Category Archives: State

From Rosa Koire

Rosa Koire describes what Plan Bay Area would do to her state. It is the same everywhere.

“This fight is not local — it is national. The United States is undergoing a radical transformation as hundreds of regional plans are approved by complicit or ignorant city councils and county supervisors. These plans are called Sustainable Ohio, PlaNY, Granite State Future, One Valley One Vision, Power of 32, Vision 2050, Blueprint, Focus, One Region, Seven50 — look around for it in your town. Plan Bay Area/ One Bay Area is the name for the Plan in the San Francisco nine county 101 city area. This plan is similar to all of the regional plans in the nation — it calls for high density residential/mixed use (Smart Growth) transit oriented development in the center of every city and town, development that will be subsidized by your tax dollars. Regional plans are called ‘living documents’ and are designed to change every 4 years — updating is what they call it. These plans become more restrictive every time.

Plan Bay Area is different. It is your future if you don’t stop it.

Plan Bay Area is the most radical, damaging regional plan in the United States. We believe it is the template, the model, for the rest of the Plans. Plan Bay Area identifies Priority Development Areas and Priority Conservation Areas and establishes quotas. Plan Bay Area requires 80% of all future residential development and 66% of all future commercial development to be constructed in just 4% of the land area in nine counties and 101 cities. Hundreds of thousands of acres will be undevelopable. Land that is inside of urban growth boundaries. Urban land. This will devastate land values and land use for generations.

Plan Bay Area places a de facto building moratorium on all rural property in all nine counties. Plan Bay Area says that 100% of development must be in urban areas. Plan Bay Areas calls for 0% — zero — of non-farm development in rural areas.

Plan Bay Area is creating the ‘islands of human habitation’ called for in UN Agenda 21. Restricting development to high density multi-story apartments and condos in the center of your city while imposing new zoning codes that don’t allow for anything else, your government is redesigning the future. You are paying for it. If you object you’ll be ignored, shamed, ridiculed, called a racist, a NIMBY, selfish, and a patriot. When did ‘PATRIOT’ become a bad thing? When regionalization/globalization began erasing your jurisdictional boundaries. Your city, county, state, and ultimately, federal boundaries.

Plan Bay Area empowers regional unelected boards as the governing body for the ‘region.’ Through federal mandates the money for infrastructure, eminent domain, land development, and transportation transformation comes into your ‘region.’ The money is managed and distributed by a regional board — the metropolitan planning organization (MPO) and council of government (COG).

You’ll see grant money from the Partnership for Sustainable Communities (HUD, EPA, DOT), and from private foundations partnering with government. Local governments starved for funds and directed by state legislation reach for these grants without realizing the consequences.”

Yes This Can Happen in NH

This is a perfect example of what can happen when sustainability grants are enforced by unelected regional boards. Frankly, if people wait until this point it may be too late.

From Tom DeWeese, property rights activist:

Jennie Granato, a resident and tax-paying citizen of Montgomery County, Ohio, has found herself without a front yard and very little to show for it.

Because the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission (MVRPC), as part of a $5M bike path extension, has begun to seize up private property for their “essential” project, including almost the entirety of Miss Granato’s front lawn.

The bike path will come within seven feet of her front door!!

The bike path is being forced by the MVRPC, a non-elected regional planning commission that is driven by federal Sustainable Development grant money – with no input from local residents or property owners. The local country commissioners and the township trustees are helping to enforce this program.

Jennie and her family own a historic farm outside Dayton, Ohio. They have tried to negotiate and reason with this unelected planning commission. But the MCRPC has done nothing but ignore her pleas. And they have offered her only a pittance of compensation for this taking of her land.

The fact is that Jenny and her family still own this property – YET the township has already come in and removed trees and dug up the ground!

It’s her property!!!

Again – the bike path is going through her property only 7 feet from her front door!

The Granato’s house is a 150 year old farmhouse that a study said “lacked historic integrity”. Apparently that makes it okay to seize the privately owned property in front of it and pave over the entire front lawn.

And now a great tragedy has occurred as Jennie has tried to fight this outrage. Just days ago, as the government bulldozers arrived and started their destruction of the front yard, Jennie’s 85 year old mother became so upset over the injustice of government ramming a bike path into her front door of her private home, she suffered a heart attack and died.

Is this how our government now treats law abiding American citizens?

The MVRPC is an unelected agency. Neither Jennie nor any of her neighbors voted to institute the agency or its policies.

There was no vote for this bike path.

There was no referendum on the ballot to approve this project or the spending of the tax dollars.

Yet the MVRPC has imposed itself on privately owned property, giving the owner no say in the matter and giving her virtually nothing in exchange for the land they are taking away.

This is why regional planning is so dangerous. County planners and commissioners see nothing wrong with seizing up private property with little compensation to the owners in the name of “public good”. There is no world in which a bike path through your neighbor’s front yard is “essential”. If we allow governmental and non-governmental agencies to dictate “public good” at the expense of individuals and their property, they will trample all over our rights

The American Policy Center has issued warning after warning about the dangers of Sustainable Development and the enforcement of top down control through non-elected boards and regional government. Here it is in all of its raw outrage.

Take a good look America! Jennie’s tragedy will be that of every American property owner…

This is what is happening all over the country. If you have been following Girard at Large, you know that something similar is about to happen in Pinardville, unless it is stopped.


Bay Area Residents Sue to Stop Plan Bay Area Regional Plan

Rosa Koire, national speaker and author of the book “Behind the Green Mask” is planning on suing Plan Bay Area.

She compares the apparent philosophy of the program to what went on in Nazi Germany:

‘All property is common property. The owner is bound by the people and the Reich to the responsible management of his goods. His legal position is only justified when he satisfies this responsibility to the community.’ ~ Ernst Huber, official Nazi Party spokesman, 1933

Nazi Land Philosophy:

‘The issue of land ownership is secondary; what counts is the issue of control. Private citizens, therefore, may continue to hold titles to property–so long as the state reserves to itself the unqualified right to regulate the use of their property.’ ~ Leonard Peikoff, The Ominous Parallels, 1982

Koire says:

“Starting in July 2013, rural county land will be prohibited from building anything except agricultural structures. No homes.

Starting in July 2013, 7 MILLION PEOPLE will be subject to restrictions on where and how they live and travel in the SF Bay Area.

Starting in July 2013, 80% of residential development and 66% of all commercial development FOR THE NEXT 27 YEARS will be restricted to very limited locations in just a few cities in the Bay Area.

PLAN BAY AREA will devastate the Bay Area for more than a generation.

PLAN BAY AREA is a template for the rest of the nation.

No matter where you live this plan will impact you.”

You can read the larger explanation on this page. It is the same everywhere.

You’ve seen a cartoon on our main website that characterizes the way people are treated at public sessions in NH, now see how they view them in California.

If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct link:

Master Planner Admits Regionalism is Fascism But It Works

In this short video from our friends at American Coalition for Property Rights, you will hear clips from a speech by Master Planner Andres Duany where he admits what Florida’s “Seven50” plan intends to do. Keep in mind, ALL “sustainability” plans that are formulated under HUD grants are ONE AND THE SAME with regard to goals.

Having listened to Duany’s whole two hour presentation, the Mayor of Vero Beach gave his frank opinion on what he heard… you’ll see why Vero Beach wants nothing to do with the Seven50 program and opted out of it. If you have time to listen, following that clip is an interview with Phyllis Frey, former commercial pilot and Chair of the American Coalition for Property Rights where she talks about what is driving plans like Seven50.

Vero Beach, Florida – The Programs are the Same

This is important information received from the Vero Beach Florida property rights people (American Coalition 4 Property Rights). What is happening to NH is happening in every state. You will recognize many of the elements in this recent newsletter…

In October of 2012, a group of concerned citizens attended a design charrette in the Vero Beach Board of County Commissioners’ chambers, presented by the “Southeast Florida Regional Partnership Sustainable Communities HUD Grant Initiative,” now known as “Seven 50,” meaning—control of seven Florida counties within 50 years.

This group of unelected, federally appointed bureaucrats using combined grants from HUD, DOT & EPA revealed that they would effect extreme changes in housing and transportation by building “sustainable communities” which are clusters of low income, high density population, HUD high-rise stack-and-pack housing in every neighborhood in every community in the United States. This plan will eliminate the use of automobiles by relocating us out of our suburban homes and forcing us to use mass transit.

With a recent infusion of $10 billion in taxpayer money, secretary of Housing and Urban Development Shaun Donovan, announced this week that during the months ahead, in the most ambitious social re-engineering project ever undertaken by the federal government, racial mapping in every neighborhood in every community in the United States will begin. In accordance with the current Administration, (in their own words), they plan to overcome “legal barriers” in order to install “sustainable communities” nationwide.

Having been voted out of Indian River County, Seven 50 has begun its master plan in St. Lucie County. In a report compiled by Seven 50 called “Social Equity Analysis and Opportunity Index for the Seven Counties of Southeast Florida,” Part 2, page 70 which states: “Downtown Ft. Pierce is very weak in social equity. Another land tract that scores high in the “opportunity census study is tract #3821.9 which includes the PGA Village and Country Club. Another tract, 3812.04 covers a barrier island containing three state parks noting in their report that these areas are “ethnically deficient” and are high priority target areas for implementing the “sustainable communities,” plan, as are gated communities which are deficient in social justice planning.” The report covers the entire county of St. Lucie, Martin, Palm Beach, Brevard and Monroe county as well.

HUD’s Community Challenge grant Program allows HUD to replace local master plans, zoning and building codes, while bypassing locally elected officials. Working hand-in-glove with the Building One America Program, homes in the suburbs will be taxed in the extreme to subsidize the “sustainable communities” in a massive redistribution of wealth. The American Planning Association in concurrence states, “We believe that planning should be used as a tool to eliminate the great inequities of wealth and power in our society.”

Instead of allowing the free market system to correct the past U.S. housing policy failures, Seven 50 promises to integrate more Regional Planning, more federal loans, more debt, more regulations by dissolving city and county lines, forming Mega-Regions, taking away local decision-making and mandating land use codes, zoning, transportation and housing reforms and bypassing our locally elected officials. This plan isn’t really about racial planning—it is about Central Planning by the federal government without your knowledge, without your consent, without your vote but with your tax dollars.

Indian River County was the first in the state of Florida to withdraw from Seven 50. Why? Because Seven 50 does not reflect our deeply held values of fiscal responsibility, smaller government, local decision-making, public participation in the future of one’s own community, the right to decide where and how we live and the right to private property ownership. The federalization/nationalization of our living spaces as mandated by the Seven 50 Plan runs counter to our constitutional right to own private property.

Our Florida counties of the Treasure Coast to the south have asked for our help in supporting their desire to have their publicly elected officials withdraw membership from Seven 50. We offer our assistance in educating the public so that they can make an informed choice about the future of their communities. We speak to civic organizations, churches, Home Owners Associations, clubs, and to your publicly elected officials.

If you and members of your neighborhood would like to learn more about the American Coalition 4 Property Rights and the Central Planners who intend to implement Regionalism under the name of Seven 50, please go to our website in St. Lucie and counties south, or to for Indian River County’s website.

I will be happy to provide additional information about how you can become informed and protect your right to decide how and where you live, and insure your constitutional right to private property ownership.

There will be a St. Lucie Board of County Commissioners’ meeting Tuesday, August 6th at 6 p.m., 2300 Virginia Avenue, Ft. Pierce where the subject of Seven 50 will be discussed. We have ten speakers who will educate the public as well as the commissioners. The meeting will last approximately one hour.

Please plan to attend the meeting. You will have the chance to become knowledgeable about Seven 50 and its vision for your future and for your children and grandchildren. Please take the time to become informed. Bring your family, friends and neighbors to join us on August 6th. We look forward to seeing you there.

Best regards,

Phyllis Frey, Chairperson
American Coalition 4 Property Rights
275 Date Palm Road
Vero Beach, FL 32963

The Names Will Change But the Goals Remain the Same

This post is a preview to an upcoming article on how some changes are being made in the way Agenda 21 will be implemented in the United States. Here is a quick outline of what is to come.


– The UN has been attempting to erase all references to Agenda 21 on their website. Due to the vast number of pages involved, this may take forever. Agenda 21 is now a household word and it’s not looked upon very favorably. The public is catching on.

– The UN has also decided that the term ‘sustainability’ has gotten an equally bad rap. So they have dissolved their United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development and focused their attempts to spread ‘global governance’ by creating two new commissions which would work under the premise of ‘economic resilience’ with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Who can argue against economic resilience?

– At the same time, the head of the UN’s ECOSOC Tweeted the real reason this must be done: more ‘global governance’ is needed in order to better redistribute the wealth. We have no idea what this type of social justice has to do with sustainability, but that is how these bureaucrats think.

– Right on cue, the US State Dept of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has issued a notice stating that since Sustainable Communities Initiative grants were not funded in this year’s budget, they would still be included, but under the Office of Economic Resilience (OER)

– The APA, a non-governmental association of planners including unelected regional commissioners to whom they dictate, announced the changes on their website.

Anti-poverty, economic, all of this is no coincidence.
