Category Archives: Miscellaneous

The Swamp Continues

Many people were fooled into thinking that a new administration would erase all the old Obama goals. Not so apparently.

In the role of transportation secretary, Chao will be one of the key figures of the Trump administration. Trump intends to heavily invest in infrastructure by building and repairing roads, bridges, tunnels, airports, railroads, ports and waterways, and pipelines. At the hearing, Chao called Trump’s “vision” for infrastructure “ambitious, futuristic, and comprehensive.”

“Our country’s transportation infrastructure is the underpinning of our country’s world-class economy. It is a key factor in productivity growth, providing millions of Americans with a standard of living that is the envy of the world,” Chao said in her prepared remarks, adding, “These gains are being jeopardized by aging infrastructure, growing congestion, increased fatalities on our highways, and a failure to keep pace with emerging technologies.”

She emphasized the need to “unleash the potential for private investment in our nation’s infrastructure.” This will require “a mix of practical solutions, both private and public, that will provide the greatest cost benefit to the public.” She noted that the government “doesn’t have the resources to do it all.”

As for emerging technologies such as autonomous vehicles and drones, she said she wants to work with Congress to position the federal government to be a “catalyst for safe technologies, not an impediment.”

As for emerging technologies such as autonomous vehicles and drones, she said she wants to work with Congress to position the federal government to be a “catalyst for safe technologies, not an impediment.”

On a number of issues, she expressed wanting to work with Congress and having a national dialogue. For instance, she was asked about her views on privatizing air traffic control. She noted that this should only be done with “national consensus” and added that she’s “open to all ideas.”

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Chao’s father, James S.C. Chao, is the founder of Maritime Corp. They ship goods to China and they also buy ships from China State Shipbuilding Corporation. He has strong ties to former Chinese President Jiang Zemin. They went to school together at Jiao Tong University in Shanghai and have stayed in touch ever since. So much for making China answer on trade.

Elaine Chao has heavily lobbied for normalized trade with communist China. She has also severely downplayed concerns about China’s growing military threat, espionage campaigns in the US and human rights abuses. We are already in a cyber war with China and the military tensions are mounting by the day. Chao is an enemy from within without a doubt.

Both Chao and McConnell serve on the board of the China Foundation, a nonprofit charity devoted to helping develop rural parts of China. That should raise red flags all over the place (pun intended). McConnell has been China’s biggest supporter in the Senate. Chao sought out John Huang to help raise money for Republican senators in 1989 – beating Bill and Hillary Clinton to the punch in 1992. In 1993, Huang, then head of Lippo Bank, rounded up a coalition of Chinese banks and individuals to sponsor Chao’s visit to Los Angeles as the new head of United Way. Huang gave McConnell $2,000 in illegal donations as part of a foreign money-laundering scheme — one of only two contributions Huang made to Republicans. When Chinagate broke, Chao decried the prosecution of Huang and claimed… you guessed it… racism.

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Who is Elaine Chao?

WND should have known that Chao, as with other appointments would be ‘status quo’. Therefore it was not so shocking for us realists who know that Trump is indeed part of the establishment and, in GSFs opinion, will do the bidding of the lobbyists, bankers, and globalists in his cabinet.


Growing Smart Legislative Guidebook Model Statues for Planning and the Management of Change was funded by grants from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (the lead federal agency); Federal Highway Administration (US Department of Transportation); US Environmental Protection Agency; the Federal Transit Administration (DOT); the Rural Economic and Community Development Administration (US Department of Agriculture). All of these agencies were members of the President’s Council on Sustainable Development which ran from 1993-1999.

Private funders included the Siemens Corporation; Henry M. Jackson Foundation; Annie E. Casey Foundation; and the American Planning Association. These private organizations promote smart growth.

Siemens, for instance, benefits from the development of the ‘smart grid’ and is a key private for-profit corporation for solar, biomass, and other subsidized power generation. This huge multi-national corporation is involved in health care, building systems, financing, communications and more. Siemens USA has revenue of over $20 Billion. They also just appointed Michael Kruklinski Head of Siemens Real Estate for the Americas. In this role he’ll oversee all operations for Siemens Real Estate in the U.S. He also is on the NEW YORK CITY REGIONAL PLAN ASSOCIATION BOARD. Siemens is a German company that was nearly bankrupt until Hitler generously supplied free slave labor and money for technological development.

Who Funds Agenda 21/2030?

How Smart Cities Works ..

Direct link:

Read and Review “Delphi Technique”

It is important to know how you are being manipulated at meetings held by regional planners, NH Listens, the Carsey Institute, Plan Marlow (and other towns), Plan NH or any other meeting or listening session or ‘charrette’ organized by Non-Governmental groups involved in Public-Private Partnership arrangements with your town or school. (Annenberg)

The Delphi Technique

There is also a file on with similar information.

The Death of Sovereignty and Local Rule

This website is an ambitious look at how the globalists would like to reorganize and centralize our US government. We must NOT let this happen.

The Huffington Post has a feature review of CONNECTOGRAPHY focused on planetary urbanization, looking at the maps of mega-cities and the potential for the US to be reorganized around functional city clusters.

Regarding the Federal Taking of Land in NH (RSA 121)

This is an open letter from someone who is being affected by the federal takeover of lands in New Hampshire.

To Whom it May Concern,

We have been hurt by this federal takeover. One neighboring town is just about gone. Its only store closed a month ago. We are over 1/3 federal now and Upton, Maine is barely hanging on. After fighting this for 10 years, a lot have either sold out or resigned themselves to staying as long as they can hold on to their jobs and pay their property taxes. Woods roads are left to ruin, culverts are pulled out and with the next CCP, they will once again attempt to wipe out snowmobile trails.

Up here, we have no voice as Sen. Jeff Woodburn (D-NH), and all our federal delegation support this takeover. Even Bill Carpenter of DRED, who took an oath to uphold our laws, ignored RSA 121. While we up here are, in all probability, going to be consumed by this cancer, people downstate may be saved by seeing our hardship and timber industry devastation. When the right people get hurt, things may happen, because a lot of Southern NH is going to see their playground gone and heavily regulated, especially those who enjoy motorized recreation or hunt. Even bicycles are banned on most of their roads.

Good luck fighting the Beast that is wiping out local control and our state. Our only hope is that by some miracle, those we elect will support us and vote to starve the beast or at least uphold our law.

Yours in Liberty,
Bob Lord, Errol, NH

West Covina Resident Valiantly Tries to Expose Agenda 21

YouTube user Gary Gileno (“grindall61”) is a virtual expert on how Agenda 21/2030 is being implemented in every town and city across this country.

This is but ONE of his videos, showing how he has tried to explain the damage town and county officials are doing with these master plans. Please explore his channel for more information that pertains to how the Agenda is affecting towns and cities everywhere.

Direct Link:

More on the plan:

The UN Still Thinks It Controls Your US Schools

A new study by the UNESCO Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report shows how secondary school textbooks from the 1950s until 2011 missed or misrepresented key priorities now shown as crucial to achieve sustainable development. With textbooks only revised every 5-10 years, the analysis reveals the need for governments to urgently reassess their textbooks to ensure that they reflect core values for sustainable development, including human rights, gender equality, environmental concern, global citizenship and peace and conflict resolution.

If parents do NOT rise up and demand that US schools STOP taking their cues from the United Nations, this country is DOOMED.

UNESCO Complains Out-Of-Date Textbooks Not Pushing Sustainable Development

Silvio Conte Looks to Massive Expansion

The Silvio Conte NATIONAL Wildlife Refuge system looks to make major expansion in Massachusetts and New Hampshire.

This could mean more land taken out of use, and some land taken from private ownership via eminent domain.

Another concern is that once lands have been deemed ‘national’, they may become ‘international’ world heritage sites, under control of the United Nations.

The philosphy of the World Heritage Site is summed up by the UN:

“What makes the concept of World Heritage exceptional is its universal application. World Heritage sites belong to all the peoples of the world, irrespective of the territory on which they are located.”

HADLEY — Under a new 15-year plan, the Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge aims to quintuple its protected land, adding another 197,337 acres in four states to help sustain wildlife habitat in a changing world.

The acreage would be procured by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and involve strategic, targeted acquisitions from willing landowners. The federal agency already owns about 37,000 acres in the Connecticut River watershed.

Silvio O. Conte National Wildlife Refuge eyes ‘landscape level preservation’ over next 15 years

Promises, promises

Will Trump break this promise?

When President Reagan took office in 1980, he promised to reduce the number of federal agencies and rules. Eight years later, his Presidential Task Force on Regulatory Relief failed to eliminate a single agency or even one of the thousands of federal regulations.

Today, President-elect Trump has promised to stop HUD’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing and reduce all regulations by 70%.

Unfortunately, it cannot be done with a “phone and a pen.”

The good news is, even though the rescission process may be arduous, the change to the new administration will almost immediately blunt some of AFFH’s worst consequences for communities. HUD does not want to risk exposing a confiscatory agenda that does little to help the poor.

Before I offer my suggestions for neutralizing HUD’s anti-Constitutional activities, let me explain why this process of reigning in HUD and all federal agencies is imperative, no matter how rigorous it may be.

A Trump Strategy to Neuter HUD’s AFFH

Smart Growth America Group Wants More Urbanism

Smart Growth America is a NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION that wields undue influence over what our federal government does with our tax dollars. The Agenda is urbanism, and Agenda 2030’s push to herd us into cities, take away our cars and ban building in rural areas.

Some of their goals are, that the next administration will concern itself with:

– Creating more housing choices
– Connecting Americans to opportunity by providing more transportation choices
– Empowering local communities
– Investing in existing communities
– Making smarter, more cost-effective investments

Tranlsation: Mixed use development and trains to nowhere, all under the guise of local control.

Expanding the Economic Recovery to All Americans through Smarter Growth: Recommendations for the Incoming Administration