Articles of Interest on Agenda 2030

The following links concern issues about which we have written before.

Indeed, from the US State Dept, to HUD and other federal agencies, to your local town governments and schools, this ’embedding’ has already been done. Where are conservatives to stop this?

‘Embed the essence of 2030 Agenda into everything,’ UN chief urges at close of Global Goals forum

Public-Private-Partnerships put taxpayer dollars and decisions into the hands of private corporations. This is NOT the same as ‘privatization’. Again, where are conservatives to put a stop to this?

Op-ed: To meet housing needs, public-private partnerships a must

Unelected, unaccountable regional planners are telling NH towns what to do.

Bike and pedestrian plan for Merrimack in final stages

Dover is paying an unaccountable agency to formulate a ‘master plan on homelessness’.

Dover taking the lead on $15K homeless planner contract