Category Archives: Miscellaneous

ICLEI Teaches Local Governments How To Support The Paris Climate Agreement

ICLEI is teaching U.S. mayors how to commit treason by leading them to obey agreements with foreign entities. President Trump withdrew from the Paris Climate Agreement but at least 267 cities have rebelled in support by stating that they would obey its dictates in spite of him. ‘ICLEI and its network’ is a presumptuous statement where ICLEI claims some kind of ownership of these cities. ⁃ TN Editor

The national government of the United States has walked away from international climate action by announcing its intention to withdraw from the Paris Agreement — ICLEI and its network has not.

ICLEI is the only local government network that is accredited as observer at the three Rio Conventions, namely UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) under which the Paris Agreement was adopted; the UN Convention on Biodiversity (CBD); and the UN Convention on Desertification (UNCCD).

ICLEI actively participates in the negotiation and implementation of international climate issues under these Conventions, representing the local and regional perspective.

The Paris Agreement is the continued formal recognition of the key role of local and sub-national governments in tackling climate change following the COP16 held in Cancun in 2010, where this was first achieved. The Local Governments and Municipal Authorities (LGMA) Constituency at the UNFCCC, led by ICLEI as constituency focal point, have been instrumental in this achievement.

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Foundations, Think-Tanks, and NGOs are Running the Show

This just in from “Smart Growth America”, a NON-governmental entity that directs states and localities on transportation policies and other ‘sustainable’ policies.

For the past several years Smart Growth America has been helping state departments of transportation improve safety and reliability, preserve their assets, and accelerate project delivery to expand economic opportunity and create healthier, more livable communities.

Our Innovative DOT program has worked with state DOTs in Florida, Vermont, Hawaii, Michigan, Minnesota, Oregon, and Tennessee. And over those years, we’ve released three editions of The Innovative DOT: A handbook of policy and practice, one of the most comprehensive guides available for DOTs committed to innovative excellence, in partnership with the State Smart Transportation Initiative (SSTI).

Now, I am excited to announce a new partnership that will take this work to the next level. As of today, we are merging our state transportation work with SSTI to create a unified home for innovative transportation strategies. Like other projects we run in collaboration with partners, SSTI will join the family of Smart Growth America programs.

The SSTI team will bring a wealth of knowledge to our work, particularly to our technical assistance engagements with states and localities. Their expertise in transportation policy will improve our work assisting communities with planning decisions.

We will be delivering new workshops and creating new resources under the new joint SSTI banner, and as one of our subscribers we look forward to sharing those with you. If you would like to stay informed about this work in detail, you can sign up for our state smart transportation mailing list.

We are incredibly excited about this new partnership and warmly welcome the SSTI team to our work. We look forward to collaborating together.


Geoff Anderson,
President and CEO,
Smart Growth America

Do you really want this well-funded lobby — funded by grants from YOUR TAX DOLLARS telling your towns and cities what to do about transportation??? Because that is all they are… lobbies.

Brookings Institute Has a Game for You

No, this is not a joke.

Brookings Institute, a think-tank noted for its liberal globalist agenda and who regularly promotes socialism and one-world government is being very clear about whose fault it is when people cannot get ahead in life.

Play the game on their website and you’ll see what they mean.

Dream Hoarder Game

Questions like the following let you know why upscale towns in NH are suddenly sprouting low income housing. And by the way, no legislation was passed, Obama simply signed an EO instituting the AFFH rule.

“Your family lives in a single–family home in an upscale neighborhood. New legislation could change the zoning code to allow multi–family housing, which often leads to an increase of lower–income residents.
Will you support the legislation?”

They are getting much bolder now, admitting they would like you to abandon sovereignty and the constitution in favor of one world government. And these are NGOs! NGOs are running the show in this country, NOT congress, and definitely not YOU.

Play the Dream Hoarder Game

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You Will Own NOTHING

This video speaks for itself.

Very chilling!

Direct link:

Here is the link to the blog post that is mentioned in the video:

Here are others that discuss the same issue.

Direct link:

This video also shows a clip of the original speaker at Davos, talking about how you should and will own nothing… have no privacy and will have to succumb to that agenda.

Direct link:

This may be it, not sure… but she is speaking on the same type of subject.

Direct link:

Action Alert: Stop Confirmation of Neal Rackleff

The Trump Administration Is About To Make a HUGE Mistake

Your Action Needed At Once!!!

President Trump promised to DRAIN THE SWAMP.

Specifically President Trump promised to defund and roll back AFFH. But that may not be possible because his Administration has made a huge mistake in nominating a very bad choice to oversee these development programs.

AFFH is one of the worst assaults on local property rights and your property values. It is also the greatest threat to local home rule in communities across the nation. AFFH is being used by HUD to sue cities and put federal HUD agents in charge of local development programs.

But somehow someone in the Trump Administration has nominated a man named Neal Rackleff to be the Assistant Secretary of Community Planning and Development at HUD. This will be the man to oversee AFFH and much more.

Why is his nomination such a mistake?

Neal Rackleff is the former Director of Public Housing for Houston, Texas. In that job he led the programs President Trump promised to eliminate.

Currently Neal Rackleff is a partner of a law firm called Locke Lord. They specialize in dealing with “community and economic development, affordable housing, and municipal and public law.” In short, they are lobbyists pushing the HUD policies and grant programs onto local governments. These are basically the guys hiding in the back rooms, out of sight, spreading the poison of AFFH!
In short, Neal Rackleff is the swamp!


Unless his nomination is withdrawn there is no way to stop the HUD tyranny.

That’s why you need to take immediate action.

First: Please call HUD Secretary Ben Carson’s Chief of Staff – Sheila Greenwood. She has the power to withdraw Neal Rackleff’s nomination. Tell her he has a severe conflict of interest to serve in this vital position. Tell her Neal Rackleff is the very swamp President Trump pledges to remove!! Her phone number is (202) 708-2713

Second: Please call Senator Mike Crapo. He is the chairman of the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs committee. His committee will decide on Rackleff’s nomination. Again, explain that Rackleff and his law firm create a major conflict of interest and that the nomination must be defeated.
Senator Crapo’s number is (202) 245-6142. Fax (202) 228-1375.

Third: If you can, please call any or all of these Republican members of the committee with the same message:

Richard Shelby R AL phone (202) 224-5744 fax (202) 224-3416

Bob Corker R TN phone (202) 224-3344 fax (202) 228-0566

Pat Toomey R PA phone (202) 224-4254 fax (202) 228-0284

Dean Heller R NV phone (202) 224-6244 fax (202) 228-6753

Tim Scott R SC phone (202) 224-6121 fax (202) 228-5143

Ben Sasse R NE phone (202) 224- 4224 fax (202) 228-9642

Tom Cotton R AR phone (202) 224-2353 fax (479) 927-1092

Mike Rounds R SD phone (202) 224-5842 fax (202) 224-7482

David Perdue R GA phone (202) 224-3521 fax (202) 228-1031

Thom Tillis R NC phone (202) 224-6342 fax (202) 228-2563

John Kennedy R LA (202) 224-4623 fax (202) 228-0447

Please make these calls today! We must stop this Nomination!

The Global Agenda (Agenda 2030)

Ever wonder why the UN is so keen on getting into your child’s classroom?

Did you know that despite our withdrawal from the Paris Accord, we will not actually do so until 2020?

This is an excellent article that explains the ‘end game’ of Agenda 2030.

“The sort of activists that the UN hopes to make your children into is also explicitly defined in the agreement. “By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development,” the global plan for 2030 states. Considering what the UN means by “sustainable development” — population control, central planning, global governance, and more — the agenda for your children takes on an even more sinister tone.

“Sustainable” children for global citizenship in the new order will be accomplished via what the UN misleadingly refers to as “education.” In the UN document the word “education” alone is mentioned more than 20 times. And throughout the agreement, the UN openly advocates the use of schools to indoctrinate all of humanity into a new set of values, attitudes, and beliefs in preparation for the new “green” and “sustainable” world order. The UN’s education agenda also puts sex “education” front and center. “By 2030, ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health-care services [abortion and contraception], including for family planning, information and education,” the document explains.”

Read more…

The Government Owns All Your Water, Even Puddles

Yes the government does own all your water, even those puddles that form temporarily when it rains a bit too much. Why is this?

“During his long time in office, Obama signed an Executive Order (EO) turning over all water, including rain, in the United States, to belong to the out-of-control federal government. So, for now, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has TOTAL control over ALL water in the United States. Yes, Obama’s EO was too extreme and went too far! The National Association Of Counties (NACo) is the lead NON-Governmental Organization for policymaking for state and local government, and according to them, many state and local governments strongly opposed the broad nature of this rule, in particular, the expansive definition of ditches and the ambiguous definition of tributaries.”

This is an interesting article written by Secure Arkansas (a grassroots organization) back in 2014 warning about this Waters Of The United States (WOTUS) matter:

They continue…
“Trump issued an Executive Order (E.O.) 13778 to reinstate the old rights and to have the rule changed back to the people, but we will need to keep an eye on the new and upcoming definition because the National Association Of Counties (NACo) is a NON-Governmental Organization (NGO) that promotes Sustainable Development policies (Agenda 21/Agenda 2030). The EPA and the US Army Corps of Engineers (CORPS), through their proposed rule to RE-define the “Waters of the United States”, were implementing the rules and regulations covered in the United Nations’ document “Earth Summit Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action from Rio” that is covered in Section 2 “Conservation and Management of Resources for Development” and Paragraph 18, 18.1 to 18.90, “Protection of the quality and supply of freshwater resources: Application of integrated approaches to the development, management and use of water resources”. Obama’s proposed EPA rule expanded federal jurisdiction well beyond what was authorized by Congress. Executive Order 13514 and Executive Order 13423 are the two Executive Orders (EOs) that were sent to all government agencies to implement this government overreach via U.N. Agenda 21.The two executive orders mentioned above mirror the U.N. Agenda 21 Earth Summit document! (Also, click here to see a map of how the U.S. has been regionalized.)”

There is much more… Please visit this valuable resource on water rights in America.

Smart Growth America Praises Mayors

As was predictable, “Smart Growth America”, an NGO dedicated to promoting UN’s Agenda 21/2030, praised the 246 American Mayors who vowed to abide by the Paris Climate Agreement.

They said in their latest email:

“President Trump withdrew from the Paris Agreement on June 1st, and since then more than 246 U.S. mayors have pledged to uphold it.

To these mayors we say: thank you for your leadership. We support you and this strong commitment to reducing emissions at the city level. Keep going.

How should mayors keep going, exactly? The Mayors National Climate Action Agenda has already outlined several suggestions for how cities can achieve these goals, including things like investing in electric cars and clean energy.

We’re here to add that building compact, walkable neighborhoods served by transit is a crucial part of reducing emissions. Walkable neighborhoods are efficient, and use less car fuel, home energy, and water. Using this approach can help cities reach their emissions goals faster.

We’re ready to work with any city interested in reducing their emissions through more efficient and strategic land use. Read our full post on Medium about how a smart growth approach can contribute to this important work.”

If you want your town to retain its rural look and character, lower taxes, less traffic and congestion, do not want the taxpayer boondoggle known as ‘commuter rail’, and want to stop regionalism and urbanism in general, please know the fight is not over by a long shot, and this is proof.

What the Paris Accord Means for Regionalism in NH

It appears the president withdrew the US from the 31-page Paris Climate Agreement.

We say “appears” that he withdrew, because we wonder how much of the global warming agenda, already severely embedded into our federal, state and local governments, would actually be abandoned? Sadly we fear, withdrawal will not have much effect on what goes on currently in your state and town.

Read the full agreement here: Paris Climate Agreement

The big question is, does this mean the end of our fight against regionalism and the global Agenda 21/2030?

Note: In researching this article, we have looked to websites that are noted for being biased BOTH to the “left” AND the “right” so as not to represent one single perception.

According to VOX:

– The goal is to prevent the climate from warming as little as 2º.
– There is no punishment for not following the recommendations as the agreement is voluntary
– It asks richer countries to help out poorer countries

It is interesting to note that those monitoring temperature changes who advocate for these agreements have already been exposed as fudging the numbers on how much warming has actually occurred. We also note that this means nothing more than redistribution of the wealth, based on faulty or inconclusive numbers, and the fact that all warming/cooling depends on human activity when we all know that there have been floods, droughts, melting, and freezing happening NATURALLY long before humans had any influence.

Vox’s writers concluded: “the accord will be weakened, and, much more importantly, so will the fragile international coalition” around climate change.”

So be it. Less wealth transfer to other countries.

The ACLU Tweeted an admission of the true purpose of the climate change hysteria — it’s really nothing more than promotion of ‘social justice’:


The Daily Wire reports:

– Although the accord is voluntary, “…courts could theoretically use the Paris Accord to strike down Trump’s attempted rollback of carbon emissions regulations from the Environmental Protection Agency.”

– Other countries are not held to as high standards as the US

– The U.S. had pledged $3 billion a year to the United Nations’ Green Climate Fund. Under the accord, participants would provide $100 billion to organizations like the Green Climate Fund to provide money to poorer countries to neutralize the costs of curtailing carbon emissions. The Obama administration has already funneled $1 billion to the organization without congressional approval as part of a $3 billion pledge.

Free market activists have said that this will do nothing to help poverty because “Countries that get more government to government aide have lower economic growth rates. Countries with less aid, have higher growth rates. If you subsidize failure you get failure and foreign aid does exactly that. It rewards people for being unsuccessful.”

From Ben Shapiro’s analysis:

– The accord was a treaty that never would have been ratified.

This fact boggles the mind. If treaties must be approved by the Senate to become law, the question must be asked, how does any president sign up for such a thing without Senate approval in the first place?

Smart Growth America, a group that pushes ‘sustainable cities’ and regionalism sent this out on June 2:

“Climate change is one of many threats communities are planning for, and strategic choices about land use, transportation, and infrastructure are helping them do it. Building Resilient States: Profiles in Action, a new resource from the Governors’ Institute on Community Design, looks at some of the nation’s best examples of these ideas at work. For more detail, check out last week’s kickoff webinar discussion all about the new resource.”

This new ‘resource advocates consulting with ‘experts’ OUTSIDE state government.

SGA continues:

“More than 130 communities passed Complete Streets policies last year—from Americus, GA to Urbandale, IA to Yakima, WA. All of them are in the running to be named the Best Complete Streets Policy of 2016—and the winners will be announced next week!”

May NH cities have implemented the “Complete Streets” program. Here is NH’s page:

Note that SGA’s partners in NH include:

Bike-Walk Alliance of New Hampshire
Plan New Hampshire

So, this brings us back to the big question: does this mean the end of our fight against regionalism and the global Agenda 21/2030?

It certainly does NOT. In fact it means we must fight harder…

This global agenda of world government and redistribution of the wealth using climate change as the excuse is embedded into local governments. Locals are following state and federal initiatives especially when tax dollars are being dangled in front of them.

Have you noticed the large amount of apartment buildings that have despoiled the landscape in towns like Bedford? These projects are called ‘workforce housing’ when there is no appreciable increase in the workforce, no new companies importing large amounts of jobs. Once again, this is done under the guise of ‘affordable housing’ (in reality, Section 8), and is the result of the social engineering of your neighborhoods under the guise of ‘urbanism’ and ‘sustainability’. Agenda 21 and 2030 are a means to an end, and that is the global redistribution of wealth. The UN views us as “one world”, and that this world should be ruled by one central governing authority, overriding the sovereign governments of individual nations, thus the justification for wealth redistribution. Bogus climate science is being used to take America down.

State Governors and Town Officials must be held accountable for changes made on behalf of this agenda, none of which are ever requested by the people who pay the taxes.

Apparently some Mayors do not know that they cannot sign treaties between cities and nations… and make them stick: 150 Mayors Sign Agreement

And more, proving what we said about dogged adherence to the religion of climate change.

A group of 187 mayors from across the country have joined 10 governors in denouncing President Donald Trump’s decision announced Thursday to withdraw the United States from the landmark Paris Climate Accord.

In fact, these mayors and governors have vowed to ignore Trump’s decision.

Agenda 21/2030 Foreshadows Convention of States


WE must open up our eyes to what is going on in our own backyards — town, school and state government — to understand how far this concept has been embedded.

“Most people don’t know that all these changes are deliberate and have been implemented for decades under the aegis of United Nations’ Agenda 21/2030 and sold to Americans as Sustainable Development, regionalism, and Smart Growth/Green Growth, encompassing every facet of our lives.”

“Closing the gap on income inequality is not about shifting money and resources from the wealthy to the needy, it is about destroying the middle class to make everyone needy, except for those forcing the insanity upon the masses. In the meantime, the predatory puppeteers become wealthier and evermore powerful. Sustainability is a religion that is more dangerous than Islam.”

Read more…