more money than they know what to do with.

This would be an excellent opportunity for the state and local governments to exercise their independence by telling HUD to “take your funding and shove it”. However, I am sure the “proof will be in the pudding” since our state and local politicians when it comes to defying the federal government or even suggesting such acts of defiance will be few and far between.

This is just another action by the Federal government to eliminate the “middle class”.

HUD’s new rule, “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing,” requires municipalities “to perform an assessment of land use decisions and zoning to evaluate their possible impact on fair housing choice,” it said. “This assessment must be consistent with fair housing and civil rights requirements.”

In a companion “Fair Housing Assessment Tool,” HUD counts “land use and zoning laws, such as minimum lot sizes, limits on multi-unit properties, height limits, or bedroom-number limits as well as requirements for special use permits (and) occupancy restrictions” among “factors contributing to segregated housing patterns.”

For the new rules to be effective, federal officials need to make clear that local governments can lose federal housing aid if they persist in dumping subsidized housing into depressed, racially isolated communities instead of putting more of it in integrated areas that offer better schools and job opportunities.

“In significant measure, the rule amounts to a de facto regional annexation of America’s suburbs,” National Review’s Kurtz writes.

The NY Times editorial board can’t write about anything without getting hysterical:
The Fair Housing Act was intended to break down historic patterns of segregation. But it was undercut from the start by federal officials, including presidents who believed that segregation was the natural order of things.

Really? The FHA was enacted in 1968, long after Woodrow Wilson left office. I wonder what presidents since 1968 the Times thinks “believed that segregation was the natural order of things.” The paper discreetly leaves them unnamed.

I have a good idea! Let’s begin this in Marin County; CA has a total population of 260,750. According to Wikipedia, Marin County, which may be America’s most liberal, is 80% white, 5.5% Asian, and only 2.8% African-American. Marin County is well known for its natural beauty, liberal politics, and affluence. In May 2009, Marin County had the fifth highest income per capita in the United States at about $91,480. This is obviously a place in need of more affordable housing: the most recent census shows 61,264 single-family homes, compared with a measly 210 mobile homes and 1,316 multifamily residential units. Those numbers show that Marin County desperately needs large, subsidized apartment complexes where minorities can live close to good job opportunities and schools along with more mobile home parks, too. In the 2014 governor’s race, by the way, Marin County voted 78% for the Democrat and 22% for the Republican. So I am sure a majority of its residents will applaud the Obama administration’s new “fair housing” initiative and will welcome its application to their communities. 

FYI:  The Department of Housing and Urban Development claimed its statutory authority was found in the Fair Housing Act of 1968. And do you “wanna” bet that when this lands in the Supreme Court they will agree? 

Silvio O. Conte Wildlife Refuge

This is a message from former NH State Representative Anne Cartwright

Dear friends and concerned landowners,

I have information on the expansion of the Silvio O. Conte Wildlife Refuge by the US Fish & Wildlife Service in large parts of our state. This plan to expand, for which I was sent notifications as landowner in the proposed expansion, includes MA, CT, Southern and Northern areas in VT and NH. I am including links to maps of areas in NH and VT for which you might have an interest. The first 2 maps help to show the huge area that this will encompass. The 3rd link is to the home page for the entire document.

Southern Area:

Northern Areas:

Homepage for Plan:

Also I am including a couple of links to more detailed maps of a few of the towns and
property within the plan.

Local Governments Now Being Nationalized

In what appears to be adherence to the goals of the Rockefellers, Obama and his community organizer mentors hold the view that the cities suffer because of taxpayer flight to the suburbs.

This past week, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) issued a long and convoluted final rule, entitled “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing”. This rule sets out the new terms and conditions which all local governments will be required to meet if they receive federal funds to advance their local housing programs.

Every state county or municipality organization should think long and hard before taking a dime in HUD money. Otherwise, they face the feds schemes of forced integration and redistribution of the wealth.

Read more…

Using racism and ecology as excuses, Obama is orchestrating, through HUD and the EPA, the end of local government rule…

Massive Government Overreach: Obama‚s AFFH Rule Is Out

The ‘Fundamental Transformation’ of America’s Neighborhoods

Obama’s Endgame

The Folly Of “Fair” Housing

Networks Censor Obama’s Assault On Suburbs

UN Housing Goals a Threat to Freedom

Just in case you still wondered what the unelected boards known as Regional Planning Commissions were doing in NH…

As we have written about before, Obama hopes that by imposing the “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” Rule he can social engineer your neighborhood.

A final Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) rule due out this month is aimed at ending decades of deep-rooted segregation around the country. “HUD is working with communities across the country to fulfill the promise of equal opportunity for all,” a HUD spokeswoman said. “The proposed policy seeks to break down barriers to access to opportunity in communities supported by HUD funds.”

However, we maintain that HUD cannot simply make a ‘rule’ such as this without congressional approval.

HUD’s ‘rule’ is rooted in the UN’s push for Agenda 21 goals under the guise of ‘sustainability’.

But the idea that an ad hoc NGO such as “Placemaking” which comes out of the UN would have any say in how our cities are built is preposterous. Nevertheless, they hold conference after conference, compiling endless decrees about how countries must comply with their utopian ideas of where and how people should live.

The United Nations Habitat conference on housing and sustainability (Habitat III) is one such conference. The UN says this conference “will set the goals and pace for place making in developed and developing countries…”

These decrees can be seen in numerous documents such as the 2016-2030 Sustainable Development Goals which aims to ‘to provide by 2030 universal access to universal access to safe, inclusive and accessible green spaces and public spaces’.

“…the UN Habitat III preparation papers suggest, this ‘involves a systematic (re)distribution of the benefits of growth or development with the legal frameworks that ensure a level playing field’.”

Read what one of these ad hoc NGOs has to say:

Most thinking people believe that the UN has no right to tell people in the USA (or anywhere else for that matter) how, where, or with whom we can live. It’s called FREEDOM which seems to be a concept that is totally lost on these unelected agents of Agenda 21.

Created Water Crisis Used to Promote Agenda 21

If you don’t think this type of social engineering is going in in New Hampshire, you haven’t been reading this blog. Here are some blatant admissions by the planners.

It is no secret that California is undergoing a water crisis. Many believe this to be a ‘created’ crisis, accomplished by the use of the chemical manipulation of the weather.

Scientists agree that water is NOT a finite resource, and like oil, it is constantly being created in the ground by the earth.

Snippets of videos of various meetings show city planners selling these ideas:

– We want to create islands of settlements that are characterized by mixed use zoning
– We want to limit your right to own pieces of property with tracts of land
– We want to limit your ability to travel out of those designated settlement areas
– We want to limit your use of cars, and want you to be able to walk anywhere you need to go
– We feel you have too much space in your homes and must share with others
– We need to equalize neighborhoods that are too rich or too homogenous in race
– We cannot let people do what they want…

If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct link:

Obama and HUD: Coming to Your Town Soon

Obama wants to use HUD to ‘diversify’ your neighborhood.

UPDATE: YouTube videos from Gary Gileno (“grindall61”) are excellent and show the problems with the proposals by the regionalists. This video in particular talks about how HUD will equalize your neighborhood. Please subscribe to all grindall61’s videos. There are others about transit, water shortages and every other deception being put upon us in the name of Agenda 21.

If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct link:

This is not new news, we’ve reported on it before, but finally some MSM outlets are talking about it.

Too white? Too black? Too wealthy? Too poor? Never fear, HUD is here, and is going to use that GPS mapping, and demographic information you gave them on the American Community Survey in 2010 to reassign and rezone.

If this sounds like the Soviet Union, it’s because it is.

How Obama Will Centrally-Plan Your Neighborhood: Here Comes The “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” Rule

A final Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) rule due out this month is aimed at ending decades of deep-rooted segregation around the country. “HUD is working with communities across the country to fulfill the promise of equal opportunity for all,” a HUD spokeswoman said. “The proposed policy seeks to break down barriers to access to opportunity in communities supported by HUD funds.”

Obama making bid to diversify wealthy neighborhoods

Obama Moving to Force ‘Diversity’ on ‘Rich’ Neighborhoods with Increased ‘Affordable Housing’ Plan

Let’s just hope they don’t start assigning tenants to those unused bedrooms of yours…

Another RPC is Born

Another regional group that reaches across states has been formed. This is the 10th RPC basically.

Northern Borders Regional Commission

Grant funding to be announced shortly.

The Northern Borders Regional Commission (NBRC) was created as a federal-state partnership under legislation approved in the 2008 Farm Bill, with the aim of addressing economic and community development needs of severely distressed areas in the Northern Forest region.

The NBRC’s target area includes 36 counties across these four states, including 14 counties in New York, six in Vermont, four in New Hampshire and another 12 in Maine.
NBRC provides assistance for projects in these seven priority sectors:

– Basic public infrastructure;
– Transportation infrastructure;
– Telecom infrastructure;
– Workforce training and business development;
– Renewable and alternative energy sources;https://ui.constantcontact.
– Resource conservation, tourism, recreation and preservation of open spaces; and
– Health care and public services in distressed communities.

Check with the NH Department of Resources and Economic Development for future announcements:

Grant Information

The federal government is regionalizing the states and the states are regionalizing the towns. We must stop the creation of more top down governance without your input, mostly influenced by international groups and NGOs, in favor of de-centralization and more local control.

Marlow is About to Be Scammed by Plan NH

“Plan NH is an organization of architects, land planners, legislators, bankers, Realtors, engineers, and construction companies that have come together to assist towns in their development, according to Victor Reno, Marlow resident and a member of Plan NH’s board of directors. Plan NH is based in Portsmouth.

Marlow Board of Selectmen Chairman Robert Allen said the board met with the Monadnock Economic Development Corporation — the Keene-based not-for-profit development investment firm — and it recommended the town participate in Plan NH.”

What gives these non-governmental organizations the right to tell Marlow residents what they need or want in their own town? This is a scam and Marlow should have rejected it.

Spread the word, folks.

Read more…

Marlow Voters Approve Money to Plan for Town’s Future [PDF]