Category Archives: Miscellaneous

Articles of Interest on Agenda 2030

The following links concern issues about which we have written before.

Indeed, from the US State Dept, to HUD and other federal agencies, to your local town governments and schools, this ’embedding’ has already been done. Where are conservatives to stop this?

‘Embed the essence of 2030 Agenda into everything,’ UN chief urges at close of Global Goals forum

Public-Private-Partnerships put taxpayer dollars and decisions into the hands of private corporations. This is NOT the same as ‘privatization’. Again, where are conservatives to put a stop to this?

Op-ed: To meet housing needs, public-private partnerships a must

Unelected, unaccountable regional planners are telling NH towns what to do.

Bike and pedestrian plan for Merrimack in final stages

Dover is paying an unaccountable agency to formulate a ‘master plan on homelessness’.

Dover taking the lead on $15K homeless planner contract

Obama-era EPA Deal With UN to Impose Agenda 2030 Still in Force

The New American is one of the few organizations that has kept abreast of this issue.

“The Obama administration’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) quietly signed a deal with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) vowing to cooperate on everything from climate change “education” to imposing the highly controversial UN Agenda 2030”.

They also agree with GSF(s)’s assessment that “Even as President Trump walks away from the Paris Climate Accord, with this MOU in place the EPA has still agreed to its basic implementation.”

Remember, the Smart Cities Caucus is now firmly entrenched in our US Congress.

Don’t think our State Department is fully committed to the goals of the United Nations? Well you’d better look HERE, because it’s almost as if they think the UN is our duly elected government.

Read more: Obama-era EPA Deal With UN to Impose Agenda 2030 Still in Force

Groups Pushing Forced Diversity for NH?

In addition to the outsider NGOs that are working to force towns to install low-income housing, according to the NY Times, there are groups within NH who have taken up the task of solving NH’s “lack of diversity” which is viewed as a “problem”. (see NY Times article below)

It is true that forces that shouldn’t matter have shown their hand in the recent survey sent to Bedford residents in the form of the 5th and 6th questions which ask:

“5: Do you find it easy to stay engaged in the Bedford community and to maintain an active social life?”

“6: In your opinion, are there steps the Town or non-profit sector could take to promote a better-connected, more socially engaged community? Please explain.”

It is true that the United Nations wants to be in charge of your “very happiness” (quote from past head of that NGO) and thinks that forcing diversity through zoning regulations via your Master Plan is the way to do it.

As far as we know, no one is “asking” how to diversify NH other than the natural way. People are free to move here if they wish. But it’s not the government’s job to socially engineer it!

NY Times Article – New Hampshire, 94 Percent White, Asks: How Do You Diversify a Whole State?

Mainers Fight Power Lines

Recently in New Hampshire, residents defeated the Northern Pass project, which threatens to come back for another try.

In Maine, residents are going through a similar situation.

Some comments from Mainers regarding proposed Canadian hydroelectricity lines that would go through Maine to Massachusetts:

“We are not here to act as a power cord for Mass. WE do not need to sacrifice anything to power New England. Let Mass generate their own energy.” – Chris Scerbo

“Most of the power lines are in place already! Wind power causes way more destruction by blowing holes on tops of our beautiful mountains! Hydro power is steady, reliable and affordable!” – Jack Wadworth

“It’s a power line, it doesn’t ruin the forest or wildlife. On the other hand, the house where you live does!” – David Barker

“I live on Cape Cod, drive a Prius and have solar panels. They are so efficient that they supply my house with almost all the power needed for the year. The technology is already here. It is not necessary for Massachusetts to import power from Canada.” – Wendy Williams

Read more…
Patagonia Joins Fight against CMP Transmission Line through Maine

The Folly of PPPs

PPPs or Public Private Partnerships are the new ‘blended financing’ fads.
But are they good for the public?

“PPPs also undermine democracy and national sovereignty as such contracts tend not to be transparent and subject to unaccountable international adjudication due to investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) commitments rather than national or international courts”

Read more… Public-private partnerships – the recent fad of PPPs

Agenda 2030 Isn’t Just About Property

Agenda 2030 seeks to control every aspect of one’s life. To that end, education musts be infused (and indeed is) with the Agenda 2030 propaganda that is present in every child’s school curricula.

The Link Between Declining National Education Quality and UN Agenda 2030

In NH we have seen Marxist legislation being promoted by Republicans: all-day kindergarten and curriculum mandates where teachers are forbidden to teach, to name a few.

The Pearson curriculum, with its Common Core textbooks, that have been widely adopted in the United States, is focused on global citizenship, indoctrination into Islam and collectivism, and any type of literature opposite to the classics. The new Common Core math is dumbing down achievement and students’ ability to compete in a STEM setting.

Alex Newman described the U.N. Agenda 2030 with its 17 sustainable development goals as a recipe for “global socialism and corporatism/fascism” foisted upon the world by the United Nations.

Read more… The Link Between Declining National Education Quality and UN Agenda 2030

Another RPC Bites the Dust — in Illinois

In Grundy County Illinois, wise county managers have decided to eliminate their regional planning commission.

MORRIS – The Grundy County Regional Planning Commission is no more. The Grundy County Board voted at its regular meeting Tuesday to terminate the commission and move its responsibilities to the Zoning Board of Appeals.

Board Chairman Chris Balkema, R-District 2, said he hoped people would learn that the process in Grundy County is getting more efficient.

“This is a great savings to the county in terms of time and expediency of the process,” he said.

Now if only NH would see the wisdom in this, and eradicate these errant, unaccountable boards. For now, the only way to escape your RPC is to demand your town unsubscribe from their ‘services’.

Regional planning commission eliminated

How the UN Agenda is Infused Into Curriculum

Newswise — Aurora, IL – The Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy is leading the emerging trend in education of developing the next generation to solve global challenges and living one of its founding principles to “significantly influence life on our planet.”

In 2015, countries adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals. In 2017, IMSA adopted these 17 Sustainable Development Goals and started to incorporate them into content and pedagogy for all subjects.

Still think the UN has no influence over American education? Think again.

IMSA Incorporates United Nations Sustainable Development Goals into Curricula

Is Your Town Reporting Back to the UN?

The internationally agreed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are starting to become a reference point for a wide range of public and private actors. In recent weeks, for example,
New York City declared it will be the first major city to report directly to the United Nations on its progress toward the relevant economic, social, and environment targets for 2030.

The idea is simple: massive redistribution of wealth is necessary to level the playing field across the world. This will be done through global governance.

Do you agree? If not, why aren’t you attending every single planning board meeting in your town, and challenging your town’s master plan?

Who is talking about the UN Sustainable Development Goals?