Category Archives: Local

Sharing is Caring, But Forced? It’s Socialism

Now there is even a “quick start guide” to give you tips on how you can ‘share’ to help the UN achieve its goal of lauding over every blade of grass on the planet.

“Welcome to the quick start guide to Shareable’s book, “Sharing Cities: Activating the Urban Commons,” created for leaders working toward the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). “Sharing Cities” showcases over 100 case studies and model policies from around the world that demonstrate and support the ability of ordinary people to tackle their own challenges. We created this guide because we’ve noticed through nearly 10 years of reporting that local, commons-based approaches to economic development often address multiple SDGs simultaneously.”

Does anyone still think it’s a theory that they want us to own less and live in contained areas?

Read more…

How It Works – NGOs and Local Government

Many people are still blind to the fact that their own town is following the tenets and recommendations of the UN’s Agenda 21 or Agenda 2030 as it’s now called. They don’t understand how this agenda could have gotten from ‘there to here’.

Here is how it works…

The UN takes under its wing, many benign sounding private organizations such as the Girl Scouts, American Planning Association, Rotary Club, libraries, and AARP… It somehow gets them to accept and promote the “sustainable development goals” (SDGs) and merging local governments into regional, political subdivisions led by unelected individuals.

Your town, if involved in a “regional planning commission”, then “partners” with these benign sounding groups, as was recently done in Bedford with AARP. Voila, the agenda is installed.

Here is proof that AARP, which is supposed to be a group for seniors, is now engaged in transforming local politics so that towns and counties can be merged with regional governments and global mega-cities.

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How “New Urbanism” Fits Into the Global Agenda

A lot of towns in NH are being subjected to those who subscribe to the idea of “new urbanism” — taking rural and residential areas and building them up with high density and mixed use construction so as to make them part of a network of global cities. Most do not see their towns as fitting in this model.

We see #11 as a description of “New Urbanism”:

“(Goal 11) Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Translation: Ban all gun ownership by private citizens, concentrating guns into the hands of obedient government enforcers who rule over an unarmed, enslaved class of impoverished workers. Criminalize living in most rural areas by instituting Hunger Games-style “protected areas” which the government will claim are owned by “the People” even though no people are allowed to live there. Force all humans into densely packed, tightly controlled cities where they are under 24/7 surveillance and subject to easy manipulation by government.”

We would like to add that part of the stated goal of “New Urbanism” is to interfere with organicially organized places, and to change political divisions, by making sure your area contains is a mix of ages, races, and people of all socio-economic levels regardless of whether they can afford it or not. In other words, social engineering for the redistribution of wealth.

Read the rest of what this author has to say about Agenda 2030 in general.

What About Roundabouts?

Let Tim Carter, of Ask the Builder, tell you.

“Here’s the bottom line if you look at the above facts.

The traffic congestion during periods of peak flow will be the same or worse with the roundabouts.

All you have to have is one or two timid tourists who are NOT FAMILIAR with the merging and aggressive tactics you need to use in periods of HEAVY TRAFFIC to transform one or more approaches into the roundabout into GRIDLOCK.

If you’ve never been parked behind a person afraid to enter a roundabout, you’ll forever remember it when it happens to you. It’s very frustrating as they hold up ALL the traffic behind them.

Aggressive driving increases in roundabouts in periods of heavy flow as impatient drivers force their way into the roundabout.”

Meat Eaters in Peril

Note: This information is from Tom DeWeese at American Policy Center. GSF(s) does not collect money, nor do we usually solicit for anyone else, but Tom does do a lot more nationally than we could possibly do, so if you are feeling generous this Christmas, consider gifting American Policy Center to help them defend these cattlemen.

“Meat consumption is devastating some of the world’s most valuable and vulnerable regions, due to the vast amount of land needed to produce animal feed.”

That quote is from a report issued by the radical World Wildlife Fund (WWF), one of the top three most influential environmental groups in the world.

For years the WWF has been working to force us to stop eating meat and replace it with Soy products.

So what you say? Empty threat? Not going to happen?

Then you had better listen to what I’m about to tell you.

The World Wildlife Fund has succeeded in taking over the American Cattle Industry!
They have created the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef.

It comes with an endless list of rules to control how cattlemen are to operate – and those rules increase costs, and make it nearly impossible for small farmers to operate.

They have succeeded in getting the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association to endorse the Roundtable’s crazy rules.

And the Roundtable now controls the beef packing industry which in turn controls the entire beef retail market. Cattlemen either toe the WWF dictates or are cut out of the industry.

The Roundtable plans come with a strict set of “principles” that are right out of Agenda 21. The “principles must be considered in their entirety.”

The rules take away the farmer’s right to control his own property. Instead, the farmer is forced to deal with the introduction of predators like wolves and bears. The WWF calls that “biological diversity.”

The rules disallow farmers to use water that runs through their own land –yet demand that the cattle be well fed and watered.

The rules even demand that the farmer provide “thermal comfort” – housing – for herds of hundreds or even thousands of cattle.

These rules ignore that fact that American cattlemen have always produced the highest grade of beef in the world – just by using a process that has been used by their forefathers for generations.
The real result of these rules isn’t to produce a better beef product – but to destroy small producers and drive the industry to the massive corporate farms that can afford to play ball with the World Wildlife Fund.

The World Wildlife Fund has openly stated its opposition to beef production. They insist that to “Save the Earth it is demanded that we change human consumption habits away from beef.”

How in the world did this powerful anti-beef, anti-free enterprise, UN monster get control of our beef industry?

The short answer is that a vast majority of the beef producers in the nation, as represented by the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association are merely ignorant of the threat from the Sustainable policy.

But there is a growing number of cattlemen who are starting to fight back. They know these policies are bad.

The trouble is they are a small minority fighting a powerful monster. The leaders of their own industry are working to crush their opposition. They need help.

I’m proud to say these desperate freedom fighter cattlemen have reached out to the American Policy Center and me to help them fight back.

Just a couple of months ago I spoke to their conference in Oklahoma to teach them the details they need to focus on to fight the radical World Wildlife Fund. I got a standing ovation. Now I am working to prepare articles to help get their story out to the nation. I want to help these people in every way I can!

Americans must learn the truth that our national food supply is being targeted!

The Bigger Purpose of Regionalism

Underneath the supposed altruism of pushes for things such as “new urbanism” lies a deeper motivation — that of regionalism, and regional government. As the righthand sidebar quotes explain, one cannot simply wave a magic wand and convert the United States into a network of global mega-cities under a central global authority in one fell swoop. It must be done incrementally with unelected regional councils.

We have previously noted that in other states, these regional councils have been given authority to approve grants and zoning applications. Thankfully New Hampshire has not yet come to this point. But it will happen eventually if “regionalism” by the unelected is not nipped in the bud.

So next time someone tells you it’s the government’s job to provide “complete streets” or “workforce housing”, look past the surface and any altruistic motives and see beyond to the bigger goal of changing the political landscape via “regional government”.

Read more about it here: Global Elite: Regionalism Is Only Path To New World Order

UN Officials Highlight Hidden Aspects of 2030 Agenda

Interesting articles that proves the United Nations is behind the “human settlements” idea, of which “new urbanism” has a part in promoting.

The articles cover topics that do not always feature prominently when discussing SDG implementation, such as disarmament and sexual violence. Pramila Patten, Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict, highlights gender-based violence, which she describes as the “missing dimension” of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Patten links sexual violence to a human rights-based approach and the “leave no one behind” principle. She notes that “when war erupts, and the threat of rape at gunpoint becomes a pervasive terror,” women are unable to access fields, marketplaces and water points, and that girls are unable to attend school. Patten further highlights the disproportionate economic and health impacts of war on women, connecting to the majority of the SDGs. She also flags the importance of time: whereas men can invest hours in work, education or civic engagement, women—especially in developing countries—are often burdened with unpaid labor such as cooking, cleaning and childcare. Patten closes by calling on countries to legislate gender equality not only as a moral and social justice imperative, but also a smart economic choice.

Additional articles cover sexual health and reproductive rights, rule of law and sustainable human settlements, among other topics.

Full article: UN Officials Highlight Hidden Aspects of 2030 Agenda

How New Urbanism Fits Into Agenda21/2030

Rosa Koire, author of “Behind the Green Mask”, is interviewed in Denmark in 2013.

Listen to understand how “new urbanism” fits into the fascist (by their own admission) new order being brought about by Agenda21/2030.

As she sums it up, it used to be the US, the States, the Counties, and then the Towns, but Agenda21/2030 seeks to change the political order as “Globalism, Regionalism, Cities”.

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