Category Archives: State

Transit Oriented Neighborhoods

In order to force us into urban living centers, where we would walk or ride public transportation rather than own cars, the DOT is pushing grants for something called “transit oriented developments”. (We are working on learning the status of “commuter rail” in NH… more on that later)

According to their website:

“TRANSIT ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT is the exciting fast growing trend in creating vibrant, livable communities. Also known as Transit Oriented Design, or TOD, it is the creation of compact, walkable communities centered around high quality train systems.”

We recently got this missive from Smart Growth America urging us to tell our Senators to approve of these grants.

Smart Growth America is only but one of the non-governmental influences that want to force ‘transit oriented neighborhoods’ on us… so we can become like Detroit!? People flee the cities because they DON’T want to be connected to them.


“Your Senator needs to hear from you today”
they wrote.

“Every day, more Americans are choosing to live and work near transit, but towns and cities are struggling to meet the demand. Voice your support for building more neighborhoods with transit.

Legislation introduced last week in Congress would make federal TIFIA loans or loan guarantees available for targeted parts of transit-oriented development projects. Have you contacted your Senator about the Transit Oriented Development Infrastructure Financing Act?

Congress is about to take up the next federal transportation bill. Now is the time to voice your support for development near transit. Send a letter to your Senators today.

Transit-oriented development is an investment worth making: Tell your Senators to support the new bill today.


Christopher Coes,
Managing Director of LOCUS,
Smart Growth America”

REMEMBER tell your Senator NO to the Transit Oriented Development Infrastructure Financing Act! It is money wasted.

NH Listens, or Do They?

We got this invitation to attend a “listening” event hosted by The Governor’s Commission on Innovation, Efficiency, and Transparency in State Government. They want you to let them know — how efficient and transparent is your NH government?

Wouldn’t you like to remind them of the truth, which is that using ACTORS funded by NGOs and corporate foundations, who employ the Delphi Technique, is neither transparent nor efficient?

Here is the full text of the invite:

Is Granite State Government as Efficient, Transparent, and Innovative as It Can Be?
Six Conversations Statewide on June 3rd

Tuesday, June 3, 2014 at 5:30 PM Doors Open, 6:00 PM Program Begins, 9:00 PM Program Ends


What makes a great state government? Different performance measures of state government might involve information, people, money, and infrastructure. So how do you think New Hampshire’s doing? The Governor’s Commission on Innovation, Efficiency, and Transparency in State Government invites Granite Staters to weigh in on how we can do better in the state of New Hampshire.

Join a conversation near you on June 3rd to share your ideas and priorities.

Refreshments and on-site childcare provided.

Your input will be part of an important conversation of residents that will be reported back to the Commission.

Michele Holt-Shannon
NH Listens


Hold on to your wallet and your pocket Constitution whenever you hear they want to make government more efficient, streamlined and avoid duplication of services.

Listen to what they are NOT saying.

This is implementation of their “steering” method designed to get predetermined outcomes under the guise of democracy.

It is an abuse of the system.

They win no matter which way the public opinion goes because they have already defined the terms using the question that has already been formulated by them and it directs public opinion down a funnel.

They seem to have figured out an ingenious system which guarantees the outcome they seek, an the outcome has already been decided… and by the unelected and politically well-connected.

It subverts liberty because it is not a system designed to elicit a government of, by, and for the people but it is designed to get them what they want by using the good will of the people through a charade.

It abuses the Constitutional system through the use of propaganda and fakery.

They are Masters of Deceit.

Related: Acting! All the World is a Stage

Are there plans to bring Agenda 21 to your town?

“Sustainability” is the hot new buzzword on the left.

It’s the kind of word that sounds nice when you first stumble into it, but like everything else in the world of the eco-left, it really means control.

It’s what United Nation’s Agenda 21 is all about.

What might surprise you is that controversy over Agenda 21 tends to arise not from the dramatics imposition of its principles from above (like global warming), but from attempts to quietly insert UN dogma into local cities and towns.

Take a look at CFACT senior policy analyst Bonner Cohen’s article on

Bonner reports that, “planning commissions, which have spread like wildfire over the past couple of decades and whose members are unelected, produce an endless array of schemes designed to micro-manage every aspect of commercial, residential, and recreational life. No town, no matter how small, is safe from the meddling of planners in and outside of government.”

Are there plans to bring Agenda 21 to your town?

Is it already there?

You and your neighbors need to know.

No Shortage of Groups Promoting Social Engineering

There seems to be no shortage of groups promoting social engineering and one world-ism through regionalism.

And the reason? One need only to follow the money…

Destroying the Country Since 1913

Destroying the Republic of the United States of America Since 1913

We know of no neighborhood that discriminates by race, creed, or color.

The only barrier to living in certain areas, as we all know, might be cost. But didn’t we all start out small, save our money, and work hard with the hope of building up to being able to afford the home of our dreams? Those of us who have reached that goal worked hard for what we have. Now the government wants to even the score.

There seems to be no shortage of groups, running under the guise of “sustainability” that want to social engineer your neighborhood, particularly your suburbs. We have seen this time and time again with “workforce housing” being forced on populations by unelected regional boards, where there is no workforce to serve.

One such group is called Building One America. It has the attention of some of our so-called “Republican” elected officials.

The group’s motto seems to be the embodiment of its mission statement: “Organizing for Inclusion, Sustainability, and Economic Growth”.

We are very familiar with the ruse of “sustainability and economic growth” by the new urbanists and regionalists but inclusion is an interesting new twist in the agenda. We have already demonstrated how this administration plans to use HUD and other illegal agencies to forcibly integrate your neighborhood if the federal government deems it too homogeneous in race or income.

See this previously posted report from the University of Wisconsin: Promise and Perils of New Regionalist Approaches [PDF – 47 Pages]

In 2013 “Building One America” held a summit. It is worth getting inside the heads of these folks, so you will know exactly what their intentions are when they come to disrupt the normal flow of things IN YOUR TOWN, disguised as “community-based” programs.

There was no shortage of “Mainstreet” Republicans at this summit. “Republican” Main Street Partnership’s affiliated PAC intends to use George Soros connections and Democrat-backed money to defeat conservatives.

From the “Building One America” website we learned:

National Summit on Inclusive Suburbs and Sustainable Regions attended by 200 leaders and over dozen members of congress

A congressional reception was attended by 14 members of Congress, including Richard Hanna (R-NY), Transportation and infrastructure; Dave Joyce (R-Ohio), Appropriations; Peter King (R-NY), Financial Services; and Jim Renacci (R-OH), Ways and Means; Dan Lipinski (D-IL), Transportation and Infrastructure; Charlie Rangel (D-NY), Ways and Means.

Former Ohio Congressman Steve LaTourette, who now heads the Republican Main Street Partnerships, served as a keynote speaker in the summit, affirming that the challenges facing local government are bi-partisan issues, and pledged to work with BOA to build support for investment in infrastructure.

Practitioners and policy-experts attended breakout sessions on schools, housing, sewer, water infrastructure, and transportation. There, efforts to lift-up and highlight opportunities for better federal and state policies and funding approaches were reinforced by powerful examples of best practices and policy victories secured at the state and regional level.”

How are we going to stop special interests and NGOs such as Building One America from captivating our representatives, and steering the conversation, a conversation that leaves out the taxpayer while using the taxpayers’ dollars at the local level?

We began to wonder, who funds these folks? Certainly they cannot afford to do what they do relying solely on the donations they solicit from the public on their website?

We followed the trail from their donation page, which lists “Metropolitan Area Research Corporation” as their “fiscal sponsor’ and NOT surprisingly arrived at — the Rockefeller Foundation!

Who Knew?

How do we stop these wealthy globalists from reaching into our very back yards? Who has the money to stop the Rockefellers?

More of your voices are needed.

Read more…

Related: Liberal Republicans Mainstreet Partnership

Do Single-Family Homes Threaten the Planet?

Do Single-Family Homes Threaten the Planet?

A plan to squeeze most residents of the San Francisco Bay Area into multifamily housing offers a test case of whether land-use bureaucracies nationwide, encouraged by the Obama administration, should be allowed to transform American lifestyles under the pretext of combating climate change.

Currently, 56 percent of households in the nine-county Bay Area live in single-family homes. That number would drop to 48 percent by 2030, under a high-density development blueprint called Plan Bay Area, recently enacted by the Association of Bay Area Governments and the region’s Metropolitan Transportation Commission.

Plan Bay Area has already drawn several legal challenges, and the debate could spread nationwide if, as may happen, it becomes a model for regulators in other parts of the country.

Read More from CATO…

Saving Special Places 2014 Land Conservation Conference

Here is the invitation to the “Saving Special Places 2014 Land Conservation Conference” to be held on Saturday April 5, 2014 at the Laconia Middle School, Laconia, NH


Billed as “New Hampshire’s largest land conservation training, education and networking event with 30 workshops and more than 40 presenters” this may be something you would want to attend to view firsthand their strategies. 

Register by March 28 to take advantage of the lower $60 fee. After March 28, the fee is $75.

Find Conference details; Online Registration, Downloadable Registration Form, Table of Workshops, Workshop Descriptions and Presenters, Keynote Speaker, and Directions at the conference website:

Click Here to Register Online

Your Water Rights and the DES

Join NH DES on April 10th from 6:30-8:30 PM when they will be hosting their sixth NH Wetland Program Spring 2014 Listening Session in Conference Room 1A at Strafford Regional Planning Commission.

In an effort to improve their technical standards, and operating and decision making processes, NH DES would like to hear from YOU! Come geared with some of your best ideas on how to improve the NH Wetlands Program.

Discussion Topics…

*How to Achieve the Overarching Goals for the Wetlands Program

*The Permitting Process: Redesigning the Path to Approval and Other Procedures

*Using Better Information and Clearer Evaluation Standards for Improved Outcomes

*Requirements for storm water management, coastal areas, forestry, bank stabilization, and for the use of Best Management Practices Manuals

RSVP to by April 8,2014!

Can’t make this event, but would like to attend another listening session?! Check out the schedule here.

PR Firm to Lead Delphi Sessions on ‘Drugs’

NH Listens is the PR firm provided to Granite State Future by the Carsey Institute, a foundation that is the product of the Carsey Corporation.

These outsiders are holding ‘community’ conversations that are influenced by NGOs and private special interest groups. You can attend and share your ideas, but chances are the goals are a ‘done deal’.

This group is calling itself ‘New Futures’.