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Read more at Leaked Army video shows a future of urban hellscapes
When federal agencies promote programs, like Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing, or Common Core they conduct sophisticated and often deceptive marketing campaigns that cover up there downsides.
Flowery slogans like, “transportation options are fundamental to having a shot at the American Dream,” and “Economic diversity is the path to better outcomes for all American children,” may sound moving. The truth about the programs is often disturbing.
The Department of Education (USED) and DOT use the above phrases to market a federal scheme to regionalize and densify communities by shuffling students to new communities in the name of “income diversity.” (ID is the government’s buzzword for a student’s path to success.)
Read more… How HUD Makes Lousy Programs Look Great
On July 8, 2015, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced the final rule on Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH). HUD describes this rule – “everyone can access affordable, quality housing regardless of their ‘race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, or familial status.'”
HUD’s Secretary, Julian Castro, stated that “unfortunately, too many Americans find their dreams limited by where they come from, and a ZIP code should never determine a child’s future.” To make sure all Americans have access to “safe, affordable housing in communities that are rich with opportunity,” HUD will socially reengineer where we live.
This new AFFH (15-084) HUD rule was issued based on “recommendations made by a 2010 Government Accountability Office report, stakeholders, and HUD program.
Read more…
HUD Will Choose Your Neighbors through a Massive Social Engineering Rule
To help “very low-income families” live in better neighborhoods, the Obama administration has issued a sweeping order requiring the government to pay more for their housing so they can move to areas of higher opportunity and lower poverty. The final rule was announced in the federal register this month by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the agency that annually spends tens of billions on rent for the poor.
A chunk of the money, an estimated $18 billion according to the Congressional Budget Office, goes to a program called Housing Choice Voucher (HCV), which is funded by HUD and administered by local public housing agencies. It allows recipients to choose housing in the private market and pays a set amount based on fair market rent for a metropolitan area. Under the new rule, which goes into effect in January, fair market rents will now be calculated by ZIP code so Uncle Sam will pay a lot more for people to live in nicer areas. Here’s an excerpt of the new regulation: “This final rule establishes a more effective means for HCV tenants to move into areas of higher opportunity and lower poverty by providing the tenants with a subsidy adequate to make such areas accessible and, consequently, help reduce the number of voucher families that reside in areas of high poverty concentration.”
What better way to number and control us all than to herd us into compact cities and restrict land use and transportation choices?
Dr. Bonner Cohen, a member of the American Policy Center Board of Directors, is (was) in Ecuador attending the UN’s Habitat III meeting – the latest assault on private property. Here is his report.
In a world repeatedly described as under threat from innumerable challenges, including income inequality, inadequate urban infrastructure, discrimination against minorities of every stripe, and climate change, participants at the UN’s Habitat III conference in Quito, Ecuador were told that comprehensive planning aimed at densely concentrating people in urban areas offered the best way forward to a “sustainable” future.
Addressing Habitat III on the conference’s first day, Serge Salat, director of the Urban Morphology Lab in France, said compact cities with residents living as close as possible to public transportation should be the goal of urban planners. He noted that ready access to public transportation would mean residents would no longer need cars to take them to work and recreation. This, he added, would make forward-looking cities leaders in the fight against climate change. Salat’s panel at Habitat III discussed green solutions to climate change and other urban problems. Salat, it should be noted is an adviser to the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Read more about the UN’s “New Urban Agenda”
Once again, if you appreciate the work and research of Tom DeWeese at APC, please consider donating.
Here is an excellent article that warns about the UN’s Habitat III, the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development.
“Next month UN officials, stakeholders, NGOs, civil society, and world leaders will go back to Istanbul to, hopefully on their part, finish what they started mapping out in 1976 in Vancouver and 1996 in Istanbul. That is: because the cities are the vectors of social change, moving people to settlements of densely packed apartments (over service businesses and under offices) instead of single family homes, especially in the suburbs; walking and biking instead of driving personal cars; human rights instead of religious freedoms; temples to Gaia instead of churches and synagogues.”
The United Nations fancies itself a world government who has been self-assigned the task of controlling where and how the world’s people can live.
They gleefully boast that it has been adopted. This is the promotion of the implementation of a National Policy on Urbanization… all in preparation for the one world government. Hear it explained here.
H/T to Sustainable Freedom Lab for exposing and beating HUD…
HUD is transforming America’s classrooms. No child is safe from “restructuring” that places their own educational needs behind the government’s insane blueprint for our children’s future.
Academic needs are suddenly secondary to “economic diversity” and groups that gather to share and teach common religious ideals must be torn apart in the name of desegregation.
We are fighting seven days a week to protect our children and our communities from these atrocities.
HUD has plucked the word “religion” from the Fair Housing Act and distorted the law’s meaning to hand themselves unharnessed authority over the religious preferences of classmates.
These are the frightening words of HUD’s Secretary Julian Castro:
“‘religious liberty’ and ‘religious freedom’ … “remain code words for discrimination, intolerance, racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia or any form of intolerance.”
To the government, your guaranteed Constitutional rights to religious freedom are nothing more than “intolerance.”
But Castro gets worse…
“ … today, as in past, religion is being used as both a weapon and a shield by those seeking to deny others equality…”
Rather than teaching that religion can be a basis for respect and self-restraint, our government is waging an all-out war on Christianity in the same public schools supported by our tax dollars.
Property Value Defense was the first to expose HUD’s move to install “religion desegregation” in classrooms.
For months, I have been outing HUD, DOT and the Department of ED’s plan to cram “economic diversity” into classrooms through federally run institutions called regional Equity Assistance Centers.
Now these ‘indoctrination’ centers will also train staff members to break up concentrations of classrooms whose members hold similar religious beliefs.
Sustainable Freedom Lab has launched an all-out national attack to stop the destruction of our children’s ability to grow socially, mentally and emotionally; both organically and in alignment with their parents’ wishes.
As Americans, it is our fundamental religious right to congregate where and how we choose. Now our government wants to invade classrooms, dismantle groups that are not State ‘sanctioned’ and browbeat communities into submission with threats of segregation charges in a program that is “voluntary.”
With the federal government, once grant money flows to community recipients, there is no such thing as voluntary. When communities fail to meet HUD’s demands, they sign a “Voluntary Compliance Agreement.” There is nothing voluntary about it. The community’s alternative is to face withdrawal of HUD grant money, investigations for violations of the Fair Housing Act and potential civil rights charges from the Department of Justice. That is HUD’s definition of “voluntary.”
Suddenly the state’s demented vision of “diversity” has more importance than our own children’s well-being. When federal funding flows, HUD will use the power of its Affirmatively Fair Housing rule to force communities to desegregate religion and add economic diversity or face potentially bankrupting actions.
We must stand strong against HUD and the federal government’s invasive programs.
By stretching the definitions of “desegregation” and their authority under the Fair Housing Act, HUD has granted itself a free pass to control our children and our classrooms in virtually any community in America.
HUD’s Orwellian Equity Assistance Centers are now staffing up to train local educational agencies to desegregate schools by “revising school boundary and assignment policies…” and “restructuring existing schools…to promote inclusive environments…”
Sustainable Freedom Lab has been leading the fight against HUD’s AFFH, and in community after community, we are winning.
This new HUD, DOT and ED initiative is raw Socialism.
Recently, my nationally acclaimed online tele-summit series, “Socialism in America,” assembled some of the country’s top authorities to explain how Socialism has replaced free market capitalism in America and give our audience specific steps they can take to reverse it.
In the coming days, Sustainable Freedom Lab will sponsor a new tele-training program, “Ending HUD’s Tyranny.” (Watch your inbox.) You will meet the experts who are stopping HUD and the will share their experiences and show how you can repeat their success. You will receive the widest-ranging toolbox of instructions, strategies and documents anywhere to stop AFFH and it is all free.
Sustainable Freedom Lab has taken the lead in fighting back against government to protect our children, our property rights, and our local rule, with solutions that work.
As always we at GSF(s) do not ever ask for money. However, Sustainable Freedom Lab, whose materials and research are a valuable asset to our cause, needs your help to end this madness and help our nation remain free of federal abuse. They will continue to educate communities across the country about HUD’s attacks. In order to do that THEY NEED YOUR HELP. Please consider making a donation today to support the fight to protect your property rights.
In addition to the Tom DeWeese “No Choice” DVD with the lecture from John Anthony that is being loaned out so groups may view, this video of what citizens of Rindge did to protect their town from federal decrees and laws is also very important.
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Getting One Step Closer to a Global Plan for Sustainable Urbanization
“We share a vision of cities for all, referring to the equal use and enjoyment of cities and human settlements, seeking to promote inclusivity and ensure that all inhabitants, of present and future generations, without discrimination of any kind, are able to inhabit and produce just, safe, healthy, accessible, affordable, resilient, and sustainable cities and human settlements, to foster prosperity and quality of life for all. We note the efforts of some national and local governments to enshrine this vision, referred to as right to the city, in their legislations, political declarations and charters.”
The words “human settlements” reeks of UN-speak. Since when did the UN become the overarching governing body of our country?
This is what your NH regional planners have in mind for you.
Another conspiracy ‘fact’ is that the regionalists/globalists want to herd us into cities. If they are successful, and they predict they will be, the above statement could become true. The globalists are intent on absorbing areas with local control into the “globalist” system of world government.
It’s not a “conspiracy” anymore.
See more… [PDF]