Category Archives: Local

Rochester Rejects GSF, But New Zoning is Planned

We were pretty sure Rochester rejected participation in the Granite State Future ‘master plan’ boondoggle back in 2012, but now we read they will adopt mixed use zoning.

“Once the comprehensive rezoning plan is approved by the City Council, it will replace Chapter 42, the zoning chapter, of the city’s ordinances. The document is a comprehensive revision of the city’s zones, including their locations, definitions, and permitted uses.

One of the new zones included in the document is the neighborhood mixed use zone, which allows for small-sized businesses to be located in the same area as residential homes. Currently, a portion of North Main Street is one of the areas proposed to be neighborhood mixed use.”

Read more…

NH State Representative John Burt on GSF

NH State Rep John Burt from Goffstown will be appearing on Girard at Large morning show on WLMW 90.7 FM to talk about “Plan Pinardville”, the Goffstown version of Granite State Future.

You can listen here: John Burt on Girard at Large

Rep Burt feels that both sides are not being heard with regard to this plan to change zoning in Pinardville.

John will be holding a meeting on this issue on September 10:

Hosted by State Rep John Burt, this is an open forum for the citizens of Goffstown to discuss and ask questions about Plan Pinardville, a proposal brought about by the Regional Planners paid for with HUD grants that will allow these planners to make changes to your master plan, planning and zoning ordinances. The meeting will be on Tuesday, September 10th, at 7:00 PM sharp in the Bartlett Elementary School gymnasium located at 689 Mast Road in Pinardville.

Plan Pinardville Uncensored!

A meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 10th, at 7:00 PM sharp in the Bartlett Elementary School gymnasium located at 689 Mast Road in Pinardville. I am hosting this meeting because Plan Pinardville will change Pinardville as we know it. The residents of our community need to understand both sides of this re-zoning effort. Several local speakers will help me address the pros and cons. I have invited and encouraged all members of the Goffstown Board of Selectmen to attend. From 7 PM to 8 PM, we will explain the impact of Plan Pinardville on the community. After that presentation, we will take questions from the residents. I would like to end the meeting around 9 PM. The speakers, and hopefully Board of Selectmen, will be around after the meeting to speak with you if need be. All Goffstown residents and news media are welcome. Please reach out to everyone in your neighborhood and help your elderly neighbors with a ride, if necessary. I wish to thank Bartlett Elementary School for allowing me to use their facility. To the best of my knowledge, they have not taken an official stand on this issue.

Representative John A. Burt, Bay Street Goffstown. Home telephone: 624-5084.

Moultonborough Planner Asked to Resign

Today’s decision was a win for property rights.

[This post has been updated three times and re-dated… see end for links]

Once you have studied the hierarchy of the RPCs and how they seek to influence the town planning and zoning boards, you will see that no taxpayer ever gets to vote on what they are selling. The only way to make sure that your town doesn’t take part in some wasteful endeavor that will cost it dearly long after HUD grants have run out, is to make sure your planning and zoning board members listen to the public that elected them.

In Moultonborough, one Josiah Bartlett has been asked to leave his position on the planning board. In this article from the Laconia Daily Sun, we learn that Moultonborough selectmen want Planning Board member out, for ‘neglect of duty & malfeasance’ he says has never been specified.

“Planning Board member Paul Punturieri noted that the law requires the Selectboard to hold a public hearing to dismiss an elected official and suggested the board must have already made its decision.” (See Puntieri’s blog about the issue.)

This seems to us to be nothing more than an outrageous attempt to oust anyone who doesn’t engage in the necessary ‘group think’ for the pre-determined ideas and outcomes of Granite State Future.

We await the announcement of the actual charges and demand a public hearing on same. We encourage Mr. Bartlett not to give up or resign, as he has every right to hold that position unless these somewhat libelous charges have been aired and are proven true.

Hear his wife speak on his behalf at the August 1 meeting of the planning board.

Moultonboro Selectmen Meeting August 1st, 2013 from Moulton Boro on Vimeo.

Update: A second planner has been asked to resign.

Update: Moltonborough Planning Board stands by its members

Update: August 14 Planning Board Meeting

Update: Both Planning Board Members Exonerated

Does NH Need Commuter Rail?

From our friends at the tea party:

Does NH need a commuter rail from Boston to the Lakes Region? What if the federal government provides the money? Who will pay to support this later?

Please attend the meeting near you of the Governor’s Advisory Council on Intermodal Transportation. Hear what they have to say about updating our transportation infrastructure and what might be discussed regarding commuter rail.

Details here:

Small Farmers Under Seige

Even as the Granite State Future program is praising and supporting small farms and local produce the same federal government is passing new laws to suppress the farmers’ ability to exist and do business.

Long ago, some folks in the NHTPC warned about a federal bill called Food Safety and Modernization Act. Not too many people were interested. Now the problem has shown itself.

To understand what the bill is about, one must get up to speed on Codex Alimentarius, yet another tentacle of the United Nations Agenda 21 program.

Please read more…

Farmers protest proposed food safety rules

Small farmers say rules could halt local food trend
FDA’s Secret War on Raw Milk and Organic Farming

From Road Grants to Education

Back when Regional Planning Commissions were created by our NH legislature it was done to make sure each town had a say in how federal highway money was spent.

Now regionalism seems to be taking away local control in every area of our lives.

NH Families for Education outlines that fact in a post on their website: From Independent Districts to Centralized Planning via Regional Control Centers

In the post it is noted that “Transferring control over our schools to non-government agencies violates the US Constitution, Art. 4, Sec. 4: “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government.” Also known as “Taxation without Representation.” These educational changes also violate the 10th Amendment to the US Constitution: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” The federal government bribes states to “voluntarily” adopt these programs. Follow the money.”

Education is being dictated by the federal government with input from NGOs, professional ‘associations’ and corporate globalists pushing their agendas via groups such as the Gates and Annenberg foundations.

When will the residents of NH have had enough of this?

Realtor Mark Warden Talks Plan Pinardville

This morning on Girard at Large, Goffstown Realtor Mark Warden talked about Plan Pinardville and how major changes via a “master plan” are not needed to accommodate new businesses in the downtown area.

Of course we all know that Plan Pinardville is just a small part of a bigger program, NH’s Granite State Future.

Regional Planning Commissions are charged with ‘assisting’ with master plans and making ‘suggestions’ for changes per the recommendations of HUD and the grants thereof. They’ve dubbed their plan Granite State Future and it’s a product of your state and federal tax dollars. Nashua’s RPC gets paid $1.5 MILLION, yes that’s MILLION dollars per year for this dubious job.

RSA 36:45, “enables” Towns to join in the formation of Regional Planning Commissions.

RSA 36:47 states that the costs of “assistance” shall be paid by the municipality or county to which the service is rendered. [which means it’s a taxpayer-funded operation and thus subject to all 91-A rules, transparency laws, and freedom of information and enjoys no copyright]
The Master Plans are being “quietly” implemented at the local level during planning board meetings where, although there’s been notice to make it all quite “legal”, there’s no one from the public in attendance. Oh sure, they had “listening sessions” set up and run by PR firms such as Action Media and NH Listens, but those were limited to the Delphi method of controlled input.

The few times one of our residents says she has been bored enough to watch live Salem local government channel and the Planning Board, she’s seen Ross Moldoff, Salem’s Planning Director, try to get the planning board to approve the “Master Plan” at the local level in a perfunctory manner, without discussion and with no member of the public present.

But wait a minute, didn’t Salem opt out of Granite State Future and the whole “master plan” deal? We think we remember they did.

We did hear a planning official tell a resident in another town that they would go ahead without permission regardless. Is this legal?
The government is supposed to be the servant of the people, but “we” are becoming their servants as we unwittingly trust their authority and “professional expertise” and as they quietly strip us of local control and seize our liberty.