Category Archives: Miscellaneous

George H.W. Bush Speech Revisited

It may not have sunk into your brain at the time, but it should have by now. We revisit this State of the Union speech to see what Bush 41 really meant…


In 1991, when George H.W. Bush gave his State of the Union speech, he said the following:

“What is at stake is more than one small country; it is a big idea: a new world order, where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind — peace and security, freedom, and the rule of law.”

The ‘New World Order’ is a strategic plan to re-engineer our lives – from our neighborhoods, our educational system, our borders, to how our government operates – and the relationship our country has with others. And they are doing it – not just in this country, but in countries all over the world.

You ask what is the strategic plan? It is by creating regionalism.

Regionalism is dialectic materialism. Dialectical Materialism is:

“A philosophy founded by Karl Marx… which forms the basis of Communist doctrine: it combines the materialistic idea of matter over mind with the Hegelian dialectic in which opposing forces are constantly being reunited at a higher level.” — Lexicon Webster Dictionary…/community_policing.htm


There is no doubt our government is working towards regionalism…

The ultimate goal is to rewild large areas of the United States – putting them under the “protection” of managers…

In 1972, the United States as a member of the United Nations, agreed to the UNESCO convention concerning the protection of the world’s cultural and natural heritage.

Under the UNESCO convention, the plan is to have global managers [partners] “protecting and managing” land. Redistribution of population must be in accordance with resources as government must control the use of land in order to achieve equitable distribution of those resources. Land use must be controlled through zoning and planning government must control excessive profits from land use. Urban and rural land reform should be done through public ownership of land, and public authorities should hold developing rights of land and should be separated from owner rights.

Our legislative priorities are now almost entirely focused on destroying rural economies. The most notable of these policies is REWILDING, which is defined as the re-introduction and/or promotion of top-tier predator species that directly compete with humans. REWILDING accelerates the disintegration of rural economies and lifestyles by imposing conditions and regulations detrimental to traditional activities such as livestock production, natural resource extraction, and hunting.

The NAWPA Memorandum of Understanding is a multinational agreement signed by the department heads of seven of our our Federal land management agencies including the BLM, NPS, USFWS, USFWS, and USDA. These unelected bureaucrats signed an international agreement with their counterparts in Canada and Mexico promoting a single vision for North American wilderness preservation. Their goal is to create a working alliance in order to make REWILDING projects.


Direct link:

Land abandonment is accelerating all across Europe. Young people are leaving rural areas for the cities. By the year 2030, an additional 30 million hectares of farming and grazing land in Europe will be abandoned. This movement to increased urbanization is seen as very desirable by the REWILDING proponents.

American youth moving from rural areas to the cities as in Europe.

The result ––finance.html

Every passing day a higher percentage of the world’s population is being concentrated into urban centers, called “MEGA-REGIONS” by global planners. The goal is to create a tightly regulated “sustainable” and highly interconnected world by the year 2050.


Direct link:

Yes it’s a conspiracy, and it’s very real.

Research: CR 2017

Is “Normalcy Bias” Stopping Americans from Waking Up?

Please read this important article from the VP of American Policy Center Kathleen Marquardt. Here is an excerpt that should wake you up. If it does not, you are hopelessly brainwashed and apparently suffering from ‘normalcy bias’.

On Public Education –

“Every family, including young couples, will have a hygienically adequate and comfortable home, a place suited to civilized living.” Program of the Communist Party of the U.SS.R. (Moscow 1961, p. 94) Ibid. p.55

“The arguments of those who defend public child rearing are stronger, in our opinion, than those of the opposition. Their ideas, however, sound rather hypothetical as yet, because they lack positive evidence and cannot offer a clear and precise model to contrast with the traditional system. Developing such a model requires an objective study of the forms of social interaction, especially at the early stages of personality formation. Ibid p.57

“The best opportunity for contact among children of preschool age occurs in the nursery, which is the best setting for developing the child’s imitative powers and individual activities. He expresses his inclinations most freely here, and his egocentricity is least harmfully repressed. The positive value of group activity, of course, is fully realized only when it is organized and directed by educators who have benefited from advanced social training. Ibid p. 57-58

“The first foundations of communist personality are established in nurseries through the relationship of children with their peers in preschool groups. The personality further develops in primary groups during the earliest grades. These are excellently suited to foster the unfolding of all aspects of a child’s potential. Ibid. p. 64

“With the development of full-time public education, the traditional functions of family housing will be taken over by three new types of residence:

1. The residential units attached to the preschool and elementary school.
2. Residential quarters attached to the secondary school community.
3. Apartment-type units for individual adults or for couples who are parents.
4. 64-65

“Then it would seem reasonable to use a residential standard of not more than 225 square feet per person (on the average). This assumes a small number of persons living permanently in each apartment and the development of public eating places within residential buildings. The preparation of food in the family unit will no longer be necessary, but merely optional. The stove and kitchen cease to be the focal points of a residential plan. Minimal kitchen facilities can be included in a living room or foyer, and the space thus freed can be used for other needs, such as more spacious bathrooms.

“The apartment should also provide a separate room for children during the hours and days that they visit their parents. Approximately fifty square feet to seventy- five square feet should be allocated for each child’s play, sleep, and other activities. Ibid. p.66″

Read more…

Kathleen Marquardt has been in the freedom movement since before it was called that. She was founder and chairman of Putting People First, a non-profit organization combatting the animal rights movement. Her book, AnimalScam: the Beastly Abuse of Human Rights, was published by Regnery in 1993. Kathleen has been Vice President of American Policy Center since 2000 and is the Agenda 21/Sustainable Development expert for Rocky Top Freedom Campaign. She was a contributing writer and researcher for Freedom Advocates.

Please tell your US Congressmen to support HR 482 “to nullify certain regulations and notices of the Department of Housing
and Urban Development, and for other purposes”.

More for Agenda21-Deniers

The Agenda 21/2030 ‘deniers’ should read this interesting article which discusses what must be done in order to implement ‘world government’. It is not a conspiracy theory, but an ongoing effort. Before globalism, there must be regionalism.

“In this discussion aspects that will need clarification include issues such as the future of the nation state as the locus of sovereignty, the composition and functions of regional organisations, the requirements regional organisations must fulfil in order to qualify for representation in the proposed international institution and the functions and authority of the proposed international body.”

Read more…

Theory? NO. Conspiracy? Absolutely!

Forget the US Constitution, the UN wants to be your government.

Someone please — tell those who still think the UN’s plan to manage every person in every country in ‘human settlements’ is not a dream, is not a theory, but a reality, and all states are working towards it with the help of their REGIONAL PLANNERS. Some of these planners come from your town government, others come from county government, and yet others like Andrés Duany have internationalist roots.

One thing is certain, you did not elect these people and you did not suddenly agree that the United Nations could tell you where and how you could live.

Duany even admits his dream of urbanization is fascism in this video which contains clips of his very long speech about how you need to just break down and accept these ideas. He asserts that ‘fascism works’ while lecturing about Florida’s “Seven50 Regional Plan” to make that state comply and ‘transcend the local’ in favor of ‘mega-regions’ which will become more important than States and Countries.

If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct link:

None of his comments were taken out of context and if you can bear to listen to the whole original speech, it is here:

If you would like to see what a planned “connected city” of the future, as part of the envisioned regional world government system looks like, take a look at Florida’s plans for the PASCO area:

Public input on these projects is minimal — most residents have no idea what is going on, and when some do find out and attend, they are shut down and out of the process. In NH, Granite State Future (official website) boasted that 600 people attended their “listening sessions” but of those 600 only around 200 were actual taxpayers with no stake in the government, not planners, and not builders or landscapers who would take advantage of new projects. (NH has a population of about 1.2M)

What’s the solution? Not only must we eradicate the Federal Department of Education so that our children will no longer be subject to the globalist push for regionalism, we must abolish the equally unconstitutional Federal Departments of HUD, EPA, and the DOT, and we must stop funding “regional planners” in our own states, people who are NOT elected by you the voter, but who are pushing this stuff into the “master plans” of your towns in the hopes you will be duped into accepting the increased urbanization and consolidation of governments of your areas. It is those illegal federal agencies who, through (unelected but taxpayer funded) regionalist groups like your local Regional Planning Commissions in NH, are pushing these ideas at your town meetings and getting these initiatives placed on your ballots, claiming untruths such as millennials prefer to live in stack ’em and pack ’em housing, ride bikes and take trains and not own cars, and do not want to own single family homes on properties they own.

Transit Oriented Development and Crony Capitalism

They want trains, lots of trains, and compact housing. And crony capitalism with “PPP” (Public-Private Partnerships). Don’t let NH succumb to this!

“What impact could a $1 trillion infrastructure package financed through public-private partnerships have on responsible real estate and transit-oriented development? What does the new administration mean for how developers and local elected leaders work together to improve infrastructure, create jobs, and rebuild neighborhoods for the future?

We’ll be discussing all these questions and more at the 2017 LOCUS Leadership Summit: P3 is for Partnerships, Placemaking, and Policy, on April 24 and 25, 2017 at the National Press Club here in Washington, DC.

Responsible real estate developers, investors, and advocates from across the country are invited to join us to learn, connect, and work on new ways to create walkable neighborhoods served by transit.

This two-day conference will be a chance to learn about the latest innovations in public-private partnerships including transit-oriented development; meet with policymakers on tax reform, housing and infrastructure; and network with LOCUS members and like-minded real estate leaders from across the country.

This year’s Leadership Summit will be taking place at an unusual and exciting time in Washington. I hope you’ll join us for what promises to be a dynamic and engaging event.”

Understanding the Megacities Movement

Watch this video which contains excerpts from the urbanism propagandists who want to promote the limitation of your property rights and herd you into compact housing, without your car. One of the biggest lies is that millennials do not want a piece of land and their own home!

The goal is to eliminate property ownership, eliminate cars, and corral people into urban environments from which they do not need to leave.

This philosophy is reflected in EVERY ONE OF NH’S MASTER PLANS!

Direct link:

Don’t Be Like California

In NH, it’s the Regional Planning Commissions, empowered by HUD and influenced by NGOs such as the American Planning Association and Sustainable Cities Network.

We should not ignore them, nor should we ignore local planning and zoning meetings that are seeking to change the tax base and flavor of your town.

There is a push everywhere for trains, and compact housing. The big lie is that millennials do not want a plot of land and home ownership, or cars, but to live in these cities, and use only public transportation.

You will hear the same buzzwords that you hear and read in your local NH Master Plans.

“Regional” and “sustainable” are red flag words here, just as they are in NH.

It is no secret that some are desperately trying to establish “commuter rail” in NH despite the taxpayers having said no, many times, resoundingly.

Watch the pitch being made to southern Californians.

Direct link:

Still Think It’s a Conspiracy? Think Again

This YouTube user has made quite a few videos that you should watch if you still think these efforts are the creation of our imagination.

Direct Link:

Watch how the unelected take over and impose their ideas on the unsuspecting.

Direct Link:

Let’s NOT Be Complacent

Tom DeWeese from American Policy Center reminds us:

There are thousands of non governmental organizations, planning groups and corrupt local officials who are securely planted in our city halls and state houses across the nation. They are determined to continue with Sustainable Development and Smart Growth reorganization of our communities.

These groups have money. They have political influence – many actually serve on county commissions, city councils and regional governments.

Even if Trump succeeds in reining in renegade federal agencies like HUD and EPA – the radical Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) like the Sierra Club, and the planning groups like the American Planning Association are still entrenched in local communities determined to enforce their plans to change our way of life.

Remember — Agenda 21 was created as a “comprehensive blueprint for the reorganization of human society!”

Their agenda calls for completely reorganizing our cities through programs designed to get us out of our cars, off of rural land and destroy private property rights and even eliminate single family homes – all under the excuse of environmental protection.

The United Nations is certainly not backing down as they face off against Donald Trump. And they are a major source of money and power for these NGO ground troops.

And the NGOs are also fueled by nearly unlimited funding from such private foundations as the Rockefellers, the Ford Foundation and the Environmental Grant Makers Association, to name just three out of thousands of such powerful sources of independent money. So even if the HUD and EPA federal grants are cut out in Washington, the attack will go on.

The UN intends to see Agenda 21 completed world wide by 2030.

Agenda 21, Smart Growth, Sustainable Development, Comprehensive Development Plans – all are based on restrictions on private property. And these programs cannot stand without that power to control all property.

Here is Tom’s plan of action:

First, I am creating a Property Rights Network — a coalition of organizations, activists, and elected officials who stand for and defend property rights. The Network will be an organizing force to unite our efforts and give our cause the punch it needs to be effective.

Second, APC is increasing its efforts to reach out to local officials to help train them in ways to fight back and restore local control in communities. We must teach them to stop taking grant money. I will be traveling to several states in the coming months to meet with local officials.

Third, I am updating and preparing new manuals and other tools to proved officials and local activists the tools they need to fight back.

Fourth, beginning in February, APC will again produce a series of Internet webinars featuring some of the nation’s top experts in the fight to stop Agenda 21 and protect property rights. These webinars have been hailed as effective tools to teach local activists the details they need to fight back.

Please CLICK HERE to support Tom’s efforts if you can.