These two articles by Edward Ring explain perfectly what we have been saying all along — the high density craze will help destroy the middle class and make single-family home ownership even more difficult.
Currently in NH, the Governor is pushing high-density by promoting two bills that will impose mandates on local boards, and reward developers further for high-density projects.
The taxpayers will take up the slack when services are overburdened and in need of expansion. Not everyone wants to live in a city, or have their rural, semi-rural town be attached to one.
“Most Americans aren’t racist. But they rightly have an aversion to spending their life’s savings to purchase a home in a neighborhood with a certain ambiance, only to then have their taxes increased so people who could never earn enough money to live in their neighborhood come in and live there anyway.”
“Why should anyone work hard their entire life, creating generational wealth, if the neighborhoods where they’ve fought so hard to be able to live are suddenly filled with people who in many cases didn’t have to work at all to live there?”
Read more… Density Ideology Will Destroy America
“On the question of unaffordable housing, however, the opposite is true. Unlike the healthy debate being waged across America on the topic of healthcare, the debate over housing solutions—if one even wants to call it a debate—is decidedly unhealthy. Basic premises go unchallenged. Basic assumptions and options are off the table, considered beyond debate. If the debate over housing policy remains a stunted facsimile of genuine debate, Americans will not only be condemned to purchase barely affordable housing, but their new housing options will be almost exclusively limited to homes on ever-smaller lots—or apartments—in increasingly crowded cities.”
Read more… The Density Delusion
Please read both articles in full for amazing charts and graphs showing statistics and current state of land use in the US.
And don’t forget to ask your State Representatives and Senators to REJECT HB 1629 and HB 1632
About the Author of the above articles:
Edward Ring is a senior fellow of the Center for American Greatness. He is a co-founder of the California Policy Center, a free-market think tank based in Southern California, where he served as their first president. He is a prolific writer on the topics of political reform and sustainable economic development. Ring, a fifth-generation Californian, has an undergraduate degree in political science from UC Davis, and an MBA in finance from the University of Southern California.