Category Archives: State

Bureaucrats with Tin Foil Hats

Apparently the folks in Florida are not so happy with the Seven50 bureaucrats.

Seven50 is the plan that is comparable to NH’s Granite State Future. Same funding, same goals; rezoning and new urbanism. As Andres Duany, lead planner stated, “It’s fascism…”

“Seven50 is growing desperate as local residents become aware and educate themselves.”

As in NH they are also using the phony ‘sea level rise’ issue as well… (Our Democratic Governor Maggie Hassan just created a sea level commission)

This is good news. Help your friends get educated as to what is going on in NH, Florida, and every other state.

Read more…

You Thought You Voted No?

Think again.

“McWilliams pointed out that one option was eliminated at Town Meeting in March when voters, by a margin of two-to-one, rejected a recommendation of the Planning Board to permit “conservation” or cluster subdivisions, which develop a portion of a parcel while leaving the remainder as open space.”


“The draft will address the issue of the rural zone,” McWilliams said, anticipating that the proposal will spark lively debate among residents.”

Read more..

Governor Hassan Creates New Commission on “Sea Level”

Have you ever heard of anything so ridiculous? As if we mere humans could control the will of the ocean and the way it has changed course over the eons.

RYE — In a signing ceremony at the Seacoast Science Center on Aug. 21, Gov. Maggie Hassan signed Senate Bills 163 and 164, landmark environmental legislation sponsored by Senator David Watters, District 4.

The Coastal Risk and Hazards Commission, established by Senate Bill 163, will recommend legislation to prepare for projected sea level rise and other coastal and coastal watershed hazards such as storms, increased river flooding, and storm water runoff, and the risks such hazards pose to municipalities and state assets in New Hampshire.

Hassan noted the importance of the coast to the state’s economy, tourism, and quality of life, and emphasized the resilience of New Hampshire people in facing challenges that may come with climate change.

Sponsors of HB 164: SPONSORS: Sen. Watters, Dist 4; Sen. Stiles, Dist 24; Sen. Fuller Clark, Dist 21; Rep. Khan, Rock 20; Rep. Reilly, Graf 9; Rep. Spang, Straf 6

Bill Text for HB 164:

Sponsors for HB 163: SPONSORS: Sen. Watters, Dist 4; Sen. Stiles, Dist 24; Sen. Fuller Clark, Dist 21; Rep. Borden, Rock 24; Rep. Spang, Straf 6; Rep. D. Hooper, Straf 16; Rep. Watrous, Merr 16

Bill Text for HB 163:

Note that NH State Rep Judith Spang justifies taking water rights from property owners HERE and HERE and has had some questionable profit-making deals because of it HERE.

Read more if you can stomach it…

Town Uses Agenda 21 Zoning Laws to Ban Dairy Goats

Small farmers beware…

A Massachusetts couple engaged in a battle to keep their dairy goats since 2006 will be taking their case to a federal judge this month. Alan and Susan Griffin allege that the town has been violating their civil rights and discriminating against them, and they are seeking to block the town from removing their goats, plus $2 million in damages including compensation for mental anguish and emotional problems.

Ben Swann
has the story of what happened to one couple in Massachusetts.

Bikes Before People – An Update

A bike path 7 feet from their front door — and the government coldly says: “They should be grateful they have 2 feet!”

From APC’s Tom DeWeese:

Government is out of control. Taking land and leaving homeowners in the rubble. “Have a nice day!” That’s their attitude.

Jennie Granato is a tax-paying citizen of Montgomery County, Ohio. She and her family own a 165-year-old historic house and farm just outside of Dayton. They’ve lived there forty years. On July 31, Jennie’s front yard was demolished – thanks to local, county and planning commission bureaucrats!

The Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission (MVRPC) has begun seizing people’s private property for its latest “essential” project – a $5-million bike path extension!

It has seized almost all of Jennie’s front lawn. The bike path will come within just a few feet of her front door!

Jennie and her family tried for over a year to negotiate and reason with this unelected planning commission.

The county and its appraisers kept stalling, saying they wanted a meeting with Jennie, even as they ignored her pleas and offered just a pittance for taking her front yard.

Now with the bike path running just 7 feet from her door and the front yard destroyed – the house it literally worthless. Who would buy it?

And when some friends of Jennie’s asked one of the Planning Commission members how he would like it if this happened to his house – he said “they should be grateful they have two feet.”

She should be grateful the government allows her to live in the house – even though their quality of life and their life long investment is destroyed!!!!!!

Is this what our government has come to?

Is this what you think government’s proper role should be?

But this tragic story gets even worse.

On the day the bulldozers suddenly showed up and started ripping out the trees and hedge in the front yard, Jennie’s 85-year old mother walked out into the yard to see what was happening.

Suddenly she saw the bulldozer rip out her favorite Magnolia tree. The tree she sat under in her swing on many a happy summer night.

Now it too was gone. Her front yard was in a shambles.

Jennie’s mom became so upset, she suffered a heart attack and died. Right then. Right there in her beloved yard.

And the government said – “not our fault.” It says it was just promoting the “public welfare” of the private “stakeholders” and pressure groups it works with.

That too has become far too common. The government and these groups want more and more control over our lives, more power to tell us what we can and cannot do with our private property and lives.

But they accept no accountability, responsibility or liability when their actions hurt … or even kill … someone – or when they destroy the property values, peace and integrity of a home.

The MVRPC is an unelected regional government force driven by federal Sustainable Development grant money. It never faces voters over its actions or positions of seemingly unbridled power. It simply deals with other government agencies – local, state and federal – and with private groups like the American Planning Association, ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability, and a hoard of other organizations that represent faux “conservation and environmental” interests whose real motivation is money, and the power to control our lives.

With the assistance of Federal and State grant programs and willing politicians, who see another way to build their own power and get elected over and over, they rule over us like unaccountable dictators. It’s the same story in nearly every community in our nation.

Neither Jennie nor any of her neighbors voted to institute the agency or its policies.

There was no vote for this bike path.

There was no referendum on the ballot to approve this project or the spending of their tax dollars.

Yet the MVRPC imposed itself on privately owned property, giving the owner no say in the matter and giving her a pittance in exchange for the land it is taking away. Soon, strangers on bikes will be crossing her land, passing within seven feet of her front door. And she fears there is nothing she can do about it.

How does she secure her home? How can she ever hope to sell it? Who will compensate her for the loss of value, now that her once lovely and private front lawn is gone? Certainly not the MVRPC.

The American Policy Center has warned Americans over and over about the dangers of this fraud called “Sustainable Development” – and the enforcement of top-down control through non-elected boards and regional governments. Here is that reality, in all of its outrageous raw power.

I was in Dayton just days before the bull dozers arrived on Jennie’s property.

I met with Jennie and connected her to local property rights activists and concerned citizens. And I issued a nationwide Sledgehammer Action Alert to build a groundswell of support for Jennie.

The news medial has taken note of her plight. She has been interviewed by national publications and radio and television.

As a result, these unelected and cold hearted members of the MVRPC and other officials are now feeling the heat.

Jennie’s neighbors, property rights activists and Tea Party leaders are joining forces to support her fight to stop this outrage. They have gathered at the property, to protest and take the issue to the news media – and will do so again.

But you and I both know that these officials are simply waiting for all of this to go away and then they will return to business as usual. They will not pay for their filthy deeds. And they will be free to grab someone else’s property and cause more tragedy.

And that my friends is what can happen right here in NH, specifically Pinardville!

From Road Grants to Education

Back when Regional Planning Commissions were created by our NH legislature it was done to make sure each town had a say in how federal highway money was spent.

Now regionalism seems to be taking away local control in every area of our lives.

NH Families for Education outlines that fact in a post on their website: From Independent Districts to Centralized Planning via Regional Control Centers

In the post it is noted that “Transferring control over our schools to non-government agencies violates the US Constitution, Art. 4, Sec. 4: “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government.” Also known as “Taxation without Representation.” These educational changes also violate the 10th Amendment to the US Constitution: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” The federal government bribes states to “voluntarily” adopt these programs. Follow the money.”

Education is being dictated by the federal government with input from NGOs, professional ‘associations’ and corporate globalists pushing their agendas via groups such as the Gates and Annenberg foundations.

When will the residents of NH have had enough of this?

Rowdy Protester at Plan Bay Area Meeting

Celeste Paradise uses her 1 minute of public comment time to sing a protest song in frustration at the “Plan Bay Area” meeting in Oakland California before her microphone was abruptly cut off.

Plan Bay Area is a $280 billion plan styled after the United Nations “Agenda 21” green agenda of their version of global “sustainability” principles in 1992, and signed by presidents Bush (42) and Bill Clinton as the direction for America to follow. A coalition of liberal and conservatives formed to fight the plan for the 9 counties in the SF Bay Area. The plan was approved after a two year battle.

If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct link:

Local Zoning Laws Attacked in Westchester

“A number of years ago some less than intelligent politicians took some money from the U.S. Federal Housing and Urban Development Agency and thought they could use the money without fulfilling the obligations that come with it.”

Zoning laws are not a violation of civil rights!

If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct link: