Who to Primary in September of 2024?

Want to know who to primary in September? Any Republican pushing this agenda nationally or in NH…

We in NH have this anti-Granite State Future/Regionalism website called granitestatefutures.org (note the ‘s’). You are reading it now.

We called out the “Congressional Smart Cities Caucus” that was created in the US legislature to Tom DeWeese who did not even know about it!


NH’s “Granite State Future” program was the ‘Master Plan’ for the state, bent on infusing Agenda 21 principles into every town. They (Republicans!) tried to sue us for this website. We said, ‘bring it on, and see you in court’ and they backed down.

We also noted the “Strong Towns” agenda back in 2022 with our ‘friend’ who founded “New Urbanism” Andrés Duany.


And, the fact that legislation was signed in 2018 to make basically UN Agenda 21 part of our national mission was lost on the faithful sheep who still support Trump.
