Editor’s Note: From the source, we received an update from the Dept. of the Interior (DOI) Reorganization of Regional Boundaries…file under ‘one more step toward centralized, socialized, planned society of the future’.
February 28, 2018
In order to provide states and state partners with early, meaningful and substantive input on the development of U.S. Department of Interior (DOI) policies and initiatives, on January 11th and January 12th, DOI held briefing calls with Governors, local governments and stakeholders to discuss and solicit feedback regarding a draft map of DOI unified regional boundaries.
The discussion was focused on establishing unified regional boundaries for the Bureaus within the Department. On these calls, DOI discussed how these proposed boundary changes would reduce administrative redundancy, share resources more effectively, improve coordination among federal, state and local agencies, drive more decisions to be made at the regional level rather than in Washington DC and facilitate joint problem-solving.
Most importantly, as part of a clear and accountable process with states and state partners, DOI asked for feedback from Governors, local governments and stakeholders on the draft unified regional boundary map and concept and the greater process of reorganizing the Department of the Interior.
After receiving input from Governors, local governments and stakeholders, DOI has revised the draft unified regional boundary map and it is attached for your review. As stated in previous communications, the original draft unified regional boundary map followed watersheds and ecosystems as the concept is to organize boundaries with common features and issues. As you will see, the new iteration of this draft map reflects the input and concerns raised regarding splitting states into multiple regions. The new draft unified regional boundary map follows state lines, with few exceptions, but also follows the intent of these boundaries being organized along watersheds and ecosystems.
I have attached the latest draft unified regional boundary map, a map of the current DOI Bureau regional boundaries for context, a one page document outlining the need for unified boundaries, a two page outline of the goals of reorganization and next steps, and an updated FAQ. Hopefully these resources will answer some of the questions you may have regarding the unified regional boundary concept and the greater reorganization effort.
I cannot express this clearly enough. The U.S. Department of Interior values your input and feedback as we continue with this process. Please continue to send us ideas, thoughts, and concerns. Also, if you would like to set up a conference call or meeting to discuss in further detail, I am happy to help facilitate.
Todd M. Wynn
Director of the Office of Intergovernmental and External Affairs
Office of the Secretary
U.S. Department of the Interior
Desk: (202) 208-6649
Cell: (202) 897-7269
NOTE: Every email I send or receive is subject to release under the Freedom of Information Act.
Current Regional Boundaries (Map)
Draft Unified Boundary Map February 2018 (Map)
FAQ about why current regional boundaries are being changed.
Overview of Boundary Reorganization
Unified Regional Boundaries Summary