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Please note: The group known as “NH Listens” which is mentioned many times on this website and blog, has moved their content directly onto the site maintained by their creators, the Carsey Institute. Most of the same content referred to in our articles with their old URL (which we will attempt to update) can be found by accessing this newer link: http://carsey.unh.edu/nhlistens/
ALSO: If you find any graphics or PDF documents missing from posts, please email
info (at) granitestatefutures.org to let us know.
This website and blog are a product of ‘we the people’. It has no ties to any particular organization. It is merely a group of concerned citizens who understand the goal of central planning and regionalism and how those ideas are working toward an end that is detrimental to human rights.
What is Granite State Future? It is a program that was put in place by the 9 Regional Planning Commissions of NH to reshape zoning and planning in all towns. Some larger states have as many as 11 or 12 plans of varying names, all with the same goals, and same tactics to achieve those goals. It is the same wherever one goes. This site will attempt to expose the basis for these ‘sustainability’ programs, which have their origins in UN mandates, which were first agreed to by George H.W. Bush.
Granite State Future (no ‘s’)
The Granite State Future program claims they are a “community-based program starting with a public dialogue about what we want for the future of our communities, our regions, and our state.”
This is a complete lie. The program did NOT start with the community at all. In fact, no one asked for federal government interference, taxes, regulations, or changes in local zoning laws that are inevitable if this plan is not fought and driven out of New Hampshire.
This blog will attempt to keep you up to date on all aspects of the Granite State Future program pictured in the header, in small, digestible doses, as it is currently being implemented in New Hampshire, by way of HUD (federal tax dollar) funding to create ‘master plans’ for each town and city.
NH’s nine regional planning commissions (plus a tenth, multi-state council) are state government agencies responsible for getting local planning and zoning boards to accept HUD money and HUD/EPA/DOT ideas for changing NH’s future by changing zoning laws to accommodate HUD’s ideas. Their salaries (some RPCs get as much as $1.5M/yr) are paid by YOUR tax dollars and thus their transparency is fully guaranteed under NH’s RSA 91-A law.
However, their future may NOT be the ‘future WE want’.
Please visit our main website, Granite State Futures, to learn about the origins of ‘sustainable communities initiatives’, and how regionalism (via unelected boards such as NH’s RPCs) is being imposed in order to do the bidding of the federal government.
You might also look up ‘urbanism’ for more information on the philosophy behind it, and what the results will be if the towns adopt these suggestions included in the ‘master plans’.
If you are a resident of Keene, Nashua, Portsmouth, or Wolfeboro, your city is part of ICLEI, the UN’s Local Agenda 21 implementation arm.
To find out if your city is a member, find the list here.
Our mailing list address is: http://eepurl.com/xs_db
You may unsubscribe at any time.
Please send any information about what is happening in your town in NH to:
(making sure to note the ‘s’ on the URL… granite state futureS)
Your name will be kept private.
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Book: Agenda 21 Earth Summit: the United Nations Programme of Action from Rio
Book: Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide: An Introduction to Sustainable Development Plan
eBook: Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide
The purposes of regionalism/new urbanism were made clear from the recommended readings posted on the http://www.granitestatefuture.org website The following three points were taken from the recommended readings found in the Regional Plan Framework Appendices on Housing and Regionalism: “Restructuring Local Government” (Rusk, David. 1993. Cities without Suburbs. Washington D.C.: Woodrow Wilson Center Press). The words emphasized in red are the most troubling. (http://cms.mildredwarner.org/summaries/rusk1993)
1. Empowering Urban Counties
The most direct and efficient way to create metropolitan government in the majority of metro areas is to empower urban county government. In this scenario, the county government assumes the functions and responsibilities of the municipal governments within its boundaries, and municipalities are abolished.
2. Consolidating Cities and Counties
This involves creating area-wide governmental units, focusing on consolidating municipal governments with their surrounding county governments. Consolidation brings unification of the tax base and centralization of planning and zoning.
3. Combining Counties into Regional Governments
This involves combining several counties in the same metropolitan area into one regional government. Challenges to these regional approaches include potential loss of power at the local level.
As NH citizens we object to this blatant attempt to usurp local control.
In the video in this linked article, you can hear Greg Carson, Attorney who represents HUD in NH, debate one of our activists on what Agenda 21 is or isn’t. Remember, this came directly from our US Government website.
Mr Carson claims he and others in the federal government don’t know what Agenda 21 is. We suggest they go to the state department website and read up on it to learn just what it is they are promoting. Here is a direct quote:
“Good governance at all levels is critical to our ability to make good on our Agenda 21 commitments. While national governments will make the political commitments, we rely upon regional and local governments to implement new policies in the context of local situations, to enforce environmental regulations, to innovate and adapt solutions that will succeed in unique environmental, social, and political realities. Some of the most creative solutions to our sustainable development challenges are emerging in the U.S. from our state, regional and local governments. We should encourage communities to do integrated planning, to develop sustainability plans and a local Agenda 21.”
Please read the latest posts from October 2016 to see how your NH regional planners are implementing a global plan (whether they know it or will admit it) to absorb the US and all other countries into a one world government system.
NOTE: Despite the rantings of some statists who don’t yet get the picture, NOTHING on this website is a conspiracy “theory”. Everything written about within, is based on federal, state, or local boards and commissions, and the documents, rules and laws resulting from those boards and commissions, that affect you directly. Agenda 21/Agenda2030 is recorded in the National Register and the US government has indeed handed its implementation over to the US State Dept which has adopted its goals.
The page has moved or been taken down, but can be seen here: Global Goals
The text states:
Sustainable Development Goals
Date: 04/18/2016
Description: The 17 Sustainable Development Goals © United Nations
“In September 2015, world leaders adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs, also commonly referred to as the Global Goals). This bold and ambitious set of goals, the successor framework to the Millennium Development Goals, is universal in nature and focused on driving social, economic, and environmental development outcomes for the next 15 years. In his speech at the Summit, President Obama committed the U.S. to pursuing the goals domestically and internationally. The Department of State is committed to doing our part to make this historic agreement a reality by 2030.”
Here is a more recent mention of the State Department’s commitment to Agenda 2030
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