Category Archives: Miscellaneous

Presidential Regional Appointee?

We had no idea the president of the United States had the right to appoint REGIONAL planners, but apparently in some cases this is what is happening.

President Donald Trump appoints Reno resident to Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Governing Board

This is the kind of top-down, unaccountable governance that is the mark of Bolshevism. The biggest problem in combating it is, first, getting the word out on it, and second, getting people to understand how it circumvents our local control.

Please spread the word by sharing this website, this blog and links from articles that speak to you about the problem of regionalism which has not only touched our property rights, but our educational system as well.

What Exactly IS a “Smart City”?

A smart city can be described as a city that incorporates the capabilities of web connectivity, analytics, mobile solutions, sensors, data collection and other technology. This can include surveillance systems utilized by law enforcement, smart congestion-mitigating traffic systems, LED streetlights equipped with motion sensors, smart grids and smart water systems.

A smart city contains a myriad of objects that receive, collect and transmit data.

The purpose of smart city data collection is to enable the creation of innovative new products and services that improve the quality of life in a given smart city. Smart cities have the potential to solve a variety of municipal issues. But, as is the case with technology in general, these cities are also vulnerable to serious threats.

Read more…

Center for Biological Diversity Intent to Sue US State Dept!

By way of this letter to the US State Department, the Center for Biological Diversity delivers its Notice of Intent to File Suit with Respect to the Overdue Seventh U.S. Climate Action Report
as Required under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Addressed to Secretary Tillerson, the letter states that it is the Center’s notice of “intent to sue the State Department for failure to issue the Seventh U.S. Climate Action Report by January 1, 2018, as mandated under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ( “UNFCCC” or “the Convention” ).”

The Center cites the passage of the Global Climate Protection Act of 1987 as the instrument that designated the State Department as the lead agency for U.S. compliance.

Read the full letter here: Tillerson Letter from UN

The United States ratified the with the advice and consent of the Senate (Treaty Document 102-38, October 7, 1992). The UNFCCC entered into force in 1994. Update 2016

Maryville Withdraws from Regional Planning Authority

Currently in New Hampshire, the only way to circumvent the influence of those unelected, unaccountable boards of the Regional Planning Commissions, is to get your town to drop its membership.

Maryville, TN has decided it doesn’t need its regional planning commission, as it duplicates what the county already does locally.

“The resolution approved unanimously by City Council on Tuesday requests that the commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development deactivate the regional planning authority of the Maryville Municipal Planning Commission and dissolve the Maryville Regional Planning Region.”

Read more… Maryville requests deactivation of planning region

Who Is Running the Show? Ad Hoc Groups and NGOs It Seems

“The Organization of American States is the world’s oldest regional organization, dating back to the First International Conference of American States, held in Washington, D.C., from October 1889 to April 1890. That meeting approved the establishment of the International Union of American Republics, and the stage was set for the weaving of a web of provisions and institutions that came to be known as the inter-American system, the oldest international institutional system.”

So this push for world order is not new, but lately has picked up a lot of steam. According to the OAS, “The countries of the Americas agree that the Organization of American States must play a key role in ensuring that the region complies with the 2030 Sustainable Development. At stake is the future sustainable development of the hemisphere.”

Usually the ‘solution’ to their problem is globally redistributed wealth, i.e. in the form of global taxes. You may not think this affects you locally, but the philosophy behind the assertion is that your ‘region’ MUST comply with the UN’s goals.

Did you,the taxpayer, vote on this?

Read more…

Smart Cities and PPPs Take Hold in Congress

To understand how the global government will be acheived, one must understand regionalism.

In a previous article we told you about the Smart Cities Caucus, made possible by a bipartisan group of Congressmen (Darrell Issa on the GOP side) and a group known as “Venture Smarter” (who actually tried to claim their efforts had nothing to do with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals but was later proven wrong).

We also wrote about the increased use of, and name change for Public Private Partnerships, which will now be called “Blended Finance“.

Here is the result of their second ‘stakeholder roundtable’ which was focused on ‘growth of cities, states, regions…’.

This is where much of the push for commuter rail, section 8 housing, and car-less cities originates.

“There is no one-size fits all solution to smart cities as each city, state, and municipality, face their own unique challenges. However, public private partnerships, with the right collection of partners – including universities, large and small businesses, NGOs – have the ability to transform our cities and regions.”

The above quote from their ‘takeaway‘ clearly states that special interests, NOT YOU THE VOTER, are taking over local control.

“Department of Homeland Security, Venture Smarter, Regional Smart Cities Initiatives, ITSA, Uber, Lyft, Con Edison, Nokia, Smart Cities Council, and other organizations all contributed to a productive conversation focused on helping Congress prioritize policy and funding efforts to accelerate the research, development, and implementation of new transportation technologies and strategies that can more efficiently and effectively move people and goods in urban, suburban, and rural communities across the country.”

Is this what you want?

Public Private Partnerships Renamed

When in doubt change your name.

It is no secret that “Public Private Partnerships”, or PPPs are what is driving our government. Special interests are being served with YOUR tax dollars.

Now that people are waking up to this, those who promote PPPs have decided it’s time to change their branding.

According to the IMF,
“Public Private Partnerships, (PPPs), which are a controversial source of funding for government projects, are back at the current World Bank IMF meetings in Washington, under a new name — Blended Finance. Proponents say that blended finance is a way to fund the $2.5 trillion a year needed to ‘support progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set forth by the United Nations.'”

Read more at Forbes…

More Proof USA is Committed to UN World Government

Why are our American agencies attending these events? Because this is where they are getting their agenda. This is scary and sick. Think about it. People who are supposed to be for America are devoting their time to enforcing some other system created by a global ‘cult’ that does NOT include our constitutional republican form of government for whom they supposedly work.

Neil Rackleff, Assistant Secretary, Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), United States of America, attended the Innovative governance for open and inclusive cities High Level Roundtables
on Sunday 11 February 2018.

Objectives for the session, by this NON governmental authority were listed as:

– Provide experiences and best practices of the participant institutions to showcase how they are using innovative tools and instruments to find new ways in urban governance
– Debate and discuss new ideas and trends that can promote more inclusive and open cities.
– Identify problems and solutions in the process of implementing open government policies.
– Explore ways in which national, local and regional governments, civil society, practitioners and academics are collaborating to achieve the New Urban Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals.
– Unpack the concept of innovative governance to relate it to the Right to the City strategic approach.
– Gather a coalition of interested partners towards the development of urban governance monitoring strategy tool.

Just who are these people working for? Once again, an illegal US agency known as HUD is becoming an agent/enforcer of the global governance system promoted by a special interest group called the United Nations.

HUD Team Attends the World Urban Forum in Kuala Lumpur

“In February, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia hosted this year’s World Urban Forum. HUD led the U.S. delegation, sending a small group that included Neal Rackleff, Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, Ralph Gaines, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, and me. Assistant Secretary Rackleff was designated the head of the delegation, which also included representatives from the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Agency for International Development, the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and the Overseas Private Investment Corporation. More than 20,000 participants from 165 countries participated, including more than 100 ministers and deputy ministers.”

They claim that “The United States’ presence at the World Urban Forum demonstrates our commitment not only to diplomatic relations with other countries but also to good governance and comprehensive approaches to housing and urban development issues. The opportunity to share with others and bring lessons learned back to HUD continues to be vitally important.”

Of greater importance is that the US Govt needs to abide by the constitution and defend the freedoms of every citizen in the country, not undermine them with international, unconstitutional law.

NH Group Alerts APC to Congressional Smart Cities Caucus

A small group of NH activists, with help from a researcher in Alabama, alerted Mr. DeWeese and his group to the third, most dangerous threat he lists below. Further, he writes about the fact that if you are against Agenda21/2030 you are promoting hate speech according to the SPLC and ADL who are assisting YouTube in the purge of all videos they do not like. Those who are not being purged are being ‘de-monetized’ which means they are not being allowed to collect money for a certain number of views.

From Tom DeWeese at American Policy Center (APC):

The assaults on our liberties, our communities and our property rights are heating up in ways I never could have imagined just a few years ago.

We are betrayed by Members of Congress – both Democrat and Republican.

Those in government positions who are trying to block the assault are being targeted for destruction.

And those sounding the alarm are under attack, called hate mongers and accused of being dangerous threats to the nation.

Let me give you just three examples of these threats that have emerged in just the past few weeks.

First – as I’ve told you in recent correspondence, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is using its massive influence with government agencies and its strong ties to blacklist and censure conservative and Christian groups by listing them on its “Hate List.”

Just this past week the SPLC issued a new updated “hate list”, and, of course, I and the American Policy Center are on it.

But I’m used to that.

The new assault comes from Google which owns YouTube. This is a place on the Internet where conservative groups can share whole instructional presentations, inspirational talks, and also present actual video of leftist leaders in action, spewing their plans and their lies. Things you won’t see on the nightly news.

Now, this valuable tool is being locked away from our cause because Google is using the SPLC’s hate list to shut down YouTube accounts of conservative and pro-faith groups.

In short, the Southern Poverty Law Center is now serving as YouTube’s “Thought Police” to determine who is allowed to speak out – and who is to be banned – just as has PayPal, Amazon, Facebook, and Discover Card.

The fact is the war to destroy our ability to speak out is growing.

Second, Dr. Ben Carson, the Secretary of HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development), has been a target by the big government forces since he took office. They fear he will begin to tear down massive programs like AFFH (Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing).

As I have written before, AFFH is nothing but social engineering and redistribution of wealth, created by Barack Obama as a way to destroy private property rights and force control by the federal government.

Dr. Carson has been blocked every step of the way in his attempts to rein in HUD’s power.

But the big government forces want to make sure he never gets the chance. So, their new tactic is character assassination – destroy Dr. Carson’s reputation and public image.

That’s why two leading atheist organizations have now filed suit against Dr. Carson for holding a Bible study in the White House. Several other Cabinet members have attended those Bible studies, including Education Secretary Betsy Devos, Energy Secretary Rick Perry, and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

In response, Dr. Carson said, “I refuse to be intimidated by anti-religious groups relinquishing my spirituality or religious beliefs…I will not stop being a Christian while in service to this country…”

The point of the suit is to launch yet another attack that will force Dr. Carson to spend valuable time defending himself and keep him from carrying out his mission to roll back HUD overreach.


Republic Congressman Darrell Issa has teamed up with Democrat Yvette Clark to create the Congressional Smart Cities Caucus.

The purpose is to create a permanent lobbying force in Congress to promote the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

One organization pushing this effort is called “Venture Smarter” and its CEO is Zack Huhn, who promotes himself as a conservative!

Yet, Mr. Huhn said, “The UN SDGs are a good model, but no easy feat. By focusing on smart and connected development first, we will streamline efforts related to each of the United Nations Sustainable Development goals as we build smart cities and connected communities rooted in solutions that create better places to live, work, and visit.”

The Congressional Smart Cities Caucus is the direct enforcement of the UN’s Agenda 2030 goals. Those goals are UN Agenda 21 on steroids aimed at 100% control over all land ownership, private property rights, transportation modes, and food distribution – all under government dictate.

This effort by a Republican member of congress shows you just how dangerous these UN efforts are – and how deep they run.

In addition, the Caucus is obviously a direct response to my growing efforts to stop Sustainable Development and protect property rights.

Congressman Issa proves he is the poster child for the perfect useful idiot, falling for the UN’s lies about the threat of an Environmental Armageddon.

I’m sorry if that sounds harsh, but we don’t have time to coddle such fools. The truth is there but they would rather listen to the lies of those who seek to destroy our nation.

The real threat is to our national sovereignty and independence. And to our system of government, our free enterprise system and our ability to own and control our own property and build a life of our own – free from central control.

We are losing our republic because we fail to understand our enemies, and because we play by their rules in their chosen field of battle.

I refuse to do that! This is the battle I have dedicated my life to winning.

And I must tell you, in spite of the odds and the powerful forces against us – we are beginning to make headway in this massive battle. That’s partly because the more progress the Sustainablists make, the move victims they create. Those victims then become valuable allies in our fight.

The key, then, is for me and others, to step up and keep the information flowing. Of course, that’s exactly why the SPLC and their allies are working overtime to cut off my ability to spread the truth.

But I’m not backing down and I’m not running scared. In fact, I’m stepping up my efforts like never before!

My opening shot in this new battle is the release of my new book, Sustainable: the WAR on Free Enterprise, Private Property and Individuals.

The book rips open the hidden truth about Sustainable Development. I wrote it as a vital tool to educate activists, and elected officials. The response to it has been fantastic, it even reached #1 Best Seller in its category on Amazon!

To go along with the book I am now launching the Property Rights Network so that these activists and elected officials can network together to create strong legislative ideas and to coordinate an effective battle plan. Soon I will begin to sponsor training webinars to that end.

My efforts are beginning to have an impact. Here is some astounding progress that has been made in just the past couple of weeks.

First, I received a call from an attorney in the west who has offered to work with me to reach thousands of landlords in his state who are finally starting to see the Sustainable threat to their industry. This has led to an invitation to speak to a major event for property owners there in a few months.

Second, I’ve been invited by a county commissioner to address his fellow commissioners in a special session in an eastern seaboard state. That has never happened before.

Third, I have just received an invitation to address a state convention of city councilmen in a Midwest state.

In addition, I’ve been invited to address the second annual Red Pill Expo in Seattle this coming June. They are expecting about 1,000 people from across the nation and around the world. I’ve never had a greater chance to spread the word to so many dedicated activists at one time.

And soon, you are going to see and hear me on an unprecedented number of radio and television shows as I push the message on the airways!

Write to your US Congressmen and tell them to stop the Smart Cities Caucus set up by Republican traitor Darrell Issa!